#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Edit_Constants ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: GUI control Edit/Input styles and much more constants. ; Author(s) .....: Valik, Gary Frost, ... ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; Styles Global Const $ES_LEFT = 0 Global Const $ES_CENTER = 1 Global Const $ES_RIGHT = 2 Global Const $ES_MULTILINE = 4 Global Const $ES_UPPERCASE = 8 Global Const $ES_LOWERCASE = 16 Global Const $ES_PASSWORD = 32 Global Const $ES_AUTOVSCROLL = 64 Global Const $ES_AUTOHSCROLL = 128 Global Const $ES_NOHIDESEL = 256 Global Const $ES_OEMCONVERT = 1024 Global Const $ES_READONLY = 2048 Global Const $ES_WANTRETURN = 4096 Global Const $ES_NUMBER = 8192 ; Global Const $ES_DISABLENOSCROLL = 8192 ; Global Const $ES_SUNKEN = 16384 ; Global Const $ES_VERTICAL = 4194304 ; Global Const $ES_SELECTIONBAR = 16777216 ; Error checking Global Const $EC_ERR = -1 ; Messages to send to edit control Global Const $ECM_FIRST = 0X1500 Global Const $EM_CANUNDO = 0xC6 Global Const $EM_CHARFROMPOS = 0xD7 Global Const $EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER = 0xCD Global Const $EM_FMTLINES = 0xC8 Global Const $EM_GETCUEBANNER = ($ECM_FIRST + 2) Global Const $EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE = 0xCE Global Const $EM_GETHANDLE = 0xBD Global Const $EM_GETIMESTATUS = 0xD9 Global Const $EM_GETLIMITTEXT = 0xD5 Global Const $EM_GETLINE = 0xC4 Global Const $EM_GETLINECOUNT = 0xBA Global Const $EM_GETMARGINS = 0xD4 Global Const $EM_GETMODIFY = 0xB8 Global Const $EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR = 0xD2 Global Const $EM_GETRECT = 0xB2 Global Const $EM_GETSEL = 0xB0 Global Const $EM_GETTHUMB = 0xBE Global Const $EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC = 0xD1 Global Const $EM_HIDEBALLOONTIP = ($ECM_FIRST + 4) Global Const $EM_LIMITTEXT = 0xC5 Global Const $EM_LINEFROMCHAR = 0xC9 Global Const $EM_LINEINDEX = 0xBB Global Const $EM_LINELENGTH = 0xC1 Global Const $EM_LINESCROLL = 0xB6 Global Const $EM_POSFROMCHAR = 0xD6 Global Const $EM_REPLACESEL = 0xC2 Global Const $EM_SCROLL = 0xB5 Global Const $EM_SCROLLCARET = 0x00B7 Global Const $EM_SETCUEBANNER = ($ECM_FIRST + 1) Global Const $EM_SETHANDLE = 0xBC Global Const $EM_SETIMESTATUS = 0xD8 Global Const $EM_SETLIMITTEXT = $EM_LIMITTEXT Global Const $EM_SETMARGINS = 0xD3 Global Const $EM_SETMODIFY = 0xB9 Global Const $EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR = 0xCC Global Const $EM_SETREADONLY = 0xCF Global Const $EM_SETRECT = 0xB3 Global Const $EM_SETRECTNP = 0xB4 Global Const $EM_SETSEL = 0xB1 Global Const $EM_SETTABSTOPS = 0xCB Global Const $EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC = 0xD0 Global Const $EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP = ($ECM_FIRST + 3) Global Const $EM_UNDO = 0xC7 ; Params Global Const $EC_LEFTMARGIN = 0x1 Global Const $EC_RIGHTMARGIN = 0x2 Global Const $EC_USEFONTINFO = 0xFFFF Global Const $EMSIS_COMPOSITIONSTRING = 0x1 ; Status Global Const $EIMES_GETCOMPSTRATONCE = 0x1 ; If this flag is set, the edit control hooks the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with fFlags set to GCS_RESULTSTR and returns the result string immediately Global Const $EIMES_CANCELCOMPSTRINFOCUS = 0x2 ; If this flag is set, the edit control cancels the composition string when it receives the WM_SETFOCUS message. Global Const $EIMES_COMPLETECOMPSTRKILLFOCUS = 0x4 ; If this flag is set, the edit control completes the composition string upon receiving the WM_KILLFOCUS message. ; Notifications Global Const $EN_ALIGN_LTR_EC = 0x700 Global Const $EN_ALIGN_RTL_EC = 0x701 Global Const $EN_CHANGE = 0x300 Global Const $EN_ERRSPACE = 0x500 Global Const $EN_HSCROLL = 0X601 Global Const $EN_KILLFOCUS = 0x200 Global Const $EN_MAXTEXT = 0x501 Global Const $EN_SETFOCUS = 0x100 Global Const $EN_UPDATE = 0x400 Global Const $EN_VSCROLL = 0x602 ; Edit Balloon Tool Tip Icons ; move in ToolTipConstants.au3 ; Global Const $TTI_NONE = 0 ; Global Const $TTI_INFO = 1 ; Global Const $TTI_WARNING = 2 ; Global Const $TTI_ERROR = 3 ; Vista Edit Balloon Tool Tip Icons ; Global Const $TTI_INFO_LARGE = 4 ; Global Const $TTI_WARNING_LARGE = 5 ; Global Const $TTI_ERROR_LARGE = 6 ; Control default styles Global Const $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_EDIT = 0x003010c0 ; BitOR($ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_HSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL) Global Const $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT = 0x00000080 ; BitOR($ES_LEFT, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL) ; ===============================================================================================================================