import React from 'react'; import { Form, Input, InputNumber, Tabs, Switch, Checkbox, Row, Col, Button, Tag, Dropdown, Menu } from 'antd'; import './index.less'; import Page from '@src/containers/Page'; import Block from '@src/components/Block'; import Editor from '@src/components/Editor'; // import ContextMenuLayout from '@src/layouts/ContextMenuLayout'; // import Select from '@src/components/Select'; // import FileUpload from '@src/components/FileUpload'; import { formatFormError, generateUUID } from '@src/services/Tools'; import { asyncSMessage } from '@src/services/AsyncTools'; import { SentenceOption } from '../../../../Constant'; // import { Preview } from '../../../stores/preview'; import { Exercise } from '../../../stores/exercise'; import { Sentence } from '../../../stores/sentence'; import { System } from '../../../stores/system'; import config from './index'; const stopWords = [',', '.', ':', '!', ';', '?', '\\', '/', '`', '\'', '', '。', ',', '?', '!', '“', '”']; const htmlReg = /[.,!?。,!?“”]*<[^>]+>[.,!?。,!?“”]*/i; const sReg = /[.,!?。,!?“”]+/i; // const uuidReg = /@(.*)@(.*)/i; export default class extends Page { constructor(props) { super(props); this.targetWord = null; this.uuidMap = {}; this.uuidList = []; const { id } = this.params; if (id) { config.title = '编辑长难句题目'; } else { config.title = '添加长难句题目'; } } initState() { return { currentKey: 'subject' }; } init() { Exercise.allStruct().then(result => { result = result.filter(row => row.level === 2).map(row => { row.title = `${row.titleZh}/${row.titleEn}`; row.value =; return row; }); this.setState({ exercise: result }); }); } initData() { const { id } = this.params; const { form } = this.props; this.uuidMap = {}; this.uuidList = []; this.targetWord = null; let handler; if (id) { handler = Sentence.getQuestion({ id }); this.setState({ mode: 'setting' }); } else { // "
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don\"t know that I love you
" handler = Promise.resolve({ no: 1, question: { stem: '' } }); } handler .then(result => { result.isPaper = !!result.isPaper; result.isTrail = !!result.isTrail; result.question.questionType = 'sentence'; result.question.answer = result.question.answer || {}; form.getFieldDecorator('question.answer.subject'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.answer.predicate'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.answer.object'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.answer.options'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.qxContent'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.stem'); form.getFieldDecorator('question.questionType'); form.getFieldDecorator(''); form.getFieldDecorator('question.chineseContent'); form.getFieldDecorator(''); form.getFieldDecorator('questionId'); form.getFieldDecorator('title'); form.getFieldDecorator('isPaper'); form.getFieldDecorator('isTrail'); form.getFieldDecorator('no'); form.getFieldDecorator('id'); form.setFieldsValue(result); const { stem } = result.question; const { subject, predicate, object } = result.question.answer; this.setState({ data: result, subject, predicate, object, stem }); // 生成uuid列表 this.uuidList = (stem || '').replace(/]*)["']>([^<>]*)<\/span>/g, '@@$1_@_$2@@').split('@@').filter(row => row.indexOf('_@_') >= 0).map(row => { const [uuid, content] = row.split('_@_'); this.uuidMap[uuid] = content; return uuid; }); console.log(this.uuidList, this.uuidMap); }); } submit() { const { form } = this.props; const { mode } = this.state; if (mode !== 'setting') { asyncSMessage('请先退出编辑模式', 'warn'); return; } form.validateFields((err) => { if (!err) { const data = form.getFieldsValue(); data.isTrail = data.isTrail ? 1 : 0; data.isPaper = data.isPaper ? 1 : 0; data.question.stem = this.state.stem; data.question.description = data.question.stem.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); data.question.answer = data.question.answer || {}; let handler; if (! { handler = Sentence.addQuestion(data); } else { handler = Sentence.editQuestion(data); } handler.then((result) => { asyncSMessage('保存成功'); if ( { linkTo(`/subject/sentence/question/${}`); } else { linkTo(`/subject/sentence/question/${}`); } }).catch((e) => { if (e.result) form.setFields(formatFormError(data, e.result)); else { asyncSMessage(e.message, 'error'); } }); } }); } removeAnswer(key, index) { const { setFieldsValue, getFieldValue } = this.props.form; const data = getFieldValue(`question.answer.${key}`) || []; if (data.length > index) { data.splice(index, 1); } setFieldsValue({ [`question.answer.${key}`]: data }); this.setState({ [key]: data }); } addAnswer(key, uuid, text) { const { setFieldsValue, getFieldValue } = this.props.form; const data = getFieldValue(`question.answer.${key}`) || []; data.push([{ text, uuid }]); setFieldsValue({ [`question.answer.${key}`]: data }); this.setState({ [key]: data }); } appendAnswer(key, index, uuid, text) { const { setFieldsValue, getFieldValue } = this.props.form; const data = getFieldValue(`question.answer.${key}`) || []; data[index].push({ text, uuid }); setFieldsValue({ [`question.answer.${key}`]: data }); this.setState({ [key]: data }); } renderContextMenu() { const { getFieldValue } = this.props.form; const { currentKey } = this.state; const uuid = this.targetWord.getAttribute('uuid'); const text = this.targetWord.innerText; const data = getFieldValue(`question.answer.${currentKey}`) || []; const items = []; items.push({ title: '新答案', command: 'new' }); data.forEach((row, i) => { // 过滤已经在的答案 if (row.filter(r => r.uuid !== uuid).length !== row.length) return; items.push({ title: `插入: ${ => r.text).join(', ')}`, command: 'append', i }); }); return ( ); } clickContentMenu(key, k, uuid, text) { const item = k.item.props; switch (item.command) { case 'new': this.addAnswer(key, uuid, text); break; case 'append': this.appendAnswer(key, item.i, uuid, text); break; default: } } generateContent(content) { const { setFieldsValue } = this.props.form; // 处理编辑器未清除的标签: 主要是包含空格的标签属性 content = content.replace(/<[^>]+\s+[^>]+>([^<>]*)<\/[^>]+>/g, '$1'); this.index = 0; const list = ['', ' ', ',', '.', '!', '?', ' ', ':', ';'];
const result = this.splitList(list, 0, content);
// console.log(this.uuidList, this.uuidMap);
// 对比答案,是否uuid存在
let { subject = [], predicate = [], object = [] } = this.state;
let flag = false;
subject = => {
return row.filter(r => {
if (this.uuidMap[r.uuid] === r.text) return true;
flag = true;
return false;
}).filter(row => row.length);
predicate = => {
return row.filter(r => {
if (this.uuidMap[r.uuid] === r.text) return true;
flag = true;
return false;
}).filter(row => row.length);
object = => {
return row.filter(r => {
if (this.uuidMap[r.uuid] === r.text) return true;
flag = true;
return false;
}).filter(row => row.length);
if (flag) {
asyncSMessage('修改影响答案,请再次确认答案', 'warn');
setFieldsValue({ 'question.answer.subject': subject, 'question.answer.predicate': predicate, 'question.answer.object': object });
// console.log(subject, predicate, object);
this.setState({ subject, predicate, object });
return result;
splitList(list, index, content) {
if (list.length === index) {
return this.generateText(content);
const result = content.split(list[index]).map(row => {
return this.splitList(list, index + 1, row);
if (result.length === 0) return content;
if (result.length === 1) return result[0];
return result.join(list[index]);
generateText(content) {
if (content.indexOf(stopWords) >= 0) return content;
// 判断是否包含html标签
const r = htmlReg.exec(content);
if (r === null) {
const sr = sReg.exec(content);
if (sr === null) {
return this.generateTag(content);
// 句尾标点符号
return `${this.generateTag(content.replace(sr[0], ''))}${sr[0]}`;
if (r.index === 0) {
// 头部html标签
return `${r[0]}${this.generateTag(content.replace(r[0], ''))}`;
// 尾部html标签
return `${this.generateTag(content.replace(r[0], ''))}${r[0]}`;
generateTag(content) {
// return `${content}`;
// 处理uuid信息
// const r = uuidReg.exec(content);
// if (r === null) {
let uuid;
if (this.uuidList.length <= this.index) {
do {
uuid = generateUUID(4);
} while (this.uuidMap[uuid]);
this.uuidMap[uuid] = content;
} else {
uuid = this.uuidList[this.index];
this.uuidMap[uuid] = content;
this.index += 1;
return `${content}`;
// }
// uuidMap[r[1]] = `${r[2]}`;
// return `${r[2]}`;
renderTitle() {
const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
return 题干信息:
题目答案: 进入设置模式,选择主谓宾后,点击答案单词