#include-once #include "ArrayDisplayInternals.au3" #include "AutoItConstants.au3" #include "MsgBoxConstants.au3" #include "SendMessage.au3" #include "StringConstants.au3" #include "WinAPIError.au3" ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Debug ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions to help script debugging. ; Author(s) .....: Nutster, Jpm, Valik, guinness, water ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $__g_sReportWindowText_Debug = "Debug Window hidden text" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #VARIABLE# ==================================================================================================================== Global $__g_sReportTitle_Debug = "AutoIt Debug Report" Global $__g_iReportType_Debug = 0 Global $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug = True, $__g_bReportWindowClosed_Debug = True Global $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = 0 Global $__g_hReportNotepadEdit_Debug = 0 Global $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug Global $__g_bReportTimeStamp_Debug = False Global $__g_bComErrorExit_Debug = False, $__g_oComError_Debug = Null ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _Assert ; _DebugArrayDisplay ; _DebugBugReportEnv ; _DebugCOMError ; _DebugOut ; _DebugReport ; _DebugReportEx ; _DebugReportVar ; _DebugSetup ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; __Debug_COMErrorHandler ; __Debug_DataFormat ; __Debug_DataType ; __Debug_ReportClose ; __Debug_ReportWrite ; __Debug_ReportWindowCreate ; __Debug_ReportWindowWrite ; __Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Valik ; Modified.......: jpm ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Assert($sCondition, $bExit = True, $iCode = 0x7FFFFFFF, $sLine = @ScriptLineNumber, Const $_iCurrentError = @error, Const $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) Local $bCondition = Execute($sCondition) If Not $bCondition Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "AutoIt Assert", "Assertion Failed (Line " & $sLine & "): " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sCondition) If $bExit Then Exit $iCode EndIf Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, $bCondition) EndFunc ;==>_Assert ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: jpm ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugArrayDisplay(Const ByRef $aArray, $sTitle = Default, $sArrayRange = Default, $iFlags = Default, $vUser_Separator = Default, $sHeader = Default, $iMax_ColWidth = Default, $hUser_Function = Default) Local $iRet = __ArrayDisplay_Share($aArray, $sTitle, $sArrayRange, $iFlags, $vUser_Separator, $sHeader, $iMax_ColWidth, $hUser_Function, True) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $iRet) EndFunc ;==>_DebugArrayDisplay ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugBugReportEnv(Const $_iCurrentError = @error, Const $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) Local $sAutoItX64, $sAdminMode, $sCompiled, $sOsServicePack, $sMUIlang, $sKBLayout, $sCPUArch If @AutoItX64 Then $sAutoItX64 = "/X64" If IsAdmin() Then $sAdminMode = ", AdminMode" If @Compiled Then $sCompiled = ", Compiled" If @OSServicePack Then $sOsServicePack = "/" & StringReplace(@OSServicePack, "Service Pack ", "SP") If @OSLang <> @MUILang Then $sMUIlang = ", MUILang: " & @MUILang If @OSLang <> StringRight(@KBLayout, 4) Then $sKBLayout = ", Keyboard: " & @KBLayout If @OSArch <> @CPUArch Then $sCPUArch = ", CPUArch: " & @CPUArch Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, "AutoIt: " & @AutoItVersion & $sAutoItX64 & $sAdminMode & $sCompiled & _ ", OS: " & @OSVersion & $sOsServicePack & "/" & @OSArch & _ ", OSLang: " & @OSLang & $sMUIlang & $sKBLayout & $sCPUArch & _ ", Script: " & @ScriptFullPath) EndFunc ;==>_DebugBugReportEnv ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: jpm ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugCOMError($iComDebug = Default, $bExit = False) If $__g_iReportType_Debug <= 0 Or $__g_iReportType_Debug > 6 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $iComDebug = Default Then $iComDebug = 1 If Not IsInt($iComDebug) Or $iComDebug < -1 Or $iComDebug > 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Switch $iComDebug Case -1 Return SetError(IsObj($__g_oComError_Debug), $__g_bComErrorExit_Debug, 1) Case 0 If $__g_oComError_Debug = Null Then SetError(0, 3, 1) ; COM error handler already disabled $__g_oComError_Debug = Null $__g_bComErrorExit_Debug = False Return 1 Case Else ; A COM error handler will be initialized only if one does not exist $__g_bComErrorExit_Debug = $bExit Local $vComErrorChecking = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $vComErrorChecking = "" Then $__g_oComError_Debug = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __Debug_COMErrorHandler) ; Creates a custom error handler If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return SetError(0, 1, 1) ElseIf FuncName($vComErrorChecking) = FuncName(__Debug_COMErrorHandler) Then Return SetError(0, 2, 1) ; COM error handler already set by a previous call to this function Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; COM error handler already set to another function - not by this UDF EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_DebugCOMError ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: Nutster ; Modified.......: jpm ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugOut(Const $sOutput, Const $_iCurrentError = @error, Const $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) If IsNumber($sOutput) = 0 And IsString($sOutput) = 0 And IsBool($sOutput) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; $sOutput can not be printed If _DebugReport($sOutput) = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; _DebugSetup() as not been called. Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 1) ; Return @error and @extended as before calling _DebugOut() EndFunc ;==>_DebugOut ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: guinness ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugSetup(Const $sTitle = Default, $bBugReportInfos = Default, $vReportType = Default, $sLogFile = Default, $bTimeStamp = False) If $__g_iReportType_Debug Then Return SetError(1, 0, $__g_iReportType_Debug) ; already registered If $bBugReportInfos = Default Then $bBugReportInfos = False If $vReportType = Default Then $vReportType = 1 If $sLogFile = Default Then $sLogFile = "" Switch $vReportType Case 1 ; Report Log window $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = "__Debug_ReportWindowWrite(" Case 2 ; ConsoleWrite $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = "ConsoleWrite(" Case 3 ; Message box $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = "MsgBox(4096, '" & $__g_sReportTitle_Debug & "'," Case 4 ; Log file $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = "FileWrite('" & $sLogFile & "'," Case 5 ; Report notepad window $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = "__Debug_ReportNotepadWrite(" Case Else If Not IsString($vReportType) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; invalid Report type ; private callback If $vReportType = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; invalid callback function $__g_sReportCallBack_Debug = $vReportType & "(" $vReportType = 6 EndSwitch If Not ($sTitle = Default) Then $__g_sReportTitle_Debug = $sTitle $__g_iReportType_Debug = $vReportType $__g_bReportTimeStamp_Debug = $bTimeStamp OnAutoItExitRegister("__Debug_ReportClose") If $bBugReportInfos Then _DebugReport(_DebugBugReportEnv() & @CRLF) Return $__g_iReportType_Debug EndFunc ;==>_DebugSetup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugReport($sData, $bLastError = False, $bExit = False, Const $_iCurrentError = @error, $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) If $__g_iReportType_Debug <= 0 Or $__g_iReportType_Debug > 6 Then Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 0) $_iCurrentExtended = __Debug_ReportWrite($sData, $bLastError) If $bExit Then Exit Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 1) EndFunc ;==>_DebugReport ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugReportEx($sData, $bLastError = False, $bExit = False, Const $_iCurrentError = @error, $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) If $__g_iReportType_Debug <= 0 Or $__g_iReportType_Debug > 6 Then Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 0) If IsInt($_iCurrentError) Then Local $sTemp = StringSplit($sData, "|", $STR_ENTIRESPLIT + $STR_NOCOUNT) If UBound($sTemp) > 1 Then If $bExit Then $sData = "<<< " Else $sData = ">>> " EndIf Switch $_iCurrentError Case 0 $sData &= "Bad return from " & $sTemp[1] & " in " & $sTemp[0] & ".dll" Case 1 $sData &= "Unable to open " & $sTemp[0] & ".dll" Case 3 $sData &= "Unable to find " & $sTemp[1] & " in " & $sTemp[0] & ".dll" EndSwitch EndIf EndIf $_iCurrentExtended = __Debug_ReportWrite($sData, $bLastError) If $bExit Then Exit Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 1) EndFunc ;==>_DebugReportEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DebugReportVar($sVarName, $vVar, $bErrExt = False, Const $iDebugLineNumber = @ScriptLineNumber, Const $_iCurrentError = @error, Const $_iCurrentExtended = @extended) If $__g_iReportType_Debug <= 0 Or $__g_iReportType_Debug > 6 Then Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended, 0) If IsBool($vVar) And IsInt($bErrExt) Then ; to kept some compatibility with if really needed for non breaking If StringLeft($sVarName, 1) = "$" Then $sVarName = StringTrimLeft($sVarName, 1) $vVar = Eval($sVarName) $sVarName = "???" EndIf Local $sData = "@@ Debug(" & $iDebugLineNumber & ") : " & __Debug_DataType($vVar) & " -> " & $sVarName If IsArray($vVar) Then Local $nDims = UBound($vVar, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) Local $nRows = UBound($vVar, $UBOUND_ROWS) Local $nCols = UBound($vVar, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) For $d = 1 To $nDims $sData &= "[" & UBound($vVar, $d) & "]" Next If $nDims <= 2 Then For $r = 0 To $nRows - 1 $sData &= @CRLF & "[" & $r & "] " If $nDims = 1 Then $sData &= __Debug_DataFormat($vVar[$r]) & @TAB Else For $c = 0 To $nCols - 1 $sData &= __Debug_DataFormat($vVar[$r][$c]) & @TAB Next EndIf Next EndIf ElseIf IsDllStruct($vVar) Or IsObj($vVar) Then Else $sData &= ' = ' & __Debug_DataFormat($vVar) EndIf If $bErrExt Then $sData &= @CRLF & @TAB & "@error=" & $_iCurrentError & " @extended=0x" & Hex($_iCurrentExtended) __Debug_ReportWrite($sData) Return SetError($_iCurrentError, $_iCurrentExtended) EndFunc ;==>_DebugReportVar ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name ..........: __Debug_COMErrorHandler ; Description ...: Called when a COM error occurs and writes the error message with _DebugOut(). ; Syntax.........: __Debug_COMErrorHandler ( $oCOMError ) ; Parameters ....: $oCOMError - Error object ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: jpm ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_COMErrorHandler($oCOMError) _DebugReport(__COMErrorFormating($oCOMError), False, $__g_bComErrorExit_Debug) EndFunc ;==>__Debug_COMErrorHandler ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_DataFormat ; Description ...: Returns a formatted data ; Syntax.........: __Debug_DataFormat ( $vData ) ; Parameters ....: $vData - a data to be formatted ; Return values .: the data truncated if needed or the Datatype for not editable as Dllstruct, Obj or Array ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_DataFormat($vData) Local $nLenMax = 25 ; to truncate String, Binary Local $sTruncated = "" If IsString($vData) Then If StringLen($vData) > $nLenMax Then $vData = StringLeft($vData, $nLenMax) $sTruncated = " ..." EndIf Return '"' & $vData & '"' & $sTruncated ElseIf IsBinary($vData) Then If BinaryLen($vData) > $nLenMax Then $vData = BinaryMid($vData, 1, $nLenMax) $sTruncated = " ..." EndIf Return $vData & $sTruncated ElseIf IsDllStruct($vData) Or IsArray($vData) Or IsObj($vData) Then Return __Debug_DataType($vData) Else Return $vData EndIf EndFunc ;==>__Debug_DataFormat ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_DataType ; Description ...: Truncate a data ; Syntax.........: __Debug_DataType ( $vData ) ; Parameters ....: $vData - a data ; Return values .: the data truncated if needed ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_DataType($vData) Local $sType = VarGetType($vData) Switch $sType Case "DllStruct" $sType &= ":" & DllStructGetSize($vData) Case "Array" $sType &= " " & UBound($vData, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) & "D" Case "String" $sType &= ":" & StringLen($vData) Case "Binary" $sType &= ":" & BinaryLen($vData) Case "Ptr" If IsHWnd($vData) Then $sType = "Hwnd" EndSwitch Return "{" & $sType & "}" EndFunc ;==>__Debug_DataType ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportClose ; Description ...: Close the debug session ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportClose ( ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: guinness ; Remarks .......: If a specific reporting function has been registered then it is called without parameter. ; Related .......: _DebugSetup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportClose() If $__g_iReportType_Debug = 1 Then WinSetOnTop($__g_sReportTitle_Debug, "", 1) _DebugReport('>>>>>> Please close the "Report Log Window" to exit <<<<<<<' & @CRLF) __Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose() ElseIf $__g_iReportType_Debug = 6 Then Execute($__g_sReportCallBack_Debug & ")") EndIf $__g_iReportType_Debug = 0 EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportClose ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportWindowCreate ; Description ...: Create an report log window ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportWindowCreate ( ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: 0 if already created ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportWindowCreate() Local $nOld = Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", $OPT_MATCHSTART) Local $bExists = WinExists($__g_sReportTitle_Debug, $__g_sReportWindowText_Debug) If $bExists Then If $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = 0 Then ; first time we try to access an open window in the running script, ; get the control handle needed for writing in $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = ControlGetHandle($__g_sReportTitle_Debug, $__g_sReportWindowText_Debug, "Edit1") ; force no closing no waiting on report closing $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug = False EndIf EndIf Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", $nOld) ; change the state of the report Window as it is already opened or will be $__g_bReportWindowClosed_Debug = False If Not $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug Then Return 0 ; use of the already opened window Local Const $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW = 0x00CF0000 Local Const $WS_HSCROLL = 0x00100000 Local Const $WS_VSCROLL = 0x00200000 Local Const $ES_READONLY = 2048 Local Const $EM_LIMITTEXT = 0xC5 Local Const $GUI_HIDE = 32 ; Variables used to control different aspects of the GUI. Local $w = 580, $h = 280 GUICreate($__g_sReportTitle_Debug, $w, $h, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) ; We use a hidden label with unique test so we can reliably identify the window. Local $idLabelHidden = GUICtrlCreateLabel($__g_sReportWindowText_Debug, 0, 0, 1, 1) GUICtrlSetState($idLabelHidden, $GUI_HIDE) Local $idEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 4, 4, $w - 8, $h - 8, BitOR($WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_READONLY)) $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = GUICtrlGetHandle($idEdit) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idEdit, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSendMsg($idEdit, $EM_LIMITTEXT, 0, 0) ; Max the size of the edit control. GUISetState() ; by default report closing will wait closing by user $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug = True Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportWindowCreate ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportWindowWrite ; Description ...: Append text to the report log window ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportWindowWrite ( $sData ) ; Parameters ....: $sData text to be append to the window ; Return values .: ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportWindowWrite($sData) If $__g_bReportWindowClosed_Debug Then __Debug_ReportWindowCreate() Local Const $WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x000E Local Const $EM_SETSEL = 0xB1 Local Const $EM_REPLACESEL = 0xC2 Local $nLen = _SendMessage($__g_hReportEdit_Debug, $WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, 0, "int", "int") _SendMessage($__g_hReportEdit_Debug, $EM_SETSEL, $nLen, $nLen, 0, "int", "int") _SendMessage($__g_hReportEdit_Debug, $EM_REPLACESEL, True, $sData, 0, "int", "wstr") EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportWindowWrite ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose ; Description ...: Wait the closing of the report log window ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose ( ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose() If Not $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug Then Return 0 ; use of the already opened window so no need to wait Local $nOld = Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", $OPT_MATCHSTART) Local $hWndReportWindow = WinGetHandle($__g_sReportTitle_Debug, $__g_sReportWindowText_Debug) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", $nOld) $nOld = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) ; save event mode in case user script was using event mode Local Const $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 Local $aMsg While WinExists(HWnd($hWndReportWindow)) $aMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) If $aMsg[1] = $hWndReportWindow And $aMsg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then GUIDelete($hWndReportWindow) WEnd Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOld) ; restore event mode $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = 0 $__g_bReportWindowWaitClose_Debug = True $__g_bReportWindowClosed_Debug = True EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportWindowWaitClose ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportNotepadCreate ; Description ...: Create an report log window ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportNotepadCreate ( ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: 0 if already created ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportNotepadCreate() Local $bExists = WinExists($__g_sReportTitle_Debug) If $bExists Then If $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = 0 Then ; first time we try to access an open window in the running script, ; get the control handle needed for writing in $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = WinGetHandle($__g_sReportTitle_Debug) Return 0 ; use of the already opened window EndIf EndIf Local $pNotepad = Run("Notepad.exe") ; process ID of the Notepad started by this function $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]") If $pNotepad <> WinGetProcess($__g_hReportEdit_Debug) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf WinActivate($__g_hReportEdit_Debug) WinSetTitle($__g_hReportEdit_Debug, "", String($__g_sReportTitle_Debug)) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportNotepadCreate ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportNotepadWrite ; Description ...: Append text to the report notepad window ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportNotepadWrite ( $sData ) ; Parameters ....: $sData text to be append to the window ; Return values .: ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportNotepadWrite($sData) If $__g_hReportEdit_Debug = 0 Then __Debug_ReportNotepadCreate() ControlCommand($__g_hReportEdit_Debug, "", "Edit1", "EditPaste", String($sData)) EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportNotepadWrite ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __Debug_ReportWrite ; Description ...: Write on Report ; Syntax.........: __Debug_ReportWrite ( $sData [, $bLastError [, $iCurEXT = @extended]} ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: $iCurEXT ; Author ........: jpm ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Debug_ReportWrite($sData, $bLastError = False, $iCurEXT = @extended) Local $sError = @CRLF If $__g_bReportTimeStamp_Debug And ($sData <> "") Then $sData = @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & $sData If $bLastError Then $iCurEXT = _WinAPI_GetLastError() Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x1000 Local $aResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "dword", "FormatMessageW", "dword", $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, "ptr", 0, _ "dword", $iCurEXT, "dword", 0, "wstr", "", "dword", 4096, "ptr", 0) ; Don't test @error since this is a debugging function. $sError = " : " & $aResult[5] EndIf $sData &= $sError Local $bBlock = BlockInput(1) BlockInput(0) ; force enable state so user can move mouse if needed $sData = StringReplace($sData, "'", "''") ; in case the data contains ' Execute($__g_sReportCallBack_Debug & "'" & $sData & "')") If Not $bBlock Then BlockInput(1) ; restore disable state Return $iCurEXT EndFunc ;==>__Debug_ReportWrite