#include-once #include "Array.au3" #include "FileConstants.au3" #include "StringConstants.au3" ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: File ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions that assist with files and directories. ; Author(s) .....: Brian Keene, Michael Michta, erifash, Jon, JdeB, Jeremy Landes, MrCreatoR, cdkid, Valik, Erik Pilsits, Kurt, Dale, guinness, DXRW4E, Melba23 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _FileCountLines ; _FileCreate ; _FileListToArray ; _FileListToArrayRec ; _FilePrint ; _FileReadToArray ; _FileWriteFromArray ; _FileWriteLog ; _FileWriteToLine ; _PathFull ; _PathGetRelative ; _PathMake ; _PathSplit ; _ReplaceStringInFile ; _TempFile ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; __FLTAR_ListToMask ; __FLTAR_AddToList ; __FLTAR_AddFileLists ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Tylo ; Modified.......: Xenobiologist, Gary, guinness, DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileCountLines($sFilePath) FileReadToArray($sFilePath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return @extended #cs Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sFileRead = StringStripWS(FileRead($hFileOpen), $STR_STRIPTRAILING) FileClose($hFileOpen) Return UBound(StringRegExp($sFileRead, "\R", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH)) + 1 - Int($sFileRead = "") #ce EndFunc ;==>_FileCountLines ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Brian Keene ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileCreate($sFilePath) Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_CREATEPATH)) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iFileWrite = FileWrite($hFileOpen, "") FileClose($hFileOpen) If Not $iFileWrite Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Michael Michta ; Modified.......: guinness - Added optional parameter to return the full path. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileListToArray($sFilePath, $sFilter = "*", $iFlag = $FLTA_FILESFOLDERS, $bReturnPath = False) Local $sDelimiter = "|", $sFileList = "", $sFileName = "", $sFullPath = "" ; Check parameters for the Default keyword or they meet a certain criteria $sFilePath = StringRegExpReplace($sFilePath, "[\\/]+$", "") & "\" ; Ensure a single trailing backslash If $iFlag = Default Then $iFlag = $FLTA_FILESFOLDERS If $bReturnPath Then $sFullPath = $sFilePath If $sFilter = Default Then $sFilter = "*" ; Check if the directory exists If Not FileExists($sFilePath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringRegExp($sFilter, "[\\/:><\|]|(?s)^\s*$") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not ($iFlag = 0 Or $iFlag = 1 Or $iFlag = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sFilePath & $sFilter) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) While 1 $sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop If ($iFlag + @extended = 2) Then ContinueLoop $sFileList &= $sDelimiter & $sFullPath & $sFileName WEnd FileClose($hSearch) If $sFileList = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Return StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($sFileList, 1), $sDelimiter) EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Melba23 - with credits for code snippets to Ultima, Partypooper, Spiff59, guinness, wraithdu ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileListToArrayRec($sFilePath, $sMask = "*", $iReturn = $FLTAR_FILESFOLDERS, $iRecur = $FLTAR_NORECUR, $iSort = $FLTAR_NOSORT, $iReturnPath = $FLTAR_RELPATH) If Not FileExists($sFilePath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") ; Check for Default keyword If $sMask = Default Then $sMask = "*" If $iReturn = Default Then $iReturn = $FLTAR_FILESFOLDERS If $iRecur = Default Then $iRecur = $FLTAR_NORECUR If $iSort = Default Then $iSort = $FLTAR_NOSORT If $iReturnPath = Default Then $iReturnPath = $FLTAR_RELPATH ; Check for valid recur value If $iRecur > 1 Or Not IsInt($iRecur) Then Return SetError(1, 6, "") Local $bLongPath = False ; Check for valid path If StringLeft($sFilePath, 4) == "\\?\" Then $bLongPath = True EndIf Local $sFolderSlash = "" ; Check if folders should have trailing \ and ensure that initial path does have one If StringRight($sFilePath, 1) = "\" Then $sFolderSlash = "\" Else $sFilePath = $sFilePath & "\" EndIf Local $asFolderSearchList[100] = [1] ; Add path to folder search list $asFolderSearchList[1] = $sFilePath Local $iHide_HS = 0, _ $sHide_HS = "" ; Check for H or S omitted If BitAND($iReturn, $FLTAR_NOHIDDEN) Then $iHide_HS += 2 $sHide_HS &= "H" $iReturn -= $FLTAR_NOHIDDEN EndIf If BitAND($iReturn, $FLTAR_NOSYSTEM) Then $iHide_HS += 4 $sHide_HS &= "S" $iReturn -= $FLTAR_NOSYSTEM EndIf Local $iHide_Link = 0 ; Check for link/junction omitted If BitAND($iReturn, $FLTAR_NOLINK) Then $iHide_Link = 0x400 $iReturn -= $FLTAR_NOLINK EndIf Local $iMaxLevel = 0 ; If required, determine \ count for max recursive level setting If $iRecur < 0 Then StringReplace($sFilePath, "\", "", 0, $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC) $iMaxLevel = @extended - $iRecur EndIf Local $sExclude_List = "", $sExclude_List_Folder = "", $sInclude_List = "*" ; Check mask parameter Local $aMaskSplit = StringSplit($sMask, "|") ; Check for multiple sections and set values Switch $aMaskSplit[0] Case 3 $sExclude_List_Folder = $aMaskSplit[3] ContinueCase Case 2 $sExclude_List = $aMaskSplit[2] ContinueCase Case 1 $sInclude_List = $aMaskSplit[1] EndSwitch Local $sInclude_File_Mask = ".+" ; Create Include mask for files If $sInclude_List <> "*" Then If Not __FLTAR_ListToMask($sInclude_File_Mask, $sInclude_List) Then Return SetError(1, 2, "") EndIf Local $sInclude_Folder_Mask = ".+" ; Set Include mask for folders Switch $iReturn Case 0 ; Folders affected by mask if not recursive Switch $iRecur Case 0 ; Folders match mask for compatibility $sInclude_Folder_Mask = $sInclude_File_Mask EndSwitch Case 2 ; Folders affected by mask $sInclude_Folder_Mask = $sInclude_File_Mask EndSwitch Local $sExclude_File_Mask = ":" ; Create Exclude List mask for files If $sExclude_List <> "" Then If Not __FLTAR_ListToMask($sExclude_File_Mask, $sExclude_List) Then Return SetError(1, 3, "") EndIf Local $sExclude_Folder_Mask = ":" ; Create Exclude mask for folders If $iRecur Then If $sExclude_List_Folder Then If Not __FLTAR_ListToMask($sExclude_Folder_Mask, $sExclude_List_Folder) Then Return SetError(1, 4, "") EndIf ; If folders only If $iReturn = 2 Then ; Folders affected by normal mask $sExclude_Folder_Mask = $sExclude_File_Mask EndIf Else ; Folders affected by normal mask $sExclude_Folder_Mask = $sExclude_File_Mask EndIf ; Verify other parameters If Not ($iReturn = 0 Or $iReturn = 1 Or $iReturn = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 5, "") If Not ($iSort = 0 Or $iSort = 1 Or $iSort = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 7, "") If Not ($iReturnPath = 0 Or $iReturnPath = 1 Or $iReturnPath = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 8, "") ; Prepare for DllCall if required If $iHide_Link Then Local $tFile_Data = DllStructCreate("struct;align 4;dword FileAttributes;uint64 CreationTime;uint64 LastAccessTime;uint64 LastWriteTime;" & _ "dword FileSizeHigh;dword FileSizeLow;dword Reserved0;dword Reserved1;wchar FileName[260];wchar AlternateFileName[14];endstruct") Local $hDLL = DllOpen('kernel32.dll'), $aDLL_Ret EndIf Local $asReturnList[100] = [0] Local $asFileMatchList = $asReturnList, $asRootFileMatchList = $asReturnList, $asFolderMatchList = $asReturnList Local $bFolder = False, _ $hSearch = 0, _ $sCurrentPath = "", $sName = "", $sRetPath = "" Local $iAttribs = 0, _ $sAttribs = '' Local $asFolderFileSectionList[100][2] = [[0, 0]] ; Search within listed folders While $asFolderSearchList[0] > 0 ; Set path to search $sCurrentPath = $asFolderSearchList[$asFolderSearchList[0]] ; Reduce folder search list count $asFolderSearchList[0] -= 1 ; Determine return path to add to file/folder name Switch $iReturnPath ; Case 0 ; Name only ; Leave as "" Case 1 ;Relative to initial path $sRetPath = StringReplace($sCurrentPath, $sFilePath, "") Case 2 ; Full path If $bLongPath Then $sRetPath = StringTrimLeft($sCurrentPath, 4) Else $sRetPath = $sCurrentPath EndIf EndSwitch ; Get search handle - use code matched to required listing If $iHide_Link Then ; Use DLL code $aDLL_Ret = DllCall($hDLL, 'handle', 'FindFirstFileW', 'wstr', $sCurrentPath & "*", 'struct*', $tFile_Data) If @error Or Not $aDLL_Ret[0] Then ContinueLoop EndIf $hSearch = $aDLL_Ret[0] Else ; Use native code $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sCurrentPath & "*") ; If folder empty move to next in list If $hSearch = -1 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf ; If sorting files and folders with paths then store folder name and position of associated files in list If $iReturn = 0 And $iSort And $iReturnPath Then __FLTAR_AddToList($asFolderFileSectionList, $sRetPath, $asFileMatchList[0] + 1) EndIf $sAttribs = '' ; Search folder - use code matched to required listing While 1 ; Use DLL code If $iHide_Link Then ; Use DLL code $aDLL_Ret = DllCall($hDLL, 'int', 'FindNextFileW', 'handle', $hSearch, 'struct*', $tFile_Data) ; Check for end of folder If @error Or Not $aDLL_Ret[0] Then ExitLoop EndIf ; Extract data $sName = DllStructGetData($tFile_Data, "FileName") ; Check for .. return - only returned by the DllCall If $sName = ".." Then ContinueLoop EndIf $iAttribs = DllStructGetData($tFile_Data, "FileAttributes") ; Check for hidden/system attributes and skip if found If $iHide_HS And BitAND($iAttribs, $iHide_HS) Then ContinueLoop EndIf ; Check for link attribute and skip if found If BitAND($iAttribs, $iHide_Link) Then ContinueLoop EndIf ; Set subfolder flag $bFolder = False If BitAND($iAttribs, 16) Then $bFolder = True EndIf Else ; Reset folder flag $bFolder = False ; Use native code $sName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch, 1) ; Check for end of folder If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf $sAttribs = @extended ; Check for folder If StringInStr($sAttribs, "D") Then $bFolder = True EndIf ; Check for Hidden/System If StringRegExp($sAttribs, "[" & $sHide_HS & "]") Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf ; If folder then check whether to add to search list If $bFolder Then Select Case $iRecur < 0 ; Check recur depth StringReplace($sCurrentPath, "\", "", 0, $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC) If @extended < $iMaxLevel Then ContinueCase ; Check if matched to masks EndIf Case $iRecur = 1 ; Full recur If Not StringRegExp($sName, $sExclude_Folder_Mask) Then ; Add folder unless excluded __FLTAR_AddToList($asFolderSearchList, $sCurrentPath & $sName & "\") EndIf ; Case $iRecur = 0 ; Never add ; Do nothing EndSelect EndIf If $iSort Then ; Save in relevant folders for later sorting If $bFolder Then If StringRegExp($sName, $sInclude_Folder_Mask) And Not StringRegExp($sName, $sExclude_Folder_Mask) Then __FLTAR_AddToList($asFolderMatchList, $sRetPath & $sName & $sFolderSlash) EndIf Else If StringRegExp($sName, $sInclude_File_Mask) And Not StringRegExp($sName, $sExclude_File_Mask) Then ; Select required list for files If $sCurrentPath = $sFilePath Then __FLTAR_AddToList($asRootFileMatchList, $sRetPath & $sName) Else __FLTAR_AddToList($asFileMatchList, $sRetPath & $sName) EndIf EndIf EndIf Else ; Save directly in return list If $bFolder Then If $iReturn <> 1 And StringRegExp($sName, $sInclude_Folder_Mask) And Not StringRegExp($sName, $sExclude_Folder_Mask) Then __FLTAR_AddToList($asReturnList, $sRetPath & $sName & $sFolderSlash) EndIf Else If $iReturn <> 2 And StringRegExp($sName, $sInclude_File_Mask) And Not StringRegExp($sName, $sExclude_File_Mask) Then __FLTAR_AddToList($asReturnList, $sRetPath & $sName) EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Close current search If $iHide_Link Then DllCall($hDLL, 'int', 'FindClose', 'ptr', $hSearch) Else FileClose($hSearch) EndIf WEnd ; Close the DLL if needed If $iHide_Link Then DllClose($hDLL) EndIf ; Sort results if required If $iSort Then Switch $iReturn Case 2 ; Folders only ; Check if any folders found If $asFolderMatchList[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") ; Correctly size folder match list ReDim $asFolderMatchList[$asFolderMatchList[0] + 1] ; Copy size folder match array $asReturnList = $asFolderMatchList ; Simple sort list __ArrayDualPivotSort($asReturnList, 1, $asReturnList[0]) Case 1 ; Files only ; Check if any files found If $asRootFileMatchList[0] = 0 And $asFileMatchList[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") If $iReturnPath = 0 Then ; names only so simple sort suffices ; Combine file match lists __FLTAR_AddFileLists($asReturnList, $asRootFileMatchList, $asFileMatchList) ; Simple sort combined file list __ArrayDualPivotSort($asReturnList, 1, $asReturnList[0]) Else ; Combine sorted file match lists __FLTAR_AddFileLists($asReturnList, $asRootFileMatchList, $asFileMatchList, 1) EndIf Case 0 ; Both files and folders ; Check if any root files or folders found If $asRootFileMatchList[0] = 0 And $asFolderMatchList[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") If $iReturnPath = 0 Then ; names only so simple sort suffices ; Combine file match lists __FLTAR_AddFileLists($asReturnList, $asRootFileMatchList, $asFileMatchList) ; Set correct count for folder add $asReturnList[0] += $asFolderMatchList[0] ; Resize and add file match array ReDim $asFolderMatchList[$asFolderMatchList[0] + 1] _ArrayConcatenate($asReturnList, $asFolderMatchList, 1) ; Simple sort final list __ArrayDualPivotSort($asReturnList, 1, $asReturnList[0]) Else ; Size return list Local $asReturnList[$asFileMatchList[0] + $asRootFileMatchList[0] + $asFolderMatchList[0] + 1] $asReturnList[0] = $asFileMatchList[0] + $asRootFileMatchList[0] + $asFolderMatchList[0] ; Sort root file list __ArrayDualPivotSort($asRootFileMatchList, 1, $asRootFileMatchList[0]) ; Add the sorted root files at the top For $i = 1 To $asRootFileMatchList[0] $asReturnList[$i] = $asRootFileMatchList[$i] Next ; Set next insertion index Local $iNextInsertionIndex = $asRootFileMatchList[0] + 1 ; Sort folder list __ArrayDualPivotSort($asFolderMatchList, 1, $asFolderMatchList[0]) Local $sFolderToFind = "" ; Work through folder list For $i = 1 To $asFolderMatchList[0] ; Add folder to return list $asReturnList[$iNextInsertionIndex] = $asFolderMatchList[$i] $iNextInsertionIndex += 1 ; Format folder name for search If $sFolderSlash Then $sFolderToFind = $asFolderMatchList[$i] Else $sFolderToFind = $asFolderMatchList[$i] & "\" EndIf Local $iFileSectionEndIndex = 0, $iFileSectionStartIndex = 0 ; Find folder in FolderFileSectionList For $j = 1 To $asFolderFileSectionList[0][0] ; If found then deal with files If $sFolderToFind = $asFolderFileSectionList[$j][0] Then ; Set file list indexes $iFileSectionStartIndex = $asFolderFileSectionList[$j][1] If $j = $asFolderFileSectionList[0][0] Then $iFileSectionEndIndex = $asFileMatchList[0] Else $iFileSectionEndIndex = $asFolderFileSectionList[$j + 1][1] - 1 EndIf ; Sort files if required If $iSort = 1 Then __ArrayDualPivotSort($asFileMatchList, $iFileSectionStartIndex, $iFileSectionEndIndex) EndIf ; Add files to return list For $k = $iFileSectionStartIndex To $iFileSectionEndIndex $asReturnList[$iNextInsertionIndex] = $asFileMatchList[$k] $iNextInsertionIndex += 1 Next ExitLoop EndIf Next Next EndIf EndSwitch Else ; No sort ; Check if any file/folders have been added If $asReturnList[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") ; Remove any unused return list elements from last ReDim ReDim $asReturnList[$asReturnList[0] + 1] EndIf Return $asReturnList EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArrayRec ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __FLTAR_AddFileLists ; Description ...: Add internal lists after resizing and optional sorting ; Syntax ........: __FLTAR_AddFileLists(ByRef $asTarget, $asSource_1, $asSource_2[, $iSort = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $asReturnList - Base list ; $asRootFileMatchList - First list to add ; $asFileMatchList - Second list to add ; $iSort - (Optional) Whether to sort lists before adding ; |$iSort = 0 (Default) No sort ; |$iSort = 1 Sort in descending alphabetical order ; Return values .: None - array modified ByRef ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _FileListToArrayRec ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __FLTAR_AddFileLists(ByRef $asTarget, $asSource_1, $asSource_2, $iSort = 0) ; Correctly size root file match array ReDim $asSource_1[$asSource_1[0] + 1] ; Simple sort root file match array if required If $iSort = 1 Then __ArrayDualPivotSort($asSource_1, 1, $asSource_1[0]) ; Copy root file match array $asTarget = $asSource_1 ; Add file match count $asTarget[0] += $asSource_2[0] ; Correctly size file match array ReDim $asSource_2[$asSource_2[0] + 1] ; Simple sort file match array if required If $iSort = 1 Then __ArrayDualPivotSort($asSource_2, 1, $asSource_2[0]) ; Add file match array _ArrayConcatenate($asTarget, $asSource_2, 1) EndFunc ;==>__FLTAR_AddFileLists ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __FLTAR_AddToList ; Description ...: Add element to [?] or [?][2] list which is resized if necessary ; Syntax ........: __FLTAR_AddToList(ByRef $asList, $vValue_0, [$vValue_1]) ; Parameters ....: $aList - List to be added to ; $vValue_0 - Value to add to array - if $vValue_1 exists value added to [?][0] element in [?][2] array ; $vValue_1 - Value to add to [?][1] element in [?][2] array (optional) ; Return values .: None - array modified ByRef ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _FileListToArrayRec ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __FLTAR_AddToList(ByRef $aList, $vValue_0, $vValue_1 = -1) If $vValue_1 = -1 Then ; [?] array ; Increase list count $aList[0] += 1 ; Double list size if too small (fewer ReDim needed) If UBound($aList) <= $aList[0] Then ReDim $aList[UBound($aList) * 2] ; Add value $aList[$aList[0]] = $vValue_0 Else ; [?][2] array $aList[0][0] += 1 If UBound($aList) <= $aList[0][0] Then ReDim $aList[UBound($aList) * 2][2] $aList[$aList[0][0]][0] = $vValue_0 $aList[$aList[0][0]][1] = $vValue_1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>__FLTAR_AddToList ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __FLTAR_ListToMask ; Description ...: Convert include/exclude lists to SRE format ; Syntax ........: __FLTAR_ListToMask(ByRef $sMask, $sList) ; Parameters ....: $asMask - Include/Exclude mask to create ; $asList - Include/Exclude list to convert ; Return values .: Success: 1 ; Failure: 0 ; Author ........: SRE patterns developed from those posted by various forum members and Spiff59 in particular ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _FileListToArrayRec ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __FLTAR_ListToMask(ByRef $sMask, $sList) ; Check for invalid characters within list If StringRegExp($sList, "\\|/|:|\<|\>|\|") Then Return 0 ; Strip WS and insert | for ; $sList = StringReplace(StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($sList, "\s*;\s*", ";"), BitOR($STR_STRIPLEADING, $STR_STRIPTRAILING)), ";", "|") ; Convert to SRE pattern $sList = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sList, "[][$^.{}()+\-]", "\\$0"), "?", "."), "*", ".*?") ; Add prefix and suffix $sMask = "(?i)^(" & $sList & ")\z" Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__FLTAR_ListToMask ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: erifash ; Modified.......: guinness - Use the native ShellExecute function. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FilePrint($sFilePath, $iShow = @SW_HIDE) Return ShellExecute($sFilePath, "", @WorkingDir, "print", $iShow = Default ? @SW_HIDE : $iShow) EndFunc ;==>_FilePrint ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Jonathan Bennett , Valik - Support Windows Unix and Mac line separator ; Modified ......: Jpm - fixed empty line at the end, Gary Fixed file contains only 1 line, guinness - Optional flag to return the array count. ; : Melba23 - Read to 1D/2D arrays, guinness & jchd - Removed looping through 1D array with $FRTA_COUNT flag. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileReadToArray($sFilePath, ByRef $vReturn, $iFlags = $FRTA_COUNT, $sDelimiter = "") ; Clear the previous contents $vReturn = 0 If $iFlags = Default Then $iFlags = $FRTA_COUNT If $sDelimiter = Default Then $sDelimiter = "" ; Set "array of arrays" flag Local $bExpand = True If BitAND($iFlags, $FRTA_INTARRAYS) Then $bExpand = False $iFlags -= $FRTA_INTARRAYS EndIf ; Set delimiter flag Local $iEntire = $STR_CHRSPLIT If BitAND($iFlags, $FRTA_ENTIRESPLIT) Then $iEntire = $STR_ENTIRESPLIT $iFlags -= $FRTA_ENTIRESPLIT EndIf ; Set row count and split count flags Local $iNoCount = 0 If $iFlags <> $FRTA_COUNT Then $iFlags = $FRTA_NOCOUNT $iNoCount = $STR_NOCOUNT EndIf ; Check delimiter If $sDelimiter Then ; Read file into an array Local $aLines = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; Get first dimension and add count if required Local $iDim_1 = UBound($aLines) + $iFlags ; Check type of return array If $bExpand Then ; All lines have same number of fields ; Count fields in first line Local $iDim_2 = UBound(StringSplit($aLines[0], $sDelimiter, $iEntire + $STR_NOCOUNT)) ; Size array Local $aTemp_Array[$iDim_1][$iDim_2] ; Declare the variables Local $iFields, _ $aSplit ; Loop through the lines For $i = 0 To $iDim_1 - $iFlags - 1 ; Split each line as required $aSplit = StringSplit($aLines[$i], $sDelimiter, $iEntire + $STR_NOCOUNT) ; Count the items $iFields = UBound($aSplit) If $iFields <> $iDim_2 Then ; Return error Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf ; Fill this line of the array For $j = 0 To $iFields - 1 $aTemp_Array[$i + $iFlags][$j] = $aSplit[$j] Next Next ; Check at least 2 columns If $iDim_2 < 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; Set dimension count If $iFlags Then $aTemp_Array[0][0] = $iDim_1 - $iFlags $aTemp_Array[0][1] = $iDim_2 EndIf Else ; Create "array of arrays" ; Size array Local $aTemp_Array[$iDim_1] ; Loop through the lines For $i = 0 To $iDim_1 - $iFlags - 1 ; Split each line as required $aTemp_Array[$i + $iFlags] = StringSplit($aLines[$i], $sDelimiter, $iEntire + $iNoCount) Next ; Set dimension count If $iFlags Then $aTemp_Array[0] = $iDim_1 - $iFlags EndIf EndIf ; Return the array $vReturn = $aTemp_Array Else ; 1D If $iFlags Then Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sFileRead = FileRead($hFileOpen) FileClose($hFileOpen) If StringLen($sFileRead) Then $vReturn = StringRegExp(@LF & $sFileRead, "(?|(\N+)\z|(\N*)(?:\R))", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) $vReturn[0] = UBound($vReturn) - 1 Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Else $vReturn = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) If @error Then $vReturn = 0 Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileReadToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Jos van der Zande ; Modified.......: Updated for file handles by PsaltyDS, @error = 4 msg and 2-dimension capability added by Spiff59 and fixed by guinness. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, Const ByRef $aArray, $iBase = Default, $iUBound = Default, $sDelimiter = "|") Local $iReturn = 0 ; Check if we have a valid array as an input. If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(2, 0, $iReturn) ; Check the number of dimensions is no greater than a 2d array. Local $iDims = UBound($aArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) If $iDims > 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; Determine last entry of the array. Local $iLast = UBound($aArray) - 1 If $iUBound = Default Or $iUBound > $iLast Then $iUBound = $iLast If $iBase < 0 Or $iBase = Default Then $iBase = 0 If $iBase > $iUBound Then Return SetError(5, 0, $iReturn) If $sDelimiter = Default Then $sDelimiter = "|" ; Open output file for overwrite by default, or use input file handle if passed. Local $hFileOpen = $sFilePath If IsString($sFilePath) Then $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $iReturn) EndIf ; Write array data to file. Local $iError = 0 $iReturn = 1 ; Set the return value to true. Switch $iDims Case 1 For $i = $iBase To $iUBound If Not FileWrite($hFileOpen, $aArray[$i] & @CRLF) Then $iError = 3 $iReturn = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next Case 2 Local $sTemp = "" For $i = $iBase To $iUBound $sTemp = $aArray[$i][0] For $j = 1 To UBound($aArray, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) - 1 $sTemp &= $sDelimiter & $aArray[$i][$j] Next If Not FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sTemp & @CRLF) Then $iError = 3 $iReturn = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndSwitch ; Close file only if specified by a string path. If IsString($sFilePath) Then FileClose($hFileOpen) ; Return the results. Return SetError($iError, 0, $iReturn) EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteFromArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Jeremy Landes ; Modified.......: MrCreatoR - added $iFlag parameter ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $sLogMsg, $iFlag = -1) Local $iOpenMode = $FO_APPEND Local $sMsg = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " : " & $sLogMsg If $iFlag = Default Then $iFlag = -1 If $iFlag <> -1 Then $iOpenMode = $FO_OVERWRITE $sMsg &= @CRLF & FileRead($sLogPath) EndIf ; Open output file for appending to the end/overwriting, or use input file handle if passed Local $hFileOpen = $sLogPath If IsString($sLogPath) Then $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sLogPath, $iOpenMode) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iReturn = FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, $sMsg) ; Close file only if specified by a string path If IsString($sLogPath) Then $iReturn = FileClose($hFileOpen) If $iReturn <= 0 Then Return SetError(2, $iReturn, 0) Return $iReturn EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteLog ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: cdkid ; Modified.......: partypooper, MrCreatoR, Melba23 ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileWriteToLine($sFilePath, $iLine, $sText, $bOverWrite = False, $bFill = False) If $bOverWrite = Default Then $bOverWrite = False If $bFill = Default Then $bFill = False If Not FileExists($sFilePath) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $iLine <= 0 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If Not (IsBool($bOverWrite) Or $bOverWrite = 0 Or $bOverWrite = 1) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If Not IsString($sText) Then $sText = String($sText) If $sText = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf If Not IsBool($bFill) Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) ; Read current file into array Local $aArray = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) ; Create empty array if empty file If @error Then Local $aArray[0] Local $iUBound = UBound($aArray) - 1 ; If Fill option set If $bFill Then ; If required resize array to allow line to be written If $iUBound < $iLine Then ReDim $aArray[$iLine] $iUBound = $iLine - 1 EndIf Else If ($iUBound + 1) < $iLine Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf ; Write specific line - array is 0-based so reduce by 1 - and either replace or insert $aArray[$iLine - 1] = ($bOverWrite ? $sText : $sText & @CRLF & $aArray[$iLine - 1]) ; Concatenate array elements Local $sData = "" For $i = 0 To $iUBound $sData &= $aArray[$i] & @CRLF Next $sData = StringTrimRight($sData, StringLen(@CRLF)) ; Required to strip trailing EOL ; Write data to file Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, FileGetEncoding($sFilePath) + $FO_OVERWRITE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sData) FileClose($hFileOpen) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteToLine ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Valik (Original function and modification to rewrite), tittoproject (Rewrite) ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PathFull($sRelativePath, $sBasePath = @WorkingDir) If Not $sRelativePath Or $sRelativePath = "." Then Return $sBasePath ; Normalize slash direction. Local $sFullPath = StringReplace($sRelativePath, "/", "\") ; Holds the full path (later, minus the root) Local Const $sFullPathConst = $sFullPath ; Holds a constant version of the full path. Local $sPath ; Holds the root drive/server Local $bRootOnly = StringLeft($sFullPath, 1) = "\" And StringMid($sFullPath, 2, 1) <> "\" If $sBasePath = Default Then $sBasePath = @WorkingDir ; Check for UNC paths or local drives. We run this twice at most. The ; first time, we check if the relative path is absolute. If it's not, then ; we use the base path which should be absolute. For $i = 1 To 2 $sPath = StringLeft($sFullPath, 2) If $sPath = "\\" Then $sFullPath = StringTrimLeft($sFullPath, 2) Local $nServerLen = StringInStr($sFullPath, "\") - 1 $sPath = "\\" & StringLeft($sFullPath, $nServerLen) $sFullPath = StringTrimLeft($sFullPath, $nServerLen) ExitLoop ElseIf StringRight($sPath, 1) = ":" Then $sFullPath = StringTrimLeft($sFullPath, 2) ExitLoop Else $sFullPath = $sBasePath & "\" & $sFullPath EndIf Next ; If this happens, we've found a funky path and don't know what to do ; except for get out as fast as possible. We've also screwed up our ; variables so we definitely need to quit. ; If $i = 3 Then Return "" ; A path with a drive but no slash (e.g. C:Path\To\File) has the following ; behavior. If the relative drive is the same as the $BasePath drive then ; insert the base path. If the drives differ then just insert a leading ; slash to make the path valid. If StringLeft($sFullPath, 1) <> "\" Then If StringLeft($sFullPathConst, 2) = StringLeft($sBasePath, 2) Then $sFullPath = $sBasePath & "\" & $sFullPath Else $sFullPath = "\" & $sFullPath EndIf EndIf ; Build an array of the path parts we want to use. Local $aTemp = StringSplit($sFullPath, "\") Local $aPathParts[$aTemp[0]], $j = 0 For $i = 2 To $aTemp[0] If $aTemp[$i] = ".." Then If $j Then $j -= 1 ElseIf Not ($aTemp[$i] = "" And $i <> $aTemp[0]) And $aTemp[$i] <> "." Then $aPathParts[$j] = $aTemp[$i] $j += 1 EndIf Next ; Here we re-build the path from the parts above. We skip the ; loop if we are only returning the root. $sFullPath = $sPath If Not $bRootOnly Then For $i = 0 To $j - 1 $sFullPath &= "\" & $aPathParts[$i] Next Else $sFullPath &= $sFullPathConst ; If we detect more relative parts, remove them by calling ourself recursively. If StringInStr($sFullPath, "..") Then $sFullPath = _PathFull($sFullPath) EndIf ; Clean up the path. Do $sFullPath = StringReplace($sFullPath, ".\", "\") Until @extended = 0 Return $sFullPath EndFunc ;==>_PathFull ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Erik Pilsits ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PathGetRelative($sFrom, $sTo) If StringRight($sFrom, 1) <> "\" Then $sFrom &= "\" ; add missing trailing \ to $sFrom path If StringRight($sTo, 1) <> "\" Then $sTo &= "\" ; add trailing \ to $sTo If $sFrom = $sTo Then Return SetError(1, 0, StringTrimRight($sTo, 1)) ; $sFrom equals $sTo Local $asFrom = StringSplit($sFrom, "\") Local $asTo = StringSplit($sTo, "\") If $asFrom[1] <> $asTo[1] Then Return SetError(2, 0, StringTrimRight($sTo, 1)) ; drives are different, rel path not possible ; create rel path Local $i = 2 Local $iDiff = 1 While 1 If $asFrom[$i] <> $asTo[$i] Then $iDiff = $i ExitLoop EndIf $i += 1 WEnd $i = 1 Local $sRelPath = "" For $j = 1 To $asTo[0] If $i >= $iDiff Then $sRelPath &= "\" & $asTo[$i] EndIf $i += 1 Next $sRelPath = StringTrimLeft($sRelPath, 1) $i = 1 For $j = 1 To $asFrom[0] If $i > $iDiff Then $sRelPath = "..\" & $sRelPath EndIf $i += 1 Next If StringRight($sRelPath, 1) == "\" Then $sRelPath = StringTrimRight($sRelPath, 1) ; remove trailing \ Return $sRelPath EndFunc ;==>_PathGetRelative ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Valik ; Modified.......: guinness ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PathMake($sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) ; Format $sDrive, if it's not a UNC server name, then just get the drive letter and add a colon If StringLen($sDrive) Then If Not (StringLeft($sDrive, 2) = "\\") Then $sDrive = StringLeft($sDrive, 1) & ":" EndIf ; Format the directory by adding any necessary slashes If StringLen($sDir) Then If Not (StringRight($sDir, 1) = "\") And Not (StringRight($sDir, 1) = "/") Then $sDir = $sDir & "\" Else $sDir = "\" EndIf If StringLen($sDir) Then ; Append a backslash to the start of the directory if required If Not (StringLeft($sDir, 1) = "\") And Not (StringLeft($sDir, 1) = "/") Then $sDir = "\" & $sDir EndIf ; Nothing to be done for the filename ; Add the period to the extension if necessary If StringLen($sExtension) Then If Not (StringLeft($sExtension, 1) = ".") Then $sExtension = "." & $sExtension EndIf Return $sDrive & $sDir & $sFileName & $sExtension EndFunc ;==>_PathMake ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Valik ; Modified.......: DXRW4E - Re-wrote to use a regular expression; guinness - Update syntax and structure. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PathSplit($sFilePath, ByRef $sDrive, ByRef $sDir, ByRef $sFileName, ByRef $sExtension) Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sFilePath, "^\h*((?:\\\\\?\\)*(\\\\[^\?\/\\]+|[A-Za-z]:)?(.*[\/\\]\h*)?((?:[^\.\/\\]|(?(?=\.[^\/\\]*\.)\.))*)?([^\/\\]*))$", $STR_REGEXPARRAYMATCH) If @error Then ; This error should never happen. ReDim $aArray[5] $aArray[$PATH_ORIGINAL] = $sFilePath EndIf $sDrive = $aArray[$PATH_DRIVE] If StringLeft($aArray[$PATH_DIRECTORY], 1) == "/" Then $sDir = StringRegExpReplace($aArray[$PATH_DIRECTORY], "\h*[\/\\]+\h*", "\/") Else $sDir = StringRegExpReplace($aArray[$PATH_DIRECTORY], "\h*[\/\\]+\h*", "\\") EndIf $aArray[$PATH_DIRECTORY] = $sDir $sFileName = $aArray[$PATH_FILENAME] $sExtension = $aArray[$PATH_EXTENSION] Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>_PathSplit ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Kurt (aka /dev/null) and JdeB ; Modified ......: guinness - Re-wrote the function entirely for improvements in readability. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ReplaceStringInFile($sFilePath, $sSearchString, $sReplaceString, $iCaseSensitive = 0, $iOccurance = 1) If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFilePath), "R") Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; Open the file for reading. Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; Read the contents of the file and stores in a variable Local $sFileRead = FileRead($hFileOpen) FileClose($hFileOpen) ; Close the open file after reading ; Set the default parameters If $iCaseSensitive = Default Then $iCaseSensitive = 0 If $iOccurance = Default Then $iOccurance = 1 ; Replace strings $sFileRead = StringReplace($sFileRead, $sSearchString, $sReplaceString, 1 - $iOccurance, $iCaseSensitive) Local $iReturn = @extended ; If there are replacements then overwrite the file If $iReturn Then ; Retrieve the file encoding Local $iFileEncoding = FileGetEncoding($sFilePath) ; Open the file for writing and set the overwrite flag $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $iFileEncoding + $FO_OVERWRITE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ; Write to the open file FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sFileRead) FileClose($hFileOpen) ; Close the open file after writing EndIf Return $iReturn EndFunc ;==>_ReplaceStringInFile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Dale (Klaatu) Thompson ; Modified.......: Hans Harder - Added Optional parameters, guinness - Fixed using non-supported characters in the file prefix. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TempFile($sDirectoryName = @TempDir, $sFilePrefix = "~", $sFileExtension = ".tmp", $iRandomLength = 7) ; Check parameters for the Default keyword or they meet a certain criteria If $iRandomLength = Default Or $iRandomLength <= 0 Then $iRandomLength = 7 If $sDirectoryName = Default Or (Not FileExists($sDirectoryName)) Then $sDirectoryName = @TempDir If $sFileExtension = Default Then $sFileExtension = ".tmp" If $sFilePrefix = Default Then $sFilePrefix = "~" ; Check if the directory exists or use the current script directory If Not FileExists($sDirectoryName) Then $sDirectoryName = @ScriptDir ; Remove the appending backslash $sDirectoryName = StringRegExpReplace($sDirectoryName, "[\\/]+$", "") ; Remove the initial dot (.) from the file extension $sFileExtension = StringRegExpReplace($sFileExtension, "^\.+", "") ; Remove any non-supported characters in the file prefix $sFilePrefix = StringRegExpReplace($sFilePrefix, '[\\/:*?"<>|]', "") ; Create the temporary file path without writing to the selected directory Local $sTempName = "" Do ; Create a random filename $sTempName = "" While StringLen($sTempName) < $iRandomLength $sTempName &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) WEnd ; Temporary filepath $sTempName = $sDirectoryName & "\" & $sFilePrefix & $sTempName & "." & $sFileExtension Until Not FileExists($sTempName) ; Exit the loop if no file with the same name is present Return $sTempName EndFunc ;==>_TempFile