DateTimeConstants.au3 6.7 KB

  1. #include-once
  2. ; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
  3. ; Title .........: DateTime_Constants
  4. ; AutoIt Version :
  5. ; Language ......: English
  6. ; Description ...: Constants for <a href="../appendix/GUIStyles.htm#Date">GUI control Date styles</a> and much more.
  7. ; Author(s) .....: Valik, Gary Frost
  8. ; ===============================================================================================================================
  9. ; #CONSTANTS# ===================================================================================================================
  10. ; Date
  11. Global Const $DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT = 0
  12. Global Const $DTS_UPDOWN = 1
  13. Global Const $DTS_SHOWNONE = 2
  14. Global Const $DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT = 4
  15. Global Const $DTS_TIMEFORMAT = 9
  16. Global Const $DTS_RIGHTALIGN = 32
  17. Global Const $DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT = 0x0000000C ; The year is a four-digit field
  18. Global Const $DTS_APPCANPARSE = 0x00000010 ; Allows the owner to parse user input and take necessary action
  19. ; _DateDayOfWeek
  20. Global Const $DMW_LONGNAME = 0
  21. Global Const $DMW_SHORTNAME = 1
  22. Global Const $DMW_LOCALE_LONGNAME = 2
  23. Global Const $DMW_LOCALE_SHORTNAME = 3
  24. ; Success/Failure
  25. Global Const $GDT_ERROR = -1
  26. Global Const $GDT_VALID = 0
  27. Global Const $GDT_NONE = 1
  28. Global Const $GDTR_MIN = 0x0001
  29. Global Const $GDTR_MAX = 0x0002
  30. ; MonthCal
  31. Global Const $MCHT_NOWHERE = 0x00000000
  32. Global Const $MCHT_TITLE = 0x00010000
  33. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDAR = 0x00020000
  34. Global Const $MCHT_TODAYLINK = 0x00030000
  35. Global Const $MCHT_NEXT = 0x01000000
  36. Global Const $MCHT_PREV = 0x02000000
  37. Global Const $MCHT_TITLEBK = 0x00010000
  38. Global Const $MCHT_TITLEMONTH = 0x00010001
  39. Global Const $MCHT_TITLEYEAR = 0x00010002
  40. Global Const $MCHT_TITLEBTNNEXT = 0x01010003
  41. Global Const $MCHT_TITLEBTNPREV = 0x02010003
  42. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARBK = 0x00020000
  43. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARDATE = 0x00020001
  44. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARDAY = 0x00020002
  45. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARWEEKNUM = 0x00020003
  46. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARDATENEXT = 0x01020000
  47. Global Const $MCHT_CALENDARDATEPREV = 0x02020000
  48. ; Month Calendar Styles
  49. Global Const $MCS_DAYSTATE = 0x0001 ; The control sends $MCN_GETDAYSTATE notifications to request information
  50. Global Const $MCS_MULTISELECT = 0x0002
  51. Global Const $MCS_WEEKNUMBERS = 0x0004
  52. Global Const $MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE = 0x0008
  53. Global Const $MCS_NOTODAY = 0x0010
  54. Global Const $MCS_NOTRAILINGDATES = 0x0040
  55. Global Const $MCS_SHORTDAYSOFWEEK = 0x0080
  56. Global Const $MCS_NOSELCHANGEONNAV = 0x0100
  57. ; Month Calendar Messages
  58. Global Const $MCM_FIRST = 0x1000
  59. Global Const $MCM_GETCALENDARBORDER = ($MCM_FIRST + 31)
  60. Global Const $MCM_GETCALENDARCOUNT = ($MCM_FIRST + 23)
  62. Global Const $MCM_GETCALID = ($MCM_FIRST + 27)
  63. Global Const $MCM_GETCOLOR = ($MCM_FIRST + 11)
  64. Global Const $MCM_GETCURRENTVIEW = ($MCM_FIRST + 22)
  65. Global Const $MCM_GETCURSEL = ($MCM_FIRST + 1)
  66. Global Const $MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK = ($MCM_FIRST + 16)
  67. Global Const $MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT = ($MCM_FIRST + 3)
  68. Global Const $MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH = ($MCM_FIRST + 21)
  69. Global Const $MCM_GETMINREQRECT = ($MCM_FIRST + 9)
  70. Global Const $MCM_GETMONTHDELTA = ($MCM_FIRST + 19)
  71. Global Const $MCM_GETMONTHRANGE = ($MCM_FIRST + 7)
  72. Global Const $MCM_GETRANGE = ($MCM_FIRST + 17)
  73. Global Const $MCM_GETSELRANGE = ($MCM_FIRST + 5)
  74. Global Const $MCM_GETTODAY = ($MCM_FIRST + 13)
  75. Global Const $MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 6
  76. Global Const $MCM_HITTEST = ($MCM_FIRST + 14)
  77. Global Const $MCM_SETCALENDARBORDER = ($MCM_FIRST + 30)
  78. Global Const $MCM_SETCALID = ($MCM_FIRST + 28)
  79. Global Const $MCM_SETCOLOR = ($MCM_FIRST + 10)
  80. Global Const $MCM_SETCURRENTVIEW = ($MCM_FIRST + 32)
  81. Global Const $MCM_SETCURSEL = ($MCM_FIRST + 2)
  82. Global Const $MCM_SETDAYSTATE = ($MCM_FIRST + 8)
  83. Global Const $MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK = ($MCM_FIRST + 15)
  84. Global Const $MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT = ($MCM_FIRST + 4)
  85. Global Const $MCM_SETMONTHDELTA = ($MCM_FIRST + 20)
  86. Global Const $MCM_SETRANGE = ($MCM_FIRST + 18)
  87. Global Const $MCM_SETSELRANGE = ($MCM_FIRST + 6)
  88. Global Const $MCM_SETTODAY = ($MCM_FIRST + 12)
  89. Global Const $MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 5
  90. Global Const $MCM_SIZERECTTOMIN = ($MCM_FIRST + 29)
  91. ; Month Calendar Notifications
  92. Global Const $MCN_FIRST = -746
  93. Global Const $MCN_SELCHANGE = ($MCN_FIRST - 3) ; The currently selected date or range of dates changed
  94. Global Const $MCN_GETDAYSTATE = ($MCN_FIRST - 1) ; Request information about how individual days should be displayed
  95. Global Const $MCN_SELECT = ($MCN_FIRST) ; The user makes an explicit date selection
  96. Global Const $MCN_VIEWCHANGE = ($MCN_FIRST - 4)
  97. Global Const $MCSC_BACKGROUND = 0
  98. Global Const $MCSC_MONTHBK = 4
  99. Global Const $MCSC_TEXT = 1
  100. Global Const $MCSC_TITLEBK = 2
  101. Global Const $MCSC_TITLETEXT = 3
  102. Global Const $MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT = 5
  103. ; Date Time Picker Messages
  104. Global Const $DTM_FIRST = 0x1000
  105. Global Const $DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME = $DTM_FIRST + 1
  106. Global Const $DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME = $DTM_FIRST + 2
  107. Global Const $DTM_GETRANGE = $DTM_FIRST + 3
  108. Global Const $DTM_SETRANGE = $DTM_FIRST + 4
  109. Global Const $DTM_SETFORMAT = $DTM_FIRST + 5
  110. Global Const $DTM_SETMCCOLOR = $DTM_FIRST + 6
  111. Global Const $DTM_GETMCCOLOR = $DTM_FIRST + 7
  112. Global Const $DTM_GETMONTHCAL = $DTM_FIRST + 8
  113. Global Const $DTM_SETMCFONT = $DTM_FIRST + 9
  114. Global Const $DTM_GETMCFONT = $DTM_FIRST + 10
  115. Global Const $DTM_SETFORMATW = $DTM_FIRST + 50 ; [Unicode]
  116. ; Date Time Picker Notifications
  117. Global Const $DTN_FIRST = -740
  118. Global Const $DTN_FIRST2 = -753
  119. Global Const $DTN_DATETIMECHANGE = $DTN_FIRST2 - 6 ; Sent whenever a change occurs
  120. Global Const $DTN_USERSTRING = $DTN_FIRST2 - 5 ; Sent when a user finishes editing a string in the control
  121. Global Const $DTN_WMKEYDOWN = $DTN_FIRST2 - 4 ; Sent when the user types in a callback field
  122. Global Const $DTN_FORMAT = $DTN_FIRST2 - 3 ; Sent to request text to be displayed in a callback field
  123. Global Const $DTN_FORMATQUERY = $DTN_FIRST2 - 2 ; Sent to retrieve the size of the callback field string
  124. Global Const $DTN_DROPDOWN = $DTN_FIRST2 - 1 ; Sent when the user activates the drop-down month calendar
  125. Global Const $DTN_CLOSEUP = $DTN_FIRST2 - 0 ; Sent when the user closes the drop-down month calendar
  126. Global Const $DTN_USERSTRINGW = $DTN_FIRST - 5 ; [Unicode] Sent when a user finishes editing a string in the control
  127. Global Const $DTN_WMKEYDOWNW = $DTN_FIRST - 4 ; [Unicode] Sent when the user types in a callback field
  128. Global Const $DTN_FORMATW = $DTN_FIRST - 3 ; [Unicode] Sent to request text to be displayed in a callback field
  129. Global Const $DTN_FORMATQUERYW = $DTN_FIRST - 2 ; [Unicode] Sent to retrieve the size of the callback field string
  130. ; Control default styles
  132. Global Const $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_MONTHCAL = 0
  133. ; ===============================================================================================================================