Constants.au3 4.0 KB

  1. #include-once
  2. #include "AutoItConstants.au3"
  3. #include "ColorConstants.au3"
  4. #include "DirConstants.au3"
  5. #include "FileConstants.au3"
  6. #include "MsgBoxConstants.au3"
  7. #include "ProcessConstants.au3"
  8. #include "StringConstants.au3"
  9. #include "TrayConstants.au3"
  10. ; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
  11. ; Title .........: Constants
  12. ; AutoIt Version :
  13. ; Language ......: English
  14. ; Description ...: Constants to be included in an AutoIt v3 script.
  15. ; Author(s) .....: JLandes, Nutster, CyberSlug, Holger, ...
  16. ; ===============================================================================================================================
  17. ; #CONSTANTS# ===================================================================================================================
  18. ; Sets the way coords are used in the mouse and pixel functions
  19. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  20. ; Sets how errors are handled if a Run/RunWait function fails
  21. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  22. ; Alters the use of Caps Lock
  23. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  24. ; Alters the method that is used to match window titles
  25. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  26. ; Common Control Styles
  27. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  28. ; DrawIconEx Constants
  29. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  30. ; EnumDisplayDevice Constants
  31. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  32. ; Dir Constants
  33. ; in DirConstants.au3
  34. ; DriveGetType() Constants
  35. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  36. ; File Constants
  37. ; in FileConstants.au3
  38. ; FlashWindowEx Constants
  39. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  40. ; FormatMessage Constants
  41. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  42. ; GetWindows Constants
  43. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  44. ; GetWindowLong Constants
  45. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  46. ; Standard Icon Index Constants
  47. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  48. ; Image Load Constants
  49. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  50. ; Image Type Constants
  51. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  52. ; Keyboard Constants
  53. ; Changes how keys are processed
  54. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  55. ; Sets the state of the Caps Lock key
  56. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  57. ; LoadLibraryEx Constants
  58. ; in WinAPIConstants.au3
  59. ; Reserved IDs for System Objects
  60. ; in MenuConstants.au3
  61. ; in ScrollBarsConstants.au3
  62. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  63. ; Virtual Keys Constants
  64. ; in WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3
  65. ; Message Box Constants
  66. ; Indicates the buttons displayed in the message box
  67. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  68. ; Displays an icon in the message box
  69. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  70. ; Indicates the default button
  71. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  72. ; Indicates the modality of the dialog box
  73. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  74. ; Indicates miscellaneous message box attributes
  75. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  76. ; Indicates the button selected in the message box
  77. ; in MsgBoxConstants.au3
  78. ; Progress and Splash Constants
  79. ; Indicates properties of the displayed progress or splash dialog
  80. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  81. ; Tray Tip Constants
  82. ; in TrayConstants.au3
  83. ; Mouse Constants
  84. ; Indicates current mouse cursor
  85. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  86. ; Process Constants
  87. ; Indicates the type of shutdown
  88. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  89. ; OpenProcess Constants
  90. ; in ProcessConstants.au3
  91. ; String Constants
  92. ; in StringConstants.au3
  93. ; Indicates if string operations should be case sensitive
  94. ; StringStripWS Constants
  95. ; Indicates the type of stripping that should be performed
  96. ; in StringConstants.au3
  97. ; StringSplit Constants
  98. ; in StringConstants.au3
  99. ; Token Constants
  100. ; in SecurityConstants.au3
  101. ; Tray Constants
  102. ; in TrayConstants.au3
  103. ; Run Constants
  104. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  105. ; Colour Constants
  106. ; in ColorConstants.au3
  107. ; UBound Constants
  108. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  109. ; Mouse Event Constants
  110. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  111. ; Reg Value type Constants
  112. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  113. ; Z order
  114. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  115. ; SetWindowPos Constants
  116. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  117. ; Keywords (returned from the IsKeyword() function
  118. ; in AutoItConstants.au3
  119. ; language identifiers
  120. ; in WinAPIlangConstants.au3
  121. ; sublanguage identifiers
  122. ; in WinAPIlangConstants.au3
  123. ; Sorting IDs. (from WINNT.H)
  124. ; in WinAPIlangConstants.au3
  125. ; ===============================================================================================================================