123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432 |
- <?php
- /**
- * Created by PhpStorm.
- * 服务提供者
- * User: qissen
- * Date: 2017/6/7
- * Time: 7:36
- * 注意调用顺序,checkClientType,checkData必须先调用,才可以验证其他
- */
- namespace app\core\service;
- use app\core\model\Bank;
- use app\core\model\Cang;
- use app\core\model\CangRepay;
- use app\core\model\Channel;
- use app\core\model\HongbaoPlan;
- use app\core\model\Subject;
- use app\core\model\User;
- use app\core\model\UserAccount;
- use app\core\model\UserBank;
- use app\core\model\UserDrawcash;
- use app\core\model\UserFinance;
- use app\core\model\UserRecharge;
- use think\Db;
- use think\Log;
- use tool\Common;
- class Tongbu
- {
- private $db_config_from = [
- // 数据库类型
- 'type' => 'mysql',
- // 服务器地址
- 'hostname' => 'rm-bp1m6abztwo27gum6.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com',
- // 数据库名
- 'database' => 'goldapi',
- // 数据库用户名
- 'username' => 'sqlyog',
- // 数据库密码
- 'password' => 'Qissen111111',
- // 数据库编码默认采用utf8
- 'charset' => 'utf8',
- // 数据库表前缀
- 'prefix' => 's_',
- ];
- public function DY_user($mobile) {
- $isTongbu = false;
- $from_list = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user where card_no_auth=1 and username=\''.$mobile.'\'');
- foreach ($from_list as $k=>$item) {
- if($item['tongbu'] == 1) {
- return false;
- }
- $isTongbu = true;
- /*if($password) {
- if($item['password'] != md5($password)) {
- return -2;
- }
- }*/
- Log::info('执行了一次同步');
- $hasTongbu = true;
- //用户
- $user = User::get([
- 'mobile'=>$item['username']
- ]);
- if(!$user) {
- $user = new User();
- }
- $user['BACKUPID'] = $item['id'];//BACKUPID
- $user['password'] = (new User())->createPassword(THINK_START_TIME);//重新设置新密码
- $user['mobile'] = $item['username'];//手机号
- $user['trueName'] = $item['real_name'];//真实姓名
- $user['isAuthTrueName'] = $item['card_no_auth'];//实名认证
- $user['isAuthBank'] = $item['card_no_auth'];//实名认证
- $user['passport'] = $item['card_no'];//身份证
- $user['email'] = $item['email'];//银行卡认证
- $user['osType'] = $item['device_type'];//银行卡认证
- $user['isNewInvest'] = 0;
- if($item['device_type'] == 4) {
- $user['osType'] = 3;
- }
- if($item['device_type'] == 3) {
- $user['osType'] = 4;
- }
- if($item['level'] == 1) {
- $user['isNewInvest'] = 1;
- }
- $channel = Channel::get([
- 'code'=>$item['channel']
- ]);
- if($channel) {
- $user['channelID'] = $channel['channelID'];//渠道名称
- if($item['channel_web_id'] == 40) {
- $user['channelID'] = 59;
- }
- }
- else {
- $item['channelID'] = 0;
- }
- if($item['add_time']) {
- $user['addTime'] = Common::datetotime($item['add_time']);//添加时间
- }
- else {
- $user['addTime'] = 0;//添加时间
- }
- $user->save();
- (new HongbaoPlan())->sendUserOnRegister($user);
- //账户
- $from_account = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user_account where user_id='.$item['id']);
- $account = UserAccount::get([
- 'userID'=>$user['userID']
- ]);
- if(!$account) {
- $account = new UserAccount();
- }
- if(isset($from_account[0])) {
- $account['BACKUPID'] = $from_account[0]['id'];
- $account['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $account['money'] = $from_account[0]['account_able'];
- $account['moneyAcc'] = $from_account[0]['total_invest_interest'];
- $account['moneyFrozen'] = $from_account[0]['account_freeze'];
- $account['waitBen'] = $from_account[0]['wait_capital'];
- $account['waitInterest'] = $from_account[0]['wait_interest'];
- $account['hasInvestBenTotal'] = 0;
- $account['hasInvestMoneyTotal'] = 0;
- $account['hasRepayBenTotal'] = $from_account[0]['total_invest_capital'];
- $account['hasRepayInterestTotal'] = $from_account[0]['total_invest_interest'];
- $account->save();
- }
- else {
- $account['userID'] = $from_account[0]['user_id'];
- $account->save();
- }
- //新增银行卡
- $from_bank = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user_bank where user_id='.$item['id']);
- foreach ($from_bank as $_k=>$_item) {
- $bank = Bank::where([
- 'bankAccountCode'=>$_item['bank_code']
- ])->find();
- //用户银行卡
- $userBank = UserBank::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$_item['id']
- ]);
- if(!$userBank) {
- $userBank = new UserBank();
- }
- $userBank['BACKUPID'] = $_item['id'];//BACKUPID
- $userBank['userID'] = $user['userID'];//手机号
- $userBank['bankNameFull'] = $_item['bank_name'];//
- $userBank['bankID'] = isset($bank['bankID']) ? $bank['bankID'] : 1;//实名认证
- $userBank['bankAccount'] = $_item['acct_name'];
- $userBank['bankNumber'] = $_item['bank_card_no'];
- $userBank['trueName'] = $_item['acct_name'];
- $userBank['mobile'] = $_item['mobile'];
- $userBank['addTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['add_time']);
- $userBank['status'] = 1;
- $userBank['isDefault'] = 1;
- $userBank->save();
- }
- //新增交易
- $from_cangList = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user_due_detail where user_id='.$item['id']);
- foreach ($from_cangList as $_k=>$_item) {
- $subject = Subject::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$_item['project_id']
- ]);
- $user = User::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$_item['user_id']
- ]);
- $status = 0;
- if($_item['status'] == 1) {
- $status = Cang::STATUS_INTEREST;
- }
- else if($_item['status'] == 2) {
- $status = Cang::STATUS_FINISH;
- }
- else if($_item['type'] == 3) {
- $status = Cang::STATUS_REPAY;
- }
- //$from_recharge = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_recharge_log where recharge_no=\''.$_item['recharge_no'].'\''.' and user_id='.$_item['user_id'].' and project_id='.$_item['project_id']);
- //if(!$from_recharge) {
- // continue;
- //}
- //$from_recharge = $from_recharge[0];
- $cang = Cang::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$_item['id']
- ]);
- if(!$cang) {
- $cang = new Cang();
- }
- $cang['BACKUPID'] = $_item['id'];
- $cang['subjectID'] = isset($subject['subjectID']) ? $subject['subjectID'] : 0;
- $cang['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $cang['moneySubject'] = $_item['due_capital'];
- $cang['status'] = $status;
- $cang['addTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['add_time']);
- $cang['payTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['add_time']);
- $cang['updateTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['add_time']);
- $cang['interestBeginTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['start_time']);
- $cang['interestEndTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']);
- $cang['repayTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']);
- $cang['year'] = $subject['year'];
- $cang['ben'] = $_item['due_capital'];
- $cang['yearSystem'] = $subject['yearSystem'];
- $cang['interest'] = $_item['due_interest'];
- $cang['investDay'] = $_item['duration_day'];
- $cang['interestTimeTypeID'] = isset($subject['interestTimeTypeID']) ? $subject['interestTimeTypeID']: 0;
- if($_item['ghost_phone']) {
- $cang['isForged'] = 1;
- $cang['userID'] = 4;
- }
- $cang['osType'] = $_item['device_type'];
- if($_item['device_type'] == 3) {
- $cang['osType'] = 4;
- }
- else if($_item['device_type'] == 4) {
- $cang['osType'] = 3;
- }
- $cang['money'] = $_item['due_capital'];
- $cang->save();
- CangRepay::where([
- 'cangID'=>$cang['cangID']
- ])->delete();
- //生成本
- $cangRepay = new CangRepay();
- $cangRepay['money'] = $_item['due_capital'];
- $cangRepay['repayTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']);
- $cangRepay['reachTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']) + 86400;
- $cangRepay['cangID'] = $cang['cangID'];
- $cangRepay['subjectID'] = $subject['subjectID'];
- $cangRepay['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $cangRepay['status'] = CangRepay::STATUS_UNREPAY;
- if($_item['status'] == 2) {
- $cangRepay['status'] = CangRepay::STATUS_REPAY;
- }
- $cangRepay['repayTypeID'] = 1;
- $cangRepay->save();
- //生成息
- $cangRepay = new CangRepay();
- $cangRepay['money'] = $_item['due_interest'];
- $cangRepay['repayTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']);
- $cangRepay['reachTime'] = Common::datetotime($_item['due_time']) + 86400;
- $cangRepay['cangID'] = $cang['cangID'];
- $cangRepay['subjectID'] = $subject['subjectID'];
- $cangRepay['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $cangRepay['status'] = CangRepay::STATUS_UNREPAY;
- if($_item['status'] == 2) {
- $cangRepay['status'] = CangRepay::STATUS_REPAY;
- }
- $cangRepay['repayTypeID'] = 2;
- $cangRepay->save();
- }
- //生成充值记录
- $from_list = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user_wallet_records where recharge_no<>\'\' and value > 0 and type=1 and status<>3 and user_id='.$item['id']);
- foreach ($from_list as $__k=>$__item) {
- //用户
- $user = User::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['user_id']
- ]);
- if(!$user || $__item['user_id'] == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- //银行
- $userBank = UserBank::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['user_bank_id']
- ]);
- if(!$userBank) {
- continue;
- }
- //余额
- $userRecharge = UserRecharge::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['id']
- ]);
- if(!$userRecharge) {
- $userRecharge = new UserRecharge();
- }
- $status = 0;
- if($__item['status'] == 1) {
- $status = UserRecharge::STATUS_PAY;
- }
- else if($__item['status'] == 2) {
- $status = UserRecharge::STATUS_UNPAY;
- }
- else if($__item['status'] == 3) {
- $status = UserRecharge::STATUS_ERROR;
- }
- $userRecharge['BACKUPID'] = $__item['id'];
- $userRecharge['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $userRecharge['money'] = $__item['value'];
- $userRecharge['status'] = $status;
- $userRecharge['outerNumber'] = $__item['recharge_no'].'-'.$__item['trade_no'];
- $userRecharge['type'] = 'TYPE_BANK';
- $userRecharge['bankID'] = $userBank['bankID'];
- $userRecharge['bankAccount'] = $userBank['bankAccount'];
- $userRecharge['bankNumber'] = $userBank['bankNumber'];
- $userRecharge['bankName'] = $userBank['bankNameFull'];
- $userRecharge['addTime'] = Common::datetotime($__item['add_time']);
- $userRecharge['trueName'] = $userBank['trueName'];
- $userRecharge['mobile'] = $userBank['mobile'];
- $userRecharge['userBankID'] = $userBank['userBankID'];
- $userRecharge->save();
- UserFinance::create([
- 'mode'=>UserFinance::MODE_RECHARGE,
- 'modeID'=>$userRecharge['userRechargeID'],
- 'money'=>$__item['value'],
- 'addTime'=>Common::datetotime($__item['add_time']),
- 'userID'=>$user['userID'],
- 'status'=>UserFinance::STATUS_OK,
- 'updateTime'=>Common::datetotime($__item['add_time'])
- ]);
- }
- //生成提现记录
- $from_list = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user_wallet_records where recharge_no<>\'\' and value < 0 and type=2 and status<>3 and user_id='.$item['id']);
- foreach ($from_list as $__k=>$__item) {
- //用户
- $user = User::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['user_id']
- ]);
- if(!$user || $__item['user_id'] == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- //银行
- $userBank = UserBank::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['user_bank_id']
- ]);
- if(!$userBank) {
- continue;
- }
- //余额
- $userDrawcash = UserDrawcash::get([
- 'BACKUPID'=>$__item['id']
- ]);
- if(!$userDrawcash) {
- $userDrawcash = new UserDrawcash();
- }
- $status = 0;
- if($__item['status'] == 1) {
- $status = UserDrawcash::STATUS_OK;
- }
- else if($__item['status'] == 2) {
- $status = UserDrawcash::STATUS_ING;
- }
- else if($item['status'] == 3) {
- $status = UserDrawcash::STATUS_ERROR;
- }
- $userDrawcash['BACKUPID'] = $__item['id'];
- $userDrawcash['userID'] = $user['userID'];
- $userDrawcash['money'] = $__item['value'];
- $userDrawcash['status'] = $status;
- $userDrawcash['outerNumber'] = $__item['recharge_no'].'-'.$__item['trade_no'];
- $userDrawcash['type'] = 'TYPE_BANK';
- $userDrawcash['bankID'] = $userBank['bankID'];
- $userDrawcash['bankAccount'] = $userBank['bankAccount'];
- $userDrawcash['bankNumber'] = $userBank['bankNumber'];
- $userDrawcash['bankName'] = $userBank['bankNameFull'];
- $userDrawcash['applyTime'] = Common::datetotime($__item['add_time']);
- $userDrawcash['trueName'] = $userBank['trueName'];
- $userDrawcash['mobile'] = $userBank['mobile'];
- $userDrawcash['userBankID'] = $userBank['userBankID'];
- $userDrawcash->save();
- UserFinance::create([
- 'mode'=>UserFinance::MODE_DRAWCASH,
- 'modeID'=>$userDrawcash['userDrawcashID'],
- 'money'=>$__item['value'],
- 'addTime'=>Common::datetotime($__item['add_time']),
- 'userID'=>$user['userID'],
- 'status'=>UserFinance::STATUS_OK,
- 'updateTime'=>Common::datetotime($__item['add_time'])
- ]);
- }
- Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->execute('UPDATE s_user SET tongbu=1 WHERE username=\''.$mobile.'\'');
- }
- return $isTongbu;
- }
- public function DY_password($mobile, $password = '') {
- $from_list = Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->query('select * from s_user where card_no_auth=1 and username=\''.$mobile.'\'');
- foreach ($from_list as $k=>$item) {
- if($item['tongbu_password'] == 1) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($item['password'] == md5($password)) {
- //tongbu_password
- Db::connect($this->db_config_from)->execute('UPDATE s_user SET tongbu_password=1 WHERE username=\''.$mobile.'\'');
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }