getList('store', 'status = 1', 'id ,name'); } /** * 获取门店包厢分类 * @param null $stoId * @param null $customer @按客服端显示 * @return array */ static function stoBoxTypes($stoId = null, $customer = null) { $model = new StoreBoxModel(); if ($stoId) { $where = "sto_id = {$stoId}"; } else { $where = "id > 0"; } if ($customer) { $where .= ' and status = 1 and show_scope in (1, 2)'; } $list = $model->getList('store_box_type', $where, 'id, name'); $bt = []; if (!empty($list)) { $bt = array_column($list, 'name', 'id'); } return $bt; } //获取区域信息 static function getRegionAddress($pid) { $model = new ModelUserAdmin(); return $model->getList('china_region', "code != 0 and pid = {$pid}", null, 'id asc'); } //获取省市区域指定字段 static function getPCA($pid) { $model = new ModelUserAdmin(); return $model->getList('china_region', "code != 0 and pid = {$pid}", 'code, name', 'id asc'); } //日志类型 const LOG_ADD = 1; //添加 const LOG_REMOVE = 2;//删除 const LOG_UPDATE = 3;//更新 const LOG_LOGIN = 4;//登录 const LOG_EXIT = 5;//退出 //获取日志描述 static function logOptTxt() { return [ self::LOG_ADD => '添加', self::LOG_REMOVE => '删除', self::LOG_UPDATE => '更新', self::LOG_LOGIN => '登录', self::LOG_EXIT => '退出', ]; } /* * 添加日志 * $tableName 表名 * $type 类型 (1.添加 2.删除 3.修改 4.登录 5退出) * $content 操作描述id+其它 * $details 详情数据 * $column 操作栏目 * */ static function addOperation($tableName, $type, $content = false, $details = null, $column = null) { $data = array( "tb_name" => $tableName, "type" => $type, "column" => $column, "content" => $content, "details" => $details, "adm_id" => Cookie::get('admin_id'), "dt" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ); if (!file_exists('journal')) { mkdir('journal', 0777, true); } $str = json_encode($data); $day = 'journal/' . date("Y-m-d"); file_put_contents($day, $str . "^", FILE_APPEND); } //记录管理员操作日志 static function logs($content) { $model = new ModelUserAdmin(); $data['adm_id'] = Cookie::get('admin_id'); $data['opera_content'] = $content; $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['execute_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model->addUpdate("admin_log", $data); } /** * 分解时间段 * @param $staTime @开始时间 * @param $endTime @结束时间 * @param $hour @时间划分单位 * @return array */ static function splitTimeInt($staTime, $endTime, $hour) { $staTimeTime = strtotime($staTime); $entTimeTime = strtotime($endTime); $timeSlot = $hour * 3600; $pakNum = ceil(($entTimeTime - $staTimeTime) / $timeSlot); //小时包计算 $pakData = []; $basLoop = $staTimeTime; while ($pakNum) { $data['s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $basLoop); $basLoop = $basLoop + $timeSlot; $data['e'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $basLoop); $data['h'] = $hour; $data['u'] = 1; $data['t'] = 4; $pakData[] = $data; $pakNum--; } return $pakData; } /** * 获取门店包厢欢唱时间段 * @param $stoId @门店id * @param $selDate @选择日期 * @return array */ static function boxTimeInt($stoId, $selDate) { //获取门店包厢设定小时段 $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); $result = $model->getFind('set_bao_reserve', "shop_id = {$stoId} and genre = 4 and status = 1 and del_status = 1", 'start, finish, hour'); if (empty($result['start']) || empty($result['finish']) || empty($result['hour'])) { return null; } $staTime = $selDate . ' ' . $result['start']; $endTime = $selDate . ' ' . $result['finish']; $staTimeTime = strtotime($staTime); $entTimeTime = strtotime($endTime); //结束时间改为第二天 if ($entTimeTime < $staTimeTime) { $entTimeTime = $entTimeTime + 86400; } $timeSlot = $result['hour'] * 3600; $pakNum = floor(($entTimeTime - $staTimeTime) / $timeSlot); //小时包计算 $pakData = []; $basLoop = $staTimeTime; while ($pakNum) { $data['s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $basLoop); $basLoop = $basLoop + $timeSlot; $data['e'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $basLoop); $data['h'] = $result['hour']; $data['u'] = 1; $data['t'] = 4; $pakData[] = $data; $pakNum--; } return $pakData; } /** * 获取门店包厢欢唱包场时间段 * @param $stoId @门店id * @param $selDate @选择时间 * @param $allField @获取所以时段 * @return array */ static function boxWholeInt($stoId, $selDate = null, $allField = 0) { $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); if($allField){ $list = $model->getList('set_bao_reserve', "shop_id = {$stoId}", 'alias, price, hour, genre, start, finish ', 'genre asc'); }else{ $list = $model->getList('set_bao_reserve', "shop_id = {$stoId} and genre != 4 and status = 1 and del_status = 1", 'alias, price, hour, genre, start, finish ', 'genre asc'); } $bcTimeSlot = []; foreach ($list as $k => $v) { //包场名称 if ($v['genre'] == 1) { $cd['n'] = $v['alias'] ? $v['alias'] : '上午场'; } else if ($v['genre'] == 2) { $cd['n'] = $v['alias'] ? $v['alias'] : '下午场'; } else if ($v['genre'] == 3) { $cd['n'] = $v['alias'] ? $v['alias'] : '全天场'; } //开始时间 $cd['s'] = substr($selDate . ' ' . $v['start'], 0, 16); //结束时间 $cd['e'] = substr($selDate . ' ' . $v['finish'], 0, 16); //获取小时数 $s = strtotime($cd['s']); $e = strtotime($cd['e']); if ($s > $e) { $cd['e'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($cd['e']) + 86400); } //欢唱时段 $cd['h'] = self::getHour(strtotime($cd['e']) - strtotime($cd['s'])); $cd['u'] = 1; //场次 $cd['t'] = $v['genre']; $bcTimeSlot[] = $cd; } return $bcTimeSlot; } static function getHour($time) { return $time / 3600; } //返回小时数 /** * 获取可预定包厢时段 * @param $array1 @门店包厢时段 * @param $array2 @门店包厢预定时段 * @param $selDate @选择查询日期 * @return mixed */ static function flagRepeatArray($array1, $array2, $selDate, $timeWay) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $now = time(); //选择昨天以前 if ($today > $selDate) { foreach ($array1 as $k => $v) { $array1[$k]['u'] = 0; } } else { foreach ($array1 as $k => $v) { //查询今天 $boxTime = strtotime($today . ' ' . $v['s']); if (($today == $selDate) && ($now > $boxTime)) { $array1[$k]['u'] = 0; } else { foreach ($array2 as $k1 => $v1) { $st = $selDate . ' ' . $v['s'] . ':00'; $st = substr($st, 0, 19); $et = $selDate . ' ' . $v['e'] . ':00'; $et = substr($et, 0, 19); if ($timeWay) {//包场判断 if (($v1['s'] >= $st) && ($v1['s'] < $et)) { $array1[$k]['u'] = 0; } } else {//自由判断 if (($st == $v1['s'])) { $array1[$k]['u'] = 0; } } } } } } return $array1; } //获取毫秒时间戳 static function getMillisecond() { list($t1, $t2) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float)sprintf('%.0f', (floatval($t1) + floatval($t2)) * 1000); } //生成订单号(日期(年月日时分秒)拼上用户id)订单号总长度规定23位,不够用随机数补位 static function getOrdNum($uid) { //生成订单号(日期(年月日时分秒)拼上用户id)订单号总长度规定23位,不够用随机数补位 $ord_num = date("YmdHis", time()) . $uid; $num = 23 - (strlen($ord_num)); $ord_num .= rand(str_pad(1, $num, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT), str_pad(9, $num, 9, STR_PAD_RIGHT)); return $ord_num; } //vod开关机 /*$ordType 订单类型 1正常 2续时 3换房 30换房后 31线下换房 32线下换房后 4退款' */ static function vodBoot($hmUrl, $hmId, $switch = 1,$actId = '',$ordId='',$ordType=0) { if ($switch) { if ($actId != '') { if (Cache::get($actId . $ordId) != 1) { $actInsert = self::actInfo($actId, $ordId); if (!$actInsert) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '虚拟套餐有误'; return $data; } else { Cache::set($actId . $ordId, 1, 3600 * 24); } } } } $data['status'] = 1; $data['msg'] = '开机成功'; return $data; //获取签名 $sData['boxid'] = $hmId; $sData['random'] = time(); $sign = self::genSign($sData); //开机接口 if ($switch) { $hmUrl .= '/StartRoom?boxid=' . $hmId . '&random=' . $sData['random'] . '&sign=' . $sign; } else {//关机 $hmUrl .= '/CloseRoom?boxid=' . $hmId . '&random=' . $sData['random'] . '&sign=' . $sign; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $hmUrl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); if (!empty($data)) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); } $out = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //判断返回的数据是否是xml $re = xml_parse(xml_parser_create(), $out); if (!$re) { $data['status'] = '-1'; $data['msg'] = '请求地址错误'; return $data; } $xml = simplexml_load_string($out); $xmlJson = json_encode($xml); $arr = json_decode($xmlJson, true); if ($switch) { if (!empty($arr['StartRoomINFO']['STATUS'])) { //检查活动套餐添加详情 if ($actId != '') { if (Cache::get($actId . $ordId) != 1) { $actInsert = self::actInfo($actId, $ordId); if ($actInsert) { Cache::set($actId . $ordId, 1, 3600 * 24); } } } $data['status'] = 1; $data['msg'] = '开机成功'; } else if (!empty($arr['ERROR'])) { //检查活动套餐添加详情 if ($actId != '') { if (Cache::get($actId . $ordId) != 1) { $actInsert = self::actInfo($actId, $ordId); if ($actInsert) { Cache::set($actId . $ordId, 1, 3600 * 24); } } } $data['status'] = 2; $data['msg'] = '已开机'; } else { $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '开机失败,请联系工作人员'; } } else { if (!empty($arr['CloseRoomINFO']['STATUS'])) { $data['status'] = 1; $data['msg'] = '关机成功'; } else if (!empty($arr['ERROR'])) { $data['status'] = 2; $data['msg'] = '已关机'; } else { $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '关机失败,请联系工作人员'; } } return $data; } //调取签名接口 static function genSign($url, $plus = null) { //删除签名参数 unset($url['sign']); //升序排序参数 ksort($url); //加盐参数 $salt = '---happyktv'; //拼接加密url $encUrl = null; foreach ($url as $k => $v) { $encUrl .= $encUrl ? '&' . $k . '=' . $v : $k . '=' . $v; } //md5签名 获取包厢类型时加盐 if ($plus) { $encUrl = $salt . $encUrl; } $sign = md5($encUrl); return $sign; } /** * 获取包厢相关价格 * @param $stoId @门店 * @param $boxType @包厢类型 * @param $screenings @场次 * @param $actId @活动id * @param $selDate @查询日期 * @param $source @来源 * @return false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection */ static function boxPricing($stoId, $boxType, $screenings, $actId, $selDate, $source = 0) { $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); $where = "sto_id = {$stoId} and sto_type_id = {$boxType} and field_id = {$screenings} and act_id = {$actId} and use_status = 1 and del_status = 1"; if($source == 1){ $where.= ' and wx_show = 1'; } //获取包厢相关定价 $bp = $model->getFind('box_price', $where, 'id, up_price, down_price, act_id, minus_id'); //获取包厢数据加价 if ($bp) { $where = "box_price_id = {$bp['id']} and use_status = 1 and del_status = 1"; if($source == 1){ $where.= ' and wx_show = 1'; } $jj = $model->getList('box_chase_price', $where, 'id, time, up_price, down_price'); foreach ($jj as $k => $v) { $dates = explode(',', $v['time']); foreach ($dates as $k1 => $d) { if ($selDate == $d) { $bp['up_price'] = $bp['up_price'] + $v['up_price']; $bp['down_price'] = $bp['down_price'] + $v['down_price']; break; } } } } return $bp; } /** * 最新获取包厢相关价格 * @param $stoId @门店 * @param $boxType @包厢类型 * @param $screenings @场次 * @param $actId @活动id * @param $selDate @查询日期 * @param $source @来源 * @return false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection */ static function boxPricingNewest($stoId, $boxType, $screenings, $actId, $selDate) { $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); $where = "sto_id = {$stoId} and sto_type_id = {$boxType} and field_id = {$screenings} and act_id = {$actId} and use_status = 1 and del_status = 1"; //获取包厢相关定价 $bp = $model->getFind('box_price', $where, 'id, up_price, down_price, act_id, minus_id, wx_show'); //获取包厢数据加价 if ($bp) { $where = "box_price_id = {$bp['id']} and use_status = 1 and del_status = 1"; $jj = $model->getList('box_chase_price', $where, 'id, time, up_price, down_price, wx_show'); foreach ($jj as $k => $v) { $dates = explode(',', $v['time']); foreach ($dates as $k1 => $d) { if ($selDate == $d) { $bp['up_price'] = $bp['up_price'] + $v['up_price']; $bp['down_price'] = $bp['down_price'] + $v['down_price']; $bp['wx_show'] = $v['wx_show']; break; } } } } return $bp; } //获取包场不同类型房间价格 static function boxTypePrice($stoId, $boxType, $screenings) { $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); return $model->getFind('set_bao_reserve_price', "shop_id = {$stoId} and box_type = {$boxType} and genre = {$screenings}", 'id, price, un_line_price'); } //查询订单退款比例规则 /* * $stoId 门店id * */ static function ref_role($stoId, $type) { // $where['shop_id'] = $stoId; $where['genre'] = $type; $table = 'set_refund_ratio'; $filed = 'start,finish,ratio'; $model = new \app\admins\model\Common(); $re = $model->getList($table, $where, $filed); $ratio = 100; //获取当前时间的年月日 $date = date('Y-m-d'); //获取当前时间戳 $time = time(); $aEndTime = array(); //将查询出的时间进行拼接日期比较获取响应的扣款比例 foreach ($re as $k => $v) { $startTime = strtotime($date . ' ' . $v['start']); $endTime = strtotime($date . ' ' . $v['finish']); if ($endTime < $startTime) { $endTime = $endTime + (24 * 60 * 60); } $aEndTime['endTime'][] = $endTime; } $maxEndTime = strtotime($date . ' ' . date('H:i:s', max($aEndTime['endTime']))); $maxYEndTime = date('Y-m-d', max($aEndTime['endTime'])); if ($time < $maxEndTime && $maxYEndTime > $date) { $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date) - (24 * 60 * 60)); } foreach ($re as $k => $v) { $startTime = strtotime($date . ' ' . $v['start']); $endTime = strtotime($date . ' ' . $v['finish']); if ($endTime < $startTime) { $endTime = $endTime + (24 * 60 * 60); } //判断当前时间是否在查询出来的时间段内 if ($time < $startTime) { $ratio = 0; } else if ($startTime <= $time && $time <= $endTime + 59) { $ratio = $v['ratio']; echo $ratio; break; } else if ($time > $endTime) { $ratio = 100; } } return $ratio; //将查询出的时间进行拼接日期比较获取响应的扣款比例 } //获取指定门店场次 static function stoScreenings($stoId) { if (empty($stoId)) { return null; } $model = new StoreBoxModel(); return $model->getList('set_bao_reserve', "shop_id = {$stoId} and status = 1 and del_status = 1", 'id ,genre, start, finish, alias', 'genre asc'); } //套餐详情查询失败返回false static function goodsInfo($id, $filed = '*') { $model = new StoreBoxModel(); $where['id'] = $id; $re = $model->getFind('act_content', $where, 'include,cost_price,up_price,down_price'); if (empty($re)) { return false; } //切割字符串成数组 $array = array(); $arr = explode('&', $re['include']); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $_arr = explode(';', $v); foreach ($_arr as $kk => $vv) { $a = explode("=", $vv); $array[$k][$a[0]] = $a[1]; } } $goodsInfo = array(); $goodsInfo['act_cost_price'] = $re['cost_price']; $goodsInfo['act_up_price'] = $re['up_price']; $goodsInfo['act_down_price'] = $re['down_price']; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { //查询商品信息 $where['id'] = $v['gid']; $res = $model->getFind('product', $where, $filed); $goodsInfo['info'][$k] = $res; //查询商品类型 $where['id'] = $v['tid']; $type = $model->getFind('product_category', $where, 'shop_name'); $goodsInfo['info'][$k]['type_name'] = $type['shop_name']; $goodsInfo['info'][$k]['act_num'] = $v['num']; } return $goodsInfo; } //获取门店场次时间 static function stoTimePeriod($stoId, $genre) { if (empty($stoId)) { return null; } $model = new StoreBoxModel(); return $model->getFind('set_bao_reserve', "shop_id = {$stoId} and genre = {$genre} and status = 1 and del_status = 1", 'id , start, finish'); } /** * 获取活动套餐产品id,数量 * @param $proSource @产品源信息 * @return array */ static function actProInfo($proSource) { //活动产品 $actPros = null; if (empty($proSource)) { return $actPros; } $yPro = explode('&', $proSource); $yyCp = []; $a1 = []; foreach ($yPro as $k => $v) { $yPros = explode(';', $v); $a1[] = $yPros[0]; $a1[] = $yPros[2]; $yyCp[] = $a1; $a1 = null; } foreach ($yyCp as $v1) { $aa = explode('=', $v1[0]); $bb = explode('=', $v1[1]); $yp['id'] = $aa[1]; $yp['num'] = $bb[1]; $actPros[] = $yp; $yp = null; } return $actPros; } /** * 获取应补套餐 * @param $yyCp @小包厢套餐 * @param $xxCp @大包厢套餐 * @return array|int|null */ static function supplyMeal($yyCp, $xxCp) { //检查套餐设置是否正确 $tag = 0; //应补产品 $nPro = null; //检查产品数量 $a = 0; if(!empty($yyCp)){ foreach($yyCp as $v){ $a = $a + $v['num']; } } //检查产品数量 $b = 0; if(!empty($xxCp)){ foreach($xxCp as $v){ $b = $b + $v['num']; } } //大换小 if($a > $b){ $temp = $yyCp; $yyCp = $xxCp; $xxCp = $temp; } if (!empty($yyCp) && !empty($xxCp)) { foreach ($yyCp as $v) { $have = 0; foreach ($xxCp as $v1) { if ($v['id'] == $v1['id']) { $have = 1; } } if (!$have) { $tag = 1; break; } } } //小换大,获取应补产品 if ($a < $b && !$tag) { foreach ($xxCp as $v1) { $data['id'] = $v1['id']; $data['num'] = $v1['num']; if (!empty($yyCp)) { foreach ($yyCp as $v) { if ($v1['id'] == $v['id']) { $data['num'] = $v1['num'] - $v['num']; if ($data['num'] < 0) { $tag = 1; } } } } if($data['num'] > 0){ $nPro[] = $data; } $data = null; } } if ($tag) { return -1; } return $nPro; } /** * 获取商品活动套餐商品明细 * @param $ordId @订单id * @param $actType @活动类型 1普通商品 2活动套餐 3商品套餐 4增值服务 5换酒 * @return false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection */ static function ordActPros($ordId, $actType){ $model = new ProductModel(); return $model->getList('user_order_goods', "ord_id = {$ordId} and goods_source = {$actType}", 'goods_id as id, goods_num as num'); } //库存信息的改变 static function achieve($proId, $count, $genre, $desc) { $list = Common::fulfill($proId, $count, $genre); if ($list) { $data = Common::information($proId); Common::proOut($data, $count, $genre, $desc); //$returnData['status'] = '库存改变成功'; $returnData = 1; } else { //$returnData['msg'] = '库存改变失败'; $returnData = 0; } return $returnData; } /** * 订单完成改变库存 * @param array $pros @产品id * @param $storage @仓库id * @param array $ckType @出口类型 格式['add' => 1,0减库存 1加库存 'type' => 'ys' zs为真实库存 ys为预售库存] * @return int */ static function stockHandle($pros, $storage, $ckType) { $model = new ProductModel(); //预售出库 if($ckType['type'] == 'ys'){ $field = 'advance_num'; }else{//真实出库 $field = 'stock'; } $result = 0; foreach($pros as $v){ $where = "product_id = {$v['id']} and storage_id = {$storage}"; if($ckType['add'] == 1){ $result = $model->table('ktv_product_storage')->where($where) ->setInc($field, $v['num']); } else{ $result = $model->table('ktv_product_storage')->where($where) ->setDec($field, $v['num']); } } return $result; } //查询商品的信息 static function information($pro_id) { $model = new ProductModel(); $where = "id = $pro_id"; $filed = 'id,shop_id,pro_coding,nameer,pro_specification,unit,number,pro_category'; return $model->getFind('product', $where, $filed); } //出库记录 static function proOut($data, $count, $genre, $desc) { $model = new ProductModel(); if ($genre == 1) { $gen = '-' . $count; } else { $gen = '+' . $count; } $arr = [ 'ent_id' => $data['id'], 'shop_id' => $data['shop_id'], 'genre' => $genre, 'pro_coding' => $data['pro_coding'], 'name' => $data['nameer'], 'pro_specification' => $data['pro_specification'], 'unit' => $data['unit'], 'num' => $gen, 'pro_category' => $data['pro_category'], 'particulars' => $desc, 'add_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'adm_id' => Cookie::get('admin_id') ]; $bank = $model->addData('warehouse', $arr); //日志 if ($bank) { $CAdmBase = new \app\base\CAdmBase; $centent = $genre == 1 ? '添加出库信息 id:' . $bank : '添加入库信息 id:' . $bank; $CAdmBase->addOperation("warehouse", 1, $centent); // if ($genre == 1) { // Common::logs('添加出库信息 id:' . $bank); // } else { // Common::logs('添加入库信息 id:' . $bank); // } } return $bank; } //==================================投票代码================================================ //赠送次数添加 static function addNum($uid, $winOrdNum) { $model = new ProductModel(); //查询表中是否有uid $table = 'vote_num'; //查询酒水定单的付款金额 if (!empty($winOrdNum)) { $where['ord_num'] = $winOrdNum; $filed = 'amount'; $amount = $model->getFind('user_drinks_order', $where, $filed); unset($where); $where['uid'] = $uid; $num = ceil($amount['amount']); $re = $model->getFind($table, $where, 'id'); if ($re) { //有信息直接修改次数 $re = Db::table('ktv_' . $table)->where($where)->setInc('extra_num', $num); } else { //没有信息查询用户表在添加到表中 unset($where); $where['id'] = $uid; $openid = $model->getFind('user', $where, 'openid'); if (!empty($openid)) { $data['uid'] = $uid; $data['openid'] = $openid['openid']; $data['extra_num'] = $num; $model->addData($table, $data); } } } } //==================================投票代码================================================ //生成采购库存订单号 static function pwOrdNum($prefix) { return $prefix . date('Ymds') . rand(1000, 9999); } //获取用户openId static function getOpenIdByUid($uid) { $model = new ModelUserAdmin(); return $model->getFind('user', "id = {$uid}", 'openid'); } /** * 验证输入的邮件地址是否合法 * * @param string $email 需要验证的邮件地址 * * @return bool */ function if_email($email) { $chars = "/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i"; if (strpos($email, '@') !== false && strpos($email, '.') !== false) { if (preg_match($chars, $email)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * 验证输入的手机号是否正确 * @return boolean */ function if_mobile($mobile) { if (preg_match('/^1(3|4|5|6|7|8|9)[0-9]{9}$/', $mobile)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 验证输入的电话是否正确 * @return boolean */ function if_tel($tel) { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{3,4}-)?[0-9]{7,8}$/', $tel)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * 仓库列表 (录入与采购退货) * $keyword 商品编号或者商品拼音 * $storage_id 仓库ID * */ static function storage_product_list($keyword, $storage_id = 0) { $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Purchase; $store_id = cookie('admin_control_store'); $where = " != 0 and a.shop_id = '{$store_id}' and a.status = 1 and (a.pro_coding='{$keyword}' or a.spell like '%{$keyword}%')"; $field = ",a.pro_coding,a.nameer,a.unit,a.pro_specification,a.cost,a.spell"; $product_list = $logic->JoinModel("product", "product_category", $where, "", $field); foreach ($product_list as $key => $val) { $info = $logic->getInfoModel("product_storage", "product_id = '{$val['id']}' and storage_id = '{$storage_id}'"); $product_list[$key]['number'] = isset($info) ? $info['stock'] : 0; } if ($product_list) { return $product_list; } else { return false; } } /* * 仓库列表 (库存调拨,报损报溢) * $keyword 商品编号或者商品拼音 * $storage_id 仓库ID * */ static function new_storage_product_list($keyword, $storage_id) { $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Purchase; $store_id = cookie('admin_control_store'); $where = "c.storage_id = '{$storage_id}' and != 0 and a.shop_id = '{$store_id}' and a.status = 1 and (a.pro_coding='{$keyword}' or a.spell like '%{$keyword}%')"; $field = ",a.pro_coding,a.nameer,a.unit,a.pro_specification,a.cost,a.spell,c.stock as number"; $product_list = Db::name("product") ->alias("a") ->join("product_category b", "") ->join("product_storage c", "") ->field($field) ->where($where) ->select(); if ($product_list) { return $product_list; } else { return false; } } /** * 添加信息至库存表及库存商品详情 * @param $restocking @string|int 库存类型 * @param $storage_id @string|int 仓库ID * @param $product_list @array商品信息 (sales_type销售类型(restocking等于8的时候传)real_total_price实际总金额,reference_total_price参考总金额,real_price实际价格,reference_price销售价格 product_id商品ID,amount数量(寄存数量或退单数量),remark备注(商品备注可有可没有)) * @param $remark @string 入库备注信息备注信 * @param $uid * @param $payable @string 实付价格 * @param $payment @string 应付价格 * @param $thing @string false就是使用事物,true就是不使用事物 * @return bool */ static function storage_operate_add($restocking, $storage_id, $product_list, $uid = 0, $remark = 0, $payable = 0, $payment = 0,$thing=false) { if (!empty($product_list)) { $model = new \app\admins\model\Purchase; $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Purchase; $ord_num = self::pwOrdNum($model->put_type[$restocking]); //生成一个订单号 $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data = array( "ord_num" => $ord_num, "restocking" => $restocking, "add_time" => $time, "storage_id" => $storage_id, "adm_id" => $uid ? $uid : cookie("admin_id"), "remark" => $remark, "payable" => $payable, "payment" => $payment, ); return $logic->AddProductPut($data, $product_list, $uid,$thing); } return false; } //打单处理预售库存与真实库存 /* * prodcut_list = array( * storage_id => int 仓库ID * gid => int 商品ID * num => int 商品数量 * ) * type 0减 */ static function ProductStorageEdit($product_list = array(),$type=0){ if(empty($product_list) || $type>0){ return false; } $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Purchase; foreach($product_list as $key=>$val){ $where = "storage_id = '{$val['storage_id']}' and product_id = '{$val['gid']}'"; $info = $logic->getInfoModel("product_storage", $where); if(isset($info)){ if($type == 0){ $data = array( 'stock' => intval($info['stock']) - intval($val['num']), 'advance_num'=> intval($info['advance_num']) - intval($val['num']), ); } $result = $logic->UpdateModel("product_storage", $where, $data); } } return true; } //获取门店销售仓库 static function getSaleStorage($stoId) { $store = new StoreBoxModel(); $result = $store->getFind('store', "id = {$stoId}", 'storage_id'); if (!empty($result['storage_id'])) { return $result['storage_id']; } return null; } //报表中心导航栏 static function navigation() { $param = array( "put_storage" => array( "name" => "入库管理报表", "list" => array( 0 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_product", "name" => "商品入库明细表"), 1 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_product_gather", "name" => "商品入库汇总表"), 2 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_storage", "name" => "仓库收货明细表"), 3 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_storage_gather", "name" => "仓库收货汇总汇表"), 4 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_supplier?restocking=1", "name" => "供应商供货明细表"), 5 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_supplier_gather?restocking=1", "name" => "供应商供货汇总表"), ), ), "out_storage" => array( "name" => "出库管理报表", "list" => array( 0 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_product?do=1", "name" => "商品出库明细表"), 1 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_product_gather?do=1", "name" => "商品出库汇总表"), 2 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_supplier?restocking=2", "name" => "供应商退货明细表"), 3 => array("url" => "/admins/report/put_supplier_gather?restocking=2", "name" => "供应商退货汇总表"), ), ), "storage" => array( "name" => "库存管理报表", "list" => array( 0 => array("url" => "/admins/report/allocate_transfer", "name" => "调拨明细表"), 1 => array("url" => "/admins/report/allocate_transfer_gather", "name" => "调拨汇总表"), 2 => array("url" => "/admins/report/product_check?restocking=6", "name" => "报损明细表"), 3 => array("url" => "/admins/report/product_check_gather?restocking=6", "name" => "报损汇总表"), 4 => array("url" => "/admins/report/product_check?restocking=7", "name" => "报溢明细表"), 5 => array("url" => "/admins/report/product_check_gather?restocking=7", "name" => "报溢汇总表"), 6 => array("url" => "/admins/report/product_list", "name" => "商品库存表"), ), ), "finance" => array( "name" => "财务报表", "list" => array( 0 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/business", "name" => "营业账单查询"), // 1 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/box", "name" => "包厢消费明细表"), 1 => array("url" => "/admins/Reportcontroller/boxDetailList", "name" => "包厢消费明细表"), 2 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/kitchen", "name" => "厨房出品明细表"), // 3 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/bar_counter", "name" => "吧台营业日报表"), 3 => array("url" => "/admins/Reportcontroller/dayReport", "name" => "吧台营业日报表"), 4 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/sell", "name" => "商品销售明细表"), 5 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/give", "name" => "赠送明细表"), 6 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/deposit", "name" => "商品寄存明细表"), // 7 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/goodsSum", "name" => "销售汇总"), 7 => array("url" => "/admins/Reportcontroller/sellSum", "name" => "销售汇总"), 8 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/refaultPriceList", "name" => "退款报表"), 9 => array("url" => "/admins/finance/winOrd", "name" => "酒水订单报表"), 10 => array("url" => "/admins/Reportcontroller/cardFirst", "name" => "会员首充门店表"), ), ) ); return $param; } /** * 库存数量检查 * @param $actPros @活动套餐,商品套餐 * 格式 * $actPros = [ ['act_id' => 1, 'amount' => 2, 'storage_id' => 3], ['act_id' => 3, 'amount' => 1, 'storage_id' => 3], ]; * @param $comPros @商品信息 * 格式 $comPros = [ ['pro_id' => 3, 'amount' => 10, 'storage_id' => 3], ['pro_id' => 4, 'amount' => 1, 'storage_id' => 3], ]; * * @return mixed */ static function inventoryCheck($actPros, $comPros) { //购买产品 $pros = []; $storage = 0; //仓库id if (!empty($actPros)) { $storage = $actPros[0]['storage_id']; if (empty($storage)) { echo '套餐未指定仓库id'; die; } //获取活动信息 $model = new ProductModel(); $ids = join(',', array_column($actPros, "act_id")); $list = $model->getList('act_content', "id in ($ids) and act_type_id != 3 and act_type_id != 4", 'id,act_name, include'); foreach ($list as $k1 => $v1) { foreach ($actPros as $k2 => $v2) { $v1['id'] == $v2['act_id'] ? $list[$k1]['amount'] = $v2['amount'] : ""; } } foreach ($list as $v) { //获取活动包含商品 $actTc = explode('&', $v['include']); if (!empty($actTc)) { foreach ($actTc as $v1) { $pro = explode(';', $v1); if (!empty($pro)) { $proStr = explode('=', $pro[0]); $amountStr = explode('=', $pro[2]); if (!empty($proStr)) { //购买数据 = 套餐内数量 * 购买套餐数量 $buyAmount = $amountStr[1] * $v['amount']; $t['pro_id'] = $proStr[1]; $t['pro_amount'] = $buyAmount; $t['storage_id'] = $storage; //添加产品 if (empty($pros)) { $pros[] = $t; } else { $isAdd = 0; foreach ($pros as $k => $p) { //修改产品数量 if ($p['pro_id'] == $t['pro_id']) { $pros[$k]['pro_amount'] = $p['pro_amount'] + $t['pro_amount']; $isAdd = 1; } } //添加产品 if (!$isAdd) { $pros[] = $t; } } } } } } } } //合并产品中产品数量 if (!empty($comPros)) { foreach ($comPros as $v) { $t['pro_id'] = $v['pro_id']; $t['pro_amount'] = $v['amount']; $t['storage_id'] = $v['storage_id']; //添加产品 if (empty($pros)) { $pros[] = $t; } else { $isAdd = 0; foreach ($pros as $k => $p) { //修改产品数量 if ($p['pro_id'] == $t['pro_id']) { $pros[$k]['pro_amount'] = $p['pro_amount'] + $t['pro_amount']; $isAdd = 1; } } //添加产品 if (!$isAdd) { $pros[] = $t; } } } } $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = null; //检查产品库存 if (!empty($pros)) { $model = new ProductModel(); foreach ($pros as $v) { //获取商品信息 // $pro = $model->getFind('product', "id ={$v['pro_id']}", 'nameer, number'); $pro = $model->joinTableData('product_storage', 'product', "a.storage_id = {$v['storage_id']} and product_id = {$v['pro_id']}", 'a.product_id =', 'b.nameer, a.stock, a.advance_num' ); if (!empty($pro)) { $AvaStock = $pro['stock'] - $pro['advance_num']; if ($v['pro_amount'] > $AvaStock) { $data['status'] = 1; $data['msg'] .= '商品‘' . $pro['nameer'] . '’库存不足,仅可售' . $AvaStock . '份。'; break; } } else { $data['status'] = 1; $data['msg'] .= '商品id:' . $v['pro_id'] . '可能删除或更改'; break; } } } return $data; } /** * 获取门店场次 * @param $req * @param $source 0前端 1后端 * @return false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection */ static function stoField($req, $source = 0) { $model = new StoreBoxModel(); //获取当前门店的场次 $where['shop_id'] = $req['sto_id']; $where['status'] = 1; $where['del_status'] = 1; $filed = 'id, alias, genre, start, finish'; $list = $model->getList('set_bao_reserve', $where, $filed, 'genre asc'); $selDate = $req['date_select']; $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //更改场次时段是否可选 foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $sdStart = $selDate . ' ' . $v['start']; $sdEnd = $selDate . ' ' . $v['finish']; if ($sdEnd < $sdStart) { $sdEnd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sdEnd) + 86400);; } if($now >= $req['old_start_time'] && $now <= $req['old_end_time']){//开机内换房 //来自后端,未开机 if($source && $req['ord_status'] == 1){ $list[$k]['status'] = 1; }else{ if($now >= $sdStart and $now <= $sdEnd){ $list[$k]['status'] = 1; }else{ $list[$k]['status'] = 0; } } }else if($now < $sdStart && $now < $req['old_start_time']){//未到欢唱时间换房 $list[$k]['status'] = 1; }else{ if($source){//来源后端 $list[$k]['status'] = 1; }else{ $list[$k]['status'] = 0; } } } return $list; } //获取满减达到金额 static function fullCutMoney($minusId) { $model = new StoreBoxModel(); //获取满减规则 $act = $model->getFind('act_content', "id = {$minusId}", 'include'); if (!empty($act['include'])) { $actCont = explode('|', $act['include']); return is_array($actCont) ? $actCont[0] : 0; } return null; } /** * 获取换房价格 * @param $req * @param null $order * @param null $ordSource * @param int $bActType @要更换套餐类型 1为虚拟套餐 * @return string */ static function getExchangePrice($req, $order = null, $ordSource = null, $bActType = 0) { //这一步通常是前端换包调取应补差价 if (empty($order)) { $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //获取原来订单信息 $model = new StoreBoxModel(); if (!empty($req['old_ord_id'])) { $where = "id = '{$req['old_ord_id']}' and ord_status in ('1', '2') and end_time > '{$now}'"; } else { $where = "ord_num = '{$req['old_ord_num']}' and ord_status in ('1', '2') and end_time > '{$now}'"; } $order = $model->getFind('user_order', $where, 'ord_status, hours, start_time, end_time, act_id, box_price, amount, full_cut, full_cut_amount' ); } if (empty($order)) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '已超时'; return json_encode($data); } //获取换房包厢或套餐价格 $chgOrder = Common::boxPricing($req['sto_id'], $req['new_box_type'], $req['sel_time_way'], $req['sel_act_id'], $req['new_sel_date']); if (empty($chgOrder['up_price'])) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '未定义包厢价格'; return json_encode($data); } //添加开机后,套餐包不能换虚拟套餐 //if($order['act_id'] && $order['ord_status'] == 2 && $bActType){ // $data['status'] = 0; // $data['msg'] = '开机后,套餐包不能换虚拟套餐包'; // return json_encode($data); //} $boxPrice = $order['box_price']; $amount = $order['amount']; $chgPrice = $ordSource == 3 ? $chgOrder['down_price'] : $chgOrder['up_price']; $data['type'] = null; //裸包换裸包 $lToL = empty($order['act_id']) && empty($req['sel_act_id']); //套餐换套餐 $tToT = !empty($order['act_id']) && $req['sel_act_id']; //裸包换套餐 $lToT = empty($order['act_id']) && $req['sel_act_id']; //套餐换裸包 $tToL = !empty($order['act_id']) && empty($req['sel_act_id']); //开机前 if ($order['ord_status'] == 1) { if ($tToL) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '套餐包不能换裸包'; return json_encode($data); } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount'])) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '已使用满减的裸包不能换套餐包'; return json_encode($data); }else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && empty($req['new_minus_id'])) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '已使用满减的包不能更换无满减的包'; return json_encode($data); } else { $data['status'] = 1; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = ''; //1. 裸包换裸包、无使用满减、小包a换小包b if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } } else if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //2. 裸包换裸包、有满减、已使用,小包a换小包b } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { //获取现在要达到的满减 // $nowFullMoney = Common::fullCutMoney($order['full_cut']); //获取已买酒水金额 $usrWinMoney = Db::name('user_drinks_order')->where("box_id = {$req['box_id']} and start_time <= '{$req['new_start_time']}' and end_time >= '{$req['new_start_time']}' and time_way = {$req['sel_time_way']} and pay_state in (1, 2, 3)")->sum('amount'); //获取新包满减 $fullMoney = Common::fullCutMoney($req['new_minus_id']); $difMoney = $fullMoney - $usrWinMoney; if ($difMoney > 0) { $difMoney = self::ktvMoney($difMoney); $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '您再购买酒水' . $difMoney . '元,才能达到满减条件'; return json_encode($data); }else{ $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); //3. 裸包换裸包、有满减、未使用,小包a换小包b } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); //4. 套餐换套餐、小包套餐a换小包套餐b } else if ($tToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $amount == $chgPrice) { //开机前,套餐换套餐,小换小 $data['type'] = 'qtt_xx'; } else if ($tToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $amount < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,套餐换套餐,小换大 $data['type'] = 'qtt_xd'; } else if ($tToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $amount > $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,套餐换套餐,大换小 $data['type'] = 'qtt_dx'; //5. 无满减裸包换套餐包 } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { //开机前,裸包换套餐,小换小 $data['type'] = 'qlt_xx'; } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,裸包换套餐,小换大 $data['type'] = 'qlt_xd'; } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,裸包换套餐,大换小 $data['type'] = 'qlt_dx'; //6. 有满减,未使用裸包换套餐包 } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,小换小 $data['type'] = 'qlt_yw_xx'; } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,小换大 $data['type'] = 'qlt_yw_xd'; } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机前,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,大换小 $data['type'] = 'qlt_yw_dx'; } return json_encode($data); } } else if ($order['ord_status'] == 2) {//开机后 if ($tToL) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '套餐包不能换裸包'; return json_encode($data); } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount'])) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '已使用满减的裸包不能更换套餐包'; return json_encode($data); } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && empty($req['new_minus_id'])) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '已使用满减的包不能更换无满减的包'; return json_encode($data); } else { $data['status'] = 1; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = ''; //1. 裸包换裸包、无满减、小包a换小包b if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } else if ($lToL && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = 0; $data['msg'] = '开机后,大包换小包不退差价'; //2. 裸包换裸包、有满减、已使用、小包a换小包b } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { //获取现在要达到的满减 // $nowFullMoney = Common::fullCutMoney($order['full_cut']); //获取已买酒水金额 $usrWinMoney = Db::name('user_drinks_order')->where("box_id = {$req['box_id']} and start_time <= '{$req['new_start_time']}' and end_time >= '{$req['new_start_time']}' and time_way = {$req['sel_time_way']} and pay_state in (1, 2, 3)")->sum('amount'); //获取新包满减 $fullMoney = Common::fullCutMoney($req['new_minus_id']); $difMoney = $fullMoney - $usrWinMoney; if ($difMoney > 0) { $difMoney = self::ktvMoney($difMoney); $data['status'] = 0; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '您再购买酒水' . $difMoney . '元,才能达到满减条件'; return json_encode($data); }else{ $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && !empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && !empty($req['new_minus_id']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['msg'] = '开机后,使用满减的大包更换满减的小包,不退差价哦'; return json_encode($data); //3. 裸包换裸包、有满减、未使用、小包a换小包b } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } else if ($lToL && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['msg'] = '开机后,有满减的大包更换有满减的小包,不退差价哦'; //4. 套餐换套餐、小包套餐a换小包套餐b } else if ($tToT && $amount == $chgPrice) { //开机后,套餐换套餐,小换小 $data['type'] = 'htt_xx'; } else if ($tToT && $amount < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机后,套餐换套餐,小换大 $data['type'] = 'htt_xd'; } else if ($tToT && $amount > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '您订的套餐包不退差价哦,是否确认更换?'; //开机后,套餐换套餐,大换小 $data['type'] = 'htt_dx'; //5. 无满减裸包换套餐包 } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { //开机后,裸包换套餐,无满减,未使用,小换小 $data['type'] = 'hlt_ww_xx'; } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机后,裸包换套餐,无满减,未使用,小换大 $data['type'] = 'hlt_ww_xd'; } else if ($lToT && empty($order['full_cut']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '您订的套餐包不退差价哦,是否确认更换?'; //开机后,裸包换套餐,无满减,未使用,大换小 $data['type'] = 'hlt_ww_dx'; //6. 未使用裸包换套餐包 } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice == $chgPrice) { //开机后,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,小换小 $data['type'] = 'hlt_yw_xx'; } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice < $chgPrice) { if (!empty($order['jiuzhe'])) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(($chgPrice - $amount) * $order['jiuzhe']); } else { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney($chgPrice - $amount); } //开机后,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,小换大 $data['type'] = 'hlt_yw_xd'; } else if ($lToT && !empty($order['full_cut']) && empty($order['full_cut_amount']) && $boxPrice > $chgPrice) { $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); $data['msg'] = '您购买的裸包含有满减活动,换包不退差价,是否更换?'; //开机后,裸包换套餐,有满减,未使用,大换小 $data['type'] = 'hlt_yw_dx'; } return json_encode($data); } } //默认,无差价换包 $data['status'] = 1; $data['diff_price'] = self::ktvMoney(0); return json_encode($data); } //去掉千位分隔符 static function ktvMoney($price) { return number_format($price, 2, '.', ''); } //获取订单付款方式 static function ktvPayWays($ord){ $payWay = []; if(!empty($ord['huiyuanka']) && $ord['huiyuanka'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['huiyuanka'] = $ord['huiyuanka']; } if(!empty($ord['weixin']) && $ord['weixin'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['weixin'] = $ord['weixin']; } if(!empty($ord['zhifubao']) && $ord['zhifubao'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['zhifubao'] = $ord['zhifubao']; } if(!empty($ord['xianjin']) && $ord['xianjin'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['xianjin'] = $ord['xianjin']; } if(!empty($ord['yinlianka']) && $ord['yinlianka'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['yinlianka'] = $ord['yinlianka']; } if(!empty($ord['meituan']) && $ord['meituan'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['meituan'] = $ord['meituan']; } if(!empty($ord['jifenduihuan']) && $ord['jifenduihuan'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['jifenduihuan'] = $ord['jifenduihuan']; } if(!empty($ord['diyongjuan']) && $ord['diyongjuan'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['diyongjuan'] = $ord['diyongjuan']; } if(!empty($ord['moling']) && $ord['moling'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['moling'] = $ord['moling']; } if(!empty($ord['bazhe']) && $ord['bazhe'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['bazhe'] = $ord['bazhe']; } if(!empty($ord['youhui']) && $ord['youhui'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['youhui'] = $ord['youhui']; } if(!empty($ord['saoma']) && $ord['saoma'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['saoma'] = $ord['saoma']; } if(!empty($ord['hengcheng']) && $ord['hengcheng'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['hengcheng'] = $ord['hengcheng']; } if(!empty($ord['jiedai']) && $ord['jiedai'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['jiedai'] = $ord['jiedai']; } if(!empty($ord['yunPOS']) && $ord['yunPOS'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['yunPOS'] = $ord['yunPOS']; } if(!empty($ord['koubei']) && $ord['koubei'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['koubei'] = $ord['koubei']; } if(!empty($ord['dianzijuan']) && $ord['dianzijuan'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['dianzijuan'] = $ord['dianzijuan']; } if(!empty($ord['guazhang']) && $ord['guazhang'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['guazhang'] = $ord['guazhang']; } if(!empty($ord['qita']) && $ord['huiyuanka'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['qita'] = $ord['qita']; } if(!empty($ord['shoujiweixin']) && $ord['shoujiweixin'] != '0.00'){ $payWay['shoujiweixin'] = $ord['shoujiweixin']; } return $payWay; } /* * 预购商品保存至文件 * * * $product_list = array( * 0 => array( * 'product_id' => '商品ID', * 'num' => '预购数量', * ) * ) * $model 表名 * $order_num 订单号 * $storage_id 仓库 * */ static function AddAdvance($model,$order_num,$storage_id,$product_list){ if(!empty($product_list)){ $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Purchase; $product_ids = join(',',array_column($product_list,"product_id")); $where = "storage_id = '{$storage_id}' and product_id in ($product_ids)"; $list = $logic->getListModel("product_storage", $where); foreach($product_list as $k1=>$v1){ foreach($list as $k2=>$v2){ if($v1['product_id'] == $v2['product_id']){ $product_list[$k1]['stock'] = $v2['stock']; $product_list[$k1]['advance_num'] = $v2['advance_num']; } } } $data = array( 'model' => $model, 'order_num' => $order_num, 'add_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'store_id' => Cookie::get('admin_control_store'), 'storage_id' => $storage_id, 'product_list'=> $product_list, ); if(!file_exists('advance')){ mkdir ('advance',0777,true); } $str = json_encode($data); $day = 'advance/'.date("Y-m-d"); file_put_contents($day, $str."^", FILE_APPEND); } } //查询活动信息 static function actInfo($actid,$ordId){ $id = array(); $num = array(); $newInfos = array(); $where['id'] = $actid; $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Activitycombo(); $ord = $logic->activityInfos('user_order', "id = {$ordId}", 'act_type', 'id desc', true); if($ord['act_type'] == 2 || $ord['act_type'] == 6){ return true; } $info = $logic->activityInfos('act_content',$where,'act_type_id,bound_act_id','id desc',true); if($info['act_type_id'] != 4){ return true; } //虚拟套餐查询绑定的商品套餐,获取商品套餐内容 $where['id'] = $info['bound_act_id']; $re = $logic->activityInfos('act_content',$where,'include','id desc',true); $res = explode('&', $re['include']); foreach ($res as $kk => $vv) { $ids = explode(';', $vv); $id[] = explode('=', $ids[0])[1]; $num[] = explode('=', $ids[2])[1]; } //查询商品信息 foreach ($id as $key => $val) { $fields = 'id,nameer as name,price,pro_category as type,intro as goods_desc,pro_avatar as imgPath'; $gInfo = $logic->activityInfos('product', array('id'=>$val), $fields,'id desc',true); $gInfo['num'] = $num[$key]; $gInfo['goods_source'] = 2; $gInfo['act_id'] = $actid; $newInfos[] = [ 'goods_id' => $gInfo['id'], 'goods_name' => $gInfo['name'], 'goods_price' => $gInfo['price'], 'goods_num' => $gInfo['num'], 'goods_type' => $gInfo['type'], 'goods_img' => $gInfo['imgPath'], 'goods_desc' => $gInfo['goods_desc'], 'goods_source' => $gInfo['goods_source'], 'act_id' => $actid, 'sum_price' => $gInfo['price']*$gInfo['num'], 'ord_id' => $ordId ]; } if(!empty($newInfos)){ $insert = Db::name('user_order_goods')->insertAll($newInfos); if(!$insert){ return false; } } return true; } //是否断电 返回true就是不可预定 false就是可以预定 public function interrupt($store_id,$start_time,$stop_time){ $logic = new \app\admins\logic\PubliclyOwned; $info = $logic->getInfoModel("set_predetermine", "shop_id = $store_id and status = 1 and outage = 2"); if($info){ // echo $info['start_time'].'*'.$start_time.'
'.$info['stop_time'].'*'.$stop_time; if( ($info['start_time']>=$start_time && $info['stop_time']<=$stop_time) || ($info['start_time'] <= $start_time && $info['stop_time']>=$stop_time) || ($info['stop_time']>=$start_time && $info['stop_time']<=$stop_time && $info['start_time']<=$start_time) || ($info['stop_time']>=$start_time && $info['stop_time']>=$stop_time && $info['start_time']<=$stop_time) ){ return array("msg"=>$info,"type"=>"error"); } } return array("type"=>"success"); } //获取到期时间 static public function ExpiryTime($start, $end){ $expTime = null; if($start < $end){ $df = date_diff(date_create($start), date_create($end)); if($df->y){ $expTime.=$df->y.'年'; } if($df->m){ $expTime.=$df->m.'月'; } if($df->d){ $expTime.=$df->d.'日'; } if($df->h){ $expTime.=$df->h.'时'; } if($df->i){ $expTime.=$df->i.'分'; } if($df->s){ $expTime.=$df->s.'秒'; } }else{ $expTime = '已到期'; } return $expTime; } //卡卷核销 static public function AuthenticationCode($code){ $WxToken = new \app\wechat\service\WxToken; $token = $WxToken->kev_getToken(); $url = "".$token; $data = array( "code" => $code ); $result = $WxToken->https_request($url,json_encode($data)); return $result; } //获取短信发送 static public function send($tel, $send) { if (is_numeric($tel) && strlen($tel) == 11) { $cc = '盛世欢唱提醒您:' . $send; $zn = iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312//IGNORE", $cc); $url = '******' . $tel . '&text=' . $zn . '&subid=&msgtype=4'; //$url = '' . $tel . '&content=' . $zn . '&presendTime=&expandPrefix='; self::curl($url); } } //万能curl static public function curl($url, $data = null) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); if (!empty($data)) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); } $out = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return json_decode($out, true); } //得到相应会员卡等级积分 static public function GetGradeIntegral($grade_id=0){ $integral = 1; if($grade_id > 0){ $logic = new \app\admins\logic\PubliclyOwned; $info = $logic->getInfoModel("set_card_grade","id = $grade_id","integral"); $integral = $info['integral']?$info['integral']:$integral; } return $integral; } /** * 发送卡卷 * store_id 门店ID * send_type 发送类型 2充值 1消费 * price 充值/消费 金额 * user_id 用户ID * type 得到卡卷类型 0 得到微信与铁壶卡卷 1 得到微信卡卷 2 得到铁壶卡卷 * **/ static public function SendingCoupon($store_id,$send_type,$price,$user_id,$type){ $logic = new \app\admins\logic\Coupon(); $coupon_list = $logic->getCouponList($send_type,$price,$store_id,$user_id,$type); if($coupon_list){ $coupon_list = array_values($coupon_list); $coupon_info = $coupon_list[0]; $data = array( "user_id" => $user_id, "add_time" => date('Y-m-d H:i'), "coupon_id"=> $coupon_info['id'], "code" => rand(10,99).time(), "status" => 0, ); if($coupon_info['time_type'] == 1){ $data['start_time'] = $coupon_info['start_time']; $data['stop_time'] = $coupon_info['stop_time']; }else{ $data['start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i'); $data['stop_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i',time()+$coupon_info['day']*86400); } $result = $logic->AddModel("user_coupon", $data); if($result){ $logic->UpdateModel("coupon", "id={$coupon_info['id']}", array('number'=>$coupon_info['number']-1)); return $result; } return false; }else{ return false; } } //获取管理员信息 static function GetAdmInfo($id, $fields){ $adm = new ModelUserAdmin(); return $adm->getFind('admin', "id = {$id}", $fields); } }