AutoItConstants.au3 13 KB

  1. #include-once
  2. ; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
  3. ; Title .........: Constants
  4. ; AutoIt Version :
  5. ; Language ......: English
  6. ; Description ...: Constants to be included in an AutoIt v3 script.
  7. ; Author(s) .....: JLandes, Nutster, CyberSlug, Holger, ...
  8. ; ===============================================================================================================================
  9. ; #CONSTANTS# ===================================================================================================================
  10. ; Sets the way coords are used in the mouse and pixel functions
  11. Global Const $OPT_COORDSRELATIVE = 0 ; Relative coords to the active window
  12. Global Const $OPT_COORDSABSOLUTE = 1 ; Absolute screen coordinates (default)
  13. Global Const $OPT_COORDSCLIENT = 2 ; Relative coords to client area
  14. ; Sets how errors are handled if a Run/RunWait function fails
  15. Global Const $OPT_ERRORSILENT = 0 ; Silent error (@error set to 1)
  16. Global Const $OPT_ERRORFATAL = 1 ; Fatal error (default)
  17. ; Alters the use of Caps Lock
  18. Global Const $OPT_CAPSNOSTORE = 0 ; Don't store/restore Caps Lock state
  19. Global Const $OPT_CAPSSTORE = 1 ; Store/restore Caps Lock state (default)
  20. ; Alters the method that is used to match window titles
  21. Global Const $OPT_MATCHSTART = 1 ; Match the title from the start (default)
  22. Global Const $OPT_MATCHANY = 2 ; Match any substring in the title
  23. Global Const $OPT_MATCHEXACT = 3 ; Match the title exactly
  24. Global Const $OPT_MATCHADVANCED = 4 ; Use advanced window matching (deprecated)
  25. ; Common Control Styles
  26. Global Const $CCS_TOP = 0x01
  27. Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEY = 0x02
  28. Global Const $CCS_BOTTOM = 0x03
  29. Global Const $CCS_NORESIZE = 0x04
  30. Global Const $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN = 0x08
  31. Global Const $CCS_NOHILITE = 0x10
  32. Global Const $CCS_ADJUSTABLE = 0x20
  33. Global Const $CCS_NODIVIDER = 0x40
  34. Global Const $CCS_VERT = 0x0080
  35. Global Const $CCS_LEFT = 0x0081
  36. Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEX = 0x0082
  37. Global Const $CCS_RIGHT = 0x0083
  38. ; DriveGetType() Constants
  39. Global Const $DT_DRIVETYPE = 1 ; Drive type e.g. CD-ROM, Fixed.
  40. Global Const $DT_SSDSTATUS = 2 ; Status of whether the drive is SSD.
  41. Global Const $DT_BUSTYPE = 3 ; Bus type e.g. SATA, SD.
  42. ; FtpSetProxy and HttpSetProxy Constants
  43. Global Const $PROXY_IE = 0
  44. Global Const $PROXY_NONE = 1
  45. Global Const $PROXY_SPECIFIED = 2
  46. ; Reserved IDs for System Objects
  47. ; in MenuConstants.au3
  48. ; in ScrollBarsConstants.au3
  49. Global Const $OBJID_WINDOW = 0x00000000
  50. Global Const $OBJID_TITLEBAR = 0xFFFFFFFE
  51. Global Const $OBJID_SIZEGRIP = 0xFFFFFFF9
  52. Global Const $OBJID_CARET = 0xFFFFFFF8
  53. Global Const $OBJID_CURSOR = 0xFFFFFFF7
  54. Global Const $OBJID_ALERT = 0xFFFFFFF6
  55. Global Const $OBJID_SOUND = 0xFFFFFFF5
  56. ; Progress and Splash Constants
  57. ; Indicates properties of the displayed progress or splash dialog
  58. Global Const $DLG_CENTERONTOP = 0 ; Center justified/always on top/with title
  59. Global Const $DLG_NOTITLE = 1 ; Titleless window
  60. Global Const $DLG_NOTONTOP = 2 ; Without "always on top" attribute
  61. Global Const $DLG_TEXTLEFT = 4 ; Left justified text
  62. Global Const $DLG_TEXTRIGHT = 8 ; Right justified text
  63. Global Const $DLG_MOVEABLE = 16 ; Window can be moved
  64. Global Const $DLG_TEXTVCENTER = 32 ; Splash text centered vertically
  65. ; Mouse Constants
  66. ; Indicates current mouse cursor
  67. Global Const $IDC_UNKNOWN = 0 ; Unknown cursor
  68. Global Const $IDC_APPSTARTING = 1 ; Standard arrow and small hourglass
  69. Global Const $IDC_ARROW = 2 ; Standard arrow
  70. Global Const $IDC_CROSS = 3 ; Crosshair
  71. Global Const $IDC_HAND = 32649 ; Hand cursor
  72. Global Const $IDC_HELP = 4 ; Arrow and question mark
  73. Global Const $IDC_IBEAM = 5 ; I-beam
  74. Global Const $IDC_ICON = 6 ; Obsolete
  75. Global Const $IDC_NO = 7 ; Slashed circle
  76. Global Const $IDC_SIZE = 8 ; Obsolete
  77. Global Const $IDC_SIZEALL = 9 ; Four-pointed arrow pointing N, S, E, and W
  78. Global Const $IDC_SIZENESW = 10 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing NE and SW
  79. Global Const $IDC_SIZENS = 11 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing N and S
  80. Global Const $IDC_SIZENWSE = 12 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing NW and SE
  81. Global Const $IDC_SIZEWE = 13 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing W and E
  82. Global Const $IDC_UPARROW = 14 ; Vertical arrow
  83. Global Const $IDC_WAIT = 15 ; Hourglass
  84. Global Const $IDI_APPLICATION = 32512 ; Application icon
  85. Global Const $IDI_ASTERISK = 32516 ; Asterisk icon
  86. Global Const $IDI_EXCLAMATION = 32515 ; Exclamation point icon
  87. Global Const $IDI_HAND = 32513 ; Stop sign icon
  88. Global Const $IDI_QUESTION = 32514 ; Question-mark icon
  89. Global Const $IDI_WINLOGO = 32517 ; Windows logo icon. Windows XP: Application icon
  90. Global Const $IDI_SHIELD = 32518
  91. Global Const $IDI_ERROR = $IDI_HAND
  94. ; Process Constants
  95. ; Indicates the type of shutdown
  96. Global Const $SD_LOGOFF = 0 ; Logoff
  97. Global Const $SD_SHUTDOWN = 1 ; Shutdown
  98. Global Const $SD_REBOOT = 2 ; Reboot
  99. Global Const $SD_FORCE = 4 ; Force
  100. Global Const $SD_POWERDOWN = 8 ; Power down
  101. Global Const $SD_FORCEHUNG = 16 ; Force shutdown if hung
  102. Global Const $SD_STANDBY = 32 ; Standby
  103. Global Const $SD_HIBERNATE = 64 ; Hibernate
  104. ; Run Constants
  105. Global Const $STDIN_CHILD = 1
  106. Global Const $STDOUT_CHILD = 2
  107. Global Const $STDERR_CHILD = 4
  108. Global Const $STDERR_MERGED = 8
  109. Global Const $STDIO_INHERIT_PARENT = 0x10
  110. Global Const $RUN_CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00010000
  111. ; UBound Constants
  112. Global Const $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS = 0
  113. Global Const $UBOUND_ROWS = 1
  114. Global Const $UBOUND_COLUMNS = 2
  115. ; Mouse Event Constants
  116. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 ; Specifies that the dx and dy parameters contain normalized absolute coordinates
  117. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001 ; Specifies that movement occurred
  118. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 ; Specifies that the left button changed to down
  119. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 ; Specifies that the left button changed to up
  120. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 ; Specifies that the right button changed to down
  121. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 ; Specifies that the right button changed to up
  122. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 ; Specifies that the middle button changed to down
  123. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 ; Specifies that the middle button changed to up
  124. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0800 ; Specifies that the wheel has been moved, if the mouse has a wheel
  125. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0080 ; Specifies that an X button was pressed
  126. Global Const $MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0100 ; Specifies that an X button was released
  127. ; Reg Value type Constants
  128. Global Const $REG_NONE = 0
  129. Global Const $REG_SZ = 1
  130. Global Const $REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2
  131. Global Const $REG_BINARY = 3
  132. Global Const $REG_DWORD = 4
  133. Global Const $REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4
  134. Global Const $REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5
  135. Global Const $REG_LINK = 6
  136. Global Const $REG_MULTI_SZ = 7
  137. Global Const $REG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8
  140. Global Const $REG_QWORD = 11
  141. Global Const $REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 11
  142. ; Z order
  143. Global Const $HWND_BOTTOM = 1 ; Places the window at the bottom of the Z order
  144. Global Const $HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 ; Places the window above all non-topmost windows
  145. Global Const $HWND_TOP = 0 ; Places the window at the top of the Z order
  146. Global Const $HWND_TOPMOST = -1 ; Places the window above all non-topmost windows
  147. ; SetWindowPos Constants
  148. Global Const $SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001
  149. Global Const $SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002
  150. Global Const $SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004
  151. Global Const $SWP_NOREDRAW = 0x0008
  152. Global Const $SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x0010
  153. Global Const $SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020
  154. Global Const $SWP_DRAWFRAME = 0x0020
  155. Global Const $SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0040
  156. Global Const $SWP_HIDEWINDOW = 0x0080
  157. Global Const $SWP_NOCOPYBITS = 0x0100
  158. Global Const $SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = 0x0200
  159. Global Const $SWP_NOREPOSITION = 0x0200
  160. Global Const $SWP_NOSENDCHANGING = 0x0400
  161. Global Const $SWP_DEFERERASE = 0x2000
  162. Global Const $SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS = 0x4000
  163. ; Keywords (returned from the IsKeyword() function)
  164. Global Const $KEYWORD_DEFAULT = 1
  165. Global Const $KEYWORD_NULL = 2
  166. ; IsDeclared Constants
  167. Global Const $DECLARED_LOCAL = -1
  168. Global Const $DECLARED_UNKNOWN = 0
  169. Global Const $DECLARED_GLOBAL = 1
  170. ; Assign Constants
  171. Global Const $ASSIGN_CREATE = 0
  172. Global Const $ASSIGN_FORCELOCAL = 1
  173. Global Const $ASSIGN_FORCEGLOBAL = 2
  174. Global Const $ASSIGN_EXISTFAIL = 4
  175. ; BlockInput Constants
  176. Global Const $BI_ENABLE = 0
  177. Global Const $BI_DISABLE = 1
  178. ; Break Constants
  179. Global Const $BREAK_ENABLE = 1
  180. Global Const $BREAK_DISABLE = 0
  181. ; CDTray Constants
  182. Global Const $CDTRAY_OPEN = "open"
  183. Global Const $CDTRAY_CLOSED = "closed"
  184. ; ControlSend and Send Constants
  185. Global Const $SEND_DEFAULT = 0
  186. Global Const $SEND_RAW = 1
  187. ; DirGetSize Constants
  188. Global Const $DIR_DEFAULT = 0
  189. Global Const $DIR_EXTENDED= 1
  190. Global Const $DIR_NORECURSE = 2
  191. ; DirRemove Constants
  192. ;~ Global Const $DIR_DEFAULT = 0
  193. Global Const $DIR_REMOVE= 1
  194. ; DriveGetDrive Constants
  195. Global Const $DT_ALL = "ALL"
  196. Global Const $DT_CDROM = "CDROM"
  197. Global Const $DT_REMOVABLE = "REMOVABLE"
  198. Global Const $DT_FIXED = "FIXED"
  199. Global Const $DT_NETWORK = "NETWORK"
  200. Global Const $DT_RAMDISK = "RAMDISK"
  201. Global Const $DT_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
  202. ; DriveGetFileSystem Constants
  203. Global Const $DT_UNDEFINED = 1
  204. Global Const $DT_FAT = "FAT"
  205. Global Const $DT_FAT32 = "FAT32"
  206. Global Const $DT_EXFAT = "exFAT"
  207. Global Const $DT_NTFS = "NTFS"
  208. Global Const $DT_NWFS = "NWFS"
  209. Global Const $DT_CDFS = "CDFS"
  210. Global Const $DT_UDF = "UDF"
  211. ; DriveMapAdd Constants
  212. Global Const $DMA_DEFAULT = 0
  213. Global Const $DMA_PERSISTENT = 1
  214. Global Const $DMA_AUTHENTICATION = 8
  215. ; DriveStatus Constants
  216. Global Const $DS_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
  217. Global Const $DS_READY = "READY"
  218. Global Const $DS_NOTREADY = "NOTREADY"
  219. Global Const $DS_INVALID = "INVALID"
  220. ; Mouse related Constants
  221. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT = "left"
  222. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_RIGHT = "right"
  223. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_MIDDLE = "middle"
  224. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_MAIN = "main"
  225. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_MENU = "menu"
  226. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY = "primary"
  227. Global Const $MOUSE_CLICK_SECONDARY = "secondary"
  228. Global Const $MOUSE_WHEEL_UP = "up"
  229. Global Const $MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN = "down"
  230. ; Dec, Int, Number Constants
  231. Global Const $NUMBER_AUTO = 0
  232. Global Const $NUMBER_32BIT = 1
  233. Global Const $NUMBER_64BIT = 2
  234. Global Const $NUMBER_DOUBLE = 3
  235. ; ObjName Constants
  236. Global Const $OBJ_NAME = 1
  237. Global Const $OBJ_STRING = 2
  238. Global Const $OBJ_PROGID = 3
  239. Global Const $OBJ_FILE = 4
  240. Global Const $OBJ_MODULE = 5
  241. Global Const $OBJ_CLSID = 6
  242. Global Const $OBJ_IID = 7
  243. ; OnAutoItExitRegister Constants
  244. Global Const $EXITCLOSE_NORMAL = 0 ; Natural closing.
  245. Global Const $EXITCLOSE_BYEXIT = 1 ; close by Exit function.
  246. Global Const $EXITCLOSE_BYCLICK = 2 ; close by clicking on exit of the systray.
  247. Global Const $EXITCLOSE_BYLOGOFF = 3 ; close by user logoff.
  248. Global Const $EXITCLOSE_BYSHUTDOWN = 4 ; close by Windows shutdown.
  249. ; ProcessGetStats Constants
  250. Global Const $PROCESS_STATS_MEMORY = 0
  251. Global Const $PROCESS_STATS_IO = 1
  252. ; ProcessSetPriority Constants
  253. Global Const $PROCESS_LOW = 0
  254. Global Const $PROCESS_BELOWNORMAL = 1
  255. Global Const $PROCESS_NORMAL = 2
  256. Global Const $PROCESS_ABOVENORMAL = 3
  257. Global Const $PROCESS_HIGH = 4
  258. Global Const $PROCESS_REALTIME = 5
  259. ; RunAs and RunAsWait Constants
  260. Global Const $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE = 0
  261. Global Const $RUN_LOGON_PROFILE = 1
  262. Global Const $RUN_LOGON_NETWORK = 2
  263. Global Const $RUN_LOGON_INHERIT = 4
  264. ; SoundPlay Constants
  265. Global Const $SOUND_NOWAIT = 0 ; continue script while sound is playing (default)
  266. Global Const $SOUND_WAIT = 1 ; wait until sound has finished
  267. ; ShellExecute and ShellExecuteWait Constants
  268. Global Const $SHEX_OPEN = "open"
  269. Global Const $SHEX_EDIT = "edit"
  270. Global Const $SHEX_PRINT = "print"
  271. Global Const $SHEX_PROPERTIES = "properties"
  272. ; TCPRecv Constants
  273. Global Const $TCP_DATA_DEFAULT = 0
  274. Global Const $TCP_DATA_BINARY = 1
  275. ; UDPOpen, UDPRecv Constants
  276. Global Const $UDP_OPEN_DEFAULT = 0
  277. Global Const $UDP_OPEN_BROADCAST = 1
  278. Global Const $UDP_DATA_DEFAULT = 0
  279. Global Const $UDP_DATA_BINARY = 1
  280. Global Const $UDP_DATA_ARRAY = 2
  281. ; ToolTip, GUICtrlSetTip Constants
  282. Global Const $TIP_NOICON = 0 ; No icon
  283. Global Const $TIP_INFOICON = 1 ; Info icon
  284. Global Const $TIP_WARNINGICON = 2 ; Warning icon
  285. Global Const $TIP_ERRORICON = 3 ; Error Icon
  286. Global Const $TIP_BALLOON = 1
  287. Global Const $TIP_CENTER = 2
  288. Global Const $TIP_FORCEVISIBLE = 4
  289. ; WindowsSetOnTop Constants
  290. Global Const $WINDOWS_NOONTOP = 0
  291. Global Const $WINDOWS_ONTOP = 1
  292. ; WinGetState Constants
  293. Global Const $WIN_STATE_EXISTS = 1
  294. Global Const $WIN_STATE_VISIBLE = 2
  295. Global Const $WIN_STATE_ENABLED = 4
  296. Global Const $WIN_STATE_ACTIVE = 8
  297. Global Const $WIN_STATE_MINIMIZED = 16
  298. Global Const $WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED = 32
  299. ; ===============================================================================================================================