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删除无用注释 调整相关 方法 下阶段开发做准备

Zhangtaotao 6 years ago
1 changed files with 1 additions and 15 deletions
  1. 1 15

+ 1 - 15

@@ -487,9 +487,6 @@ namespace WeChatCore
                     me.MsgContent = ali.Content;
                     me.MsgOwerType = MsgOwerTypeEnum.AccepterMsg;
                     me.IsCanAutoReply = Mlie.IsCanAutoReply;
-                    //FromMsgList Fml = new FromMsgList(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\HeaderImages\\" + CustomName.ToList<Contacts>()[0].FileName + ".jpg", CustomName.ToList<Contacts>()[0].RemarkName, ali.Content);
-                    //Fml.MsgId = Wcmt.MsgId;
-                    //PlayVoice pv = new PlayVoice(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\HeaderImages\\" + CustomName.ToList<Contacts>()[0].FileName + ".jpg");
                     #region 储存消息
                     if (ali.MsgType == 34)
@@ -500,8 +497,6 @@ namespace WeChatCore
                         string FileId = MethodsHelper.MsgSaveFile(DirectoryDefine.VoiceMsgPath);//获取FileId
                         List<byte> list = HttpMethods.GetFile(Url, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.VoiceMsgPath + "\\" + FileId + ".mp3", CommonDefine.Cookies).ContentData as List<byte>;
-                        //将下载下来的MP3文件转成Base64进行储存
-                        //   string Base64Str = Convert.ToBase64String(list.ToArray());
                         me.MsgTime = DateTime.Now;
                         me.FileId = FileId;
                         me.FilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.VoiceMsgPath + "\\" + me.FileId + ".mp3";
@@ -532,9 +527,6 @@ namespace WeChatCore
                         string FileId = MethodsHelper.MsgSaveFile(DirectoryDefine.ImageMsgGifPath);//获取FileId
                         HttpMethods.GetFile(Url, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.ImageMsgGifPath + "\\" + FileId + ".gif", CommonDefine.Cookies);
                         HttpMethods.GetFile(string.Format(UrlDefine.ImgUrl, ali.MsgId, CommonDefine.LoginResult.skey), Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.ImageMsgTempPath + "\\" + FileId + ".jpg", CommonDefine.Cookies);
-                        //将下载下来的MP3文件转成Base64进行储存
-                        //string Base64Str = Convert.ToBase64String(list.ToArray());
-                        // Wcmt.MsgText = Base64Str;
                         me.MsgTime = DateTime.Now;
                         me.FileId = FileId;
                         me.FilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.ImageMsgGifPath + "\\" + FileId + ".gif";//
@@ -549,9 +541,6 @@ namespace WeChatCore
                         HttpMethods.GetFile(string.Format(UrlDefine.ImgUrl, ali.MsgId, CommonDefine.LoginResult.skey), Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.ImageMsgTempPath + "\\" + FileId + ".jpg", CommonDefine.Cookies);
                         List<byte> list = HttpMethods.GetVideo(Url, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.VideoMsgPath + "\\" + FileId + ".mp4", CommonDefine.Cookies);
-                        //将下载下来的视频文件转成Base64进行储存
-                        //string Base64Str = Convert.ToBase64String(list.ToArray());
-                        //Wcmt.MsgText = Base64Str;
                         me.MsgTime = DateTime.Now;
                         me.FileId = FileId;
                         me.FilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.VideoMsgPath + "\\" + FileId + ".mp4";//
@@ -570,9 +559,6 @@ namespace WeChatCore
                         HttpMethods.GetFile(Url, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.MapImageMsgPath + "\\" + FileId + ".jpg", CommonDefine.Cookies);
                         me.FilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + DirectoryDefine.MapImageMsgPath + "\\" + FileId + ".jpg";
                         me.MsgTime = DateTime.Now;
-                        //Wcmt.MsgOwer = CustomName.ToList()[0].FileName;
-                        //Wcmt.MsgExt = ali.Url + "|" + FileId;
-                        //MsgTypeTableExt.InsertWeChatMsgTable(Wcmt);
@@ -676,7 +662,7 @@ namespace WeChatCore
         /// <param name="AutoRelyList">自动回复列表</param>
         /// <param name="UserName">用户名</param>
         /// <param name="MsgContent">消息内容(不用管)</param>
-        public static void SetAutoRepate(List<MemberListItemEntity> UserList, List<AutoRepateEntity> AutoRelyList, string UserName, MsgEntity MsgContent)
+        internal static void SetAutoRepate(List<MemberListItemEntity> UserList, List<AutoRepateEntity> AutoRelyList, string UserName, MsgEntity MsgContent)
             if (UserList == null) UserList = new List<MemberListItemEntity>();
             if (AutoRelyList.Count == 0)