123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324 |
- import PropTypes from '../../lib/ReactPropTypes';
- import ReactTestUtils from "../../lib/ReactTestUtils";
- import React from '../../src/May';
- import { render, unmountComponentAtNode, findDOMNode } from '../../src/may-dom/MayDom'
- var ReactDOM = {
- render: render,
- unmountComponentAtNode: unmountComponentAtNode,
- findDOMNode: findDOMNode
- }
- React.render = render;
- // import React from "../../dist/ReactANU";
- // var ReactDOM = React;
- // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/src/renderers/__tests__/EventPluginHub-test.js
- describe("ReactCompositeComponentDOMMinimalism", function() {
- // this.timeout(200000);
- var TestComponent = class extends React.Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.peekAtState("getInitialState", undefined, props);
- this.state = { color: "red" };
- }
- peekAtState = (from, state = this.state, props = this.props) => {
- props.stateListener(from, state && state.color);
- };
- peekAtCallback = from => {
- return () => this.peekAtState(from);
- };
- setFavoriteColor(nextColor) {
- this.setState({ color: nextColor }, this.peekAtCallback("setFavoriteColor"));
- }
- render() {
- this.peekAtState("render");
- return <div>{this.state.color}</div>;
- }
- componentWillMount() {
- this.peekAtState("componentWillMount-start");
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("before-setState-sunrise", state);
- });
- this.setState({ color: "sunrise" }, this.peekAtCallback("setState-sunrise"));
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("after-setState-sunrise", state);
- });
- this.peekAtState("componentWillMount-after-sunrise");
- this.setState({ color: "orange" }, this.peekAtCallback("setState-orange"));
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("after-setState-orange", state);
- });
- this.peekAtState("componentWillMount-end");
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- this.peekAtState("componentDidMount-start");
- this.setState({ color: "yellow" }, this.peekAtCallback("setState-yellow"));
- this.peekAtState("componentDidMount-end");
- }
- componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
- this.peekAtState("componentWillReceiveProps-start");
- if (newProps.nextColor) {
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("before-setState-receiveProps", state);
- return { color: newProps.nextColor };
- });
- // No longer a public API, but we can test that it works internally by
- // reaching into the updater.
- this.setState({ color: undefined });
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("before-setState-again-receiveProps", state);
- return { color: newProps.nextColor };
- }, this.peekAtCallback("setState-receiveProps"));
- this.setState(function(state) {
- this.peekAtState("after-setState-receiveProps", state);
- });
- }
- this.peekAtState("componentWillReceiveProps-end");
- }
- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
- this.peekAtState("shouldComponentUpdate-currentState");
- this.peekAtState("shouldComponentUpdate-nextState", nextState);
- return true;
- }
- componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
- this.peekAtState("componentWillUpdate-currentState");
- this.peekAtState("componentWillUpdate-nextState", nextState);
- }
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
- this.peekAtState("componentDidUpdate-currentState");
- this.peekAtState("componentDidUpdate-prevState", prevState);
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- this.peekAtState("componentWillUnmount");
- }
- };
- /*it("should support setting state", () => {
- var container = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.appendChild(container);
- var stateListener = spyOn.createSpy();
- var instance = ReactDOM.render(<TestComponent stateListener={stateListener} />, container, function peekAtInitialCallback() {
- this.peekAtState("initial-callback");
- });
- ReactDOM.render(<TestComponent stateListener={stateListener} nextColor="green" />, container, instance.peekAtCallback("setProps"));
- instance.setFavoriteColor("blue");
- instance.forceUpdate(instance.peekAtCallback("forceUpdate"));
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container);
- let expected = [
- // there is no state when getInitialState() is called
- ["getInitialState", null],
- ["componentWillMount-start", "red"],
- // setState()'s only enqueue pending states.
- ["componentWillMount-after-sunrise", "red"],
- ["componentWillMount-end", "red"],
- // pending state queue is processed
- ["before-setState-sunrise", "red"],
- ["after-setState-sunrise", "sunrise"],
- ["after-setState-orange", "orange"],
- // pending state has been applied
- ["render", "orange"],
- ["componentDidMount-start", "orange"],
- // setState-sunrise and setState-orange should be called here,
- // after the bug in #1740
- // componentDidMount() called setState({color:'yellow'}), which is async.
- // The update doesn't happen until the next flush.
- ["componentDidMount-end", "orange"],
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-currentState", "orange"],
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-nextState", "yellow"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-currentState", "orange"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-nextState", "yellow"],
- ["render", "yellow"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-currentState", "yellow"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-prevState", "orange"],
- ["setState-sunrise", "yellow"],
- ["setState-orange", "yellow"],
- ["setState-yellow", "yellow"],
- ["initial-callback", "yellow"],
- ["componentWillReceiveProps-start", "yellow"],
- // setState({color:'green'}) only enqueues a pending state.
- ["componentWillReceiveProps-end", "yellow"],
- // pending state queue is processed
- // We keep updates in the queue to support
- // replaceState(prevState => newState).
- ["before-setState-receiveProps", "yellow"],
- ["before-setState-again-receiveProps", void 666],
- ["after-setState-receiveProps", "green"],
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-currentState", "yellow"],
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-nextState", "green"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-currentState", "yellow"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-nextState", "green"],
- // setFavoriteColor('blue')
- ["render", "green"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-currentState", "green"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-prevState", "yellow"],
- ["setState-receiveProps", "green"],
- ["setProps", "green"],
- // setFavoriteColor('blue')
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-currentState", "green"],
- ["shouldComponentUpdate-nextState", "blue"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-currentState", "green"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-nextState", "blue"],
- ["render", "blue"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-currentState", "blue"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-prevState", "green"],
- ["setFavoriteColor", "blue"],
- // forceUpdate()
- ["componentWillUpdate-currentState", "blue"],
- ["componentWillUpdate-nextState", "blue"],
- ["render", "blue"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-currentState", "blue"],
- ["componentDidUpdate-prevState", "blue"],
- ["forceUpdate", "blue"],
- // unmountComponent()
- // state is available within `componentWillUnmount()`
- ["componentWillUnmount", "blue"]
- ];
- expect(stateListener.calls.join("\n")).toEqual(expected.join("\n"));
- });*/
- it("should call componentDidUpdate of children first", () => {});
- it("should batch unmounts", () => {
- var outer;
- class Inner extends React.Component {
- render() {
- return <div />;
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- // This should get silently ignored (maybe with a warning), but it
- // shouldn't break React.
- outer.setState({ showInner: false });
- }
- }
- class Outer extends React.Component {
- state = { showInner: true };
- render() {
- return <div>{this.state.showInner && <Inner />}</div>;
- }
- }
- var container = document.createElement("div");
- outer = ReactDOM.render(<Outer />, container);
- expect(() => {
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container);
- }).not.toThrow();
- });
- it("should update state when called from child cWRP", function() {
- const log = [];
- class Parent extends React.Component {
- state = { value: "one" };
- render() {
- log.push("parent render " + this.state.value);
- return <Child parent={this} value={this.state.value} />;
- }
- }
- let updated = false;
- class Child extends React.Component {
- componentWillReceiveProps() {
- if (updated) {
- return;
- }
- log.push("child componentWillReceiveProps " + this.props.value);
- this.props.parent.setState({ value: "two" });
- log.push("child componentWillReceiveProps done " + this.props.value);
- updated = true;
- }
- render() {
- log.push("child render " + this.props.value);
- return <div>{this.props.value}</div>;
- }
- }
- var container = document.createElement("div");
- ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, container);
- ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, container);
- expect(log).toEqual([
- "parent render one",
- "child render one",
- "parent render one",
- "child componentWillReceiveProps one",
- "child componentWillReceiveProps done one",
- "child render one",
- "parent render two",
- "child render two"
- ]);
- });
- it("should merge state when sCU returns false", function() {
- const log = [];
- class Test extends React.Component {
- state = { a: 0 };
- render() {
- return null;
- }
- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
- log.push("scu from " + Object.keys(this.state) + " to " + Object.keys(nextState));
- return false;
- }
- }
- const container = document.createElement("div");
- const test = ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);
- test.setState({ b: 0 });
- expect(log.length).toBe(1);
- test.setState({ c: 0 });
- expect(log.length).toBe(2);
- expect(log).toEqual(["scu from a to a,b", "scu from a,b to a,b,c"]);
- });
- it("should treat assigning to this.state inside cWRP as a replaceState, with a warning", () => {
- spyOn(console, "error");
- let ops = [];
- class Test extends React.Component {
- state = { step: 1, extra: true };
- componentWillReceiveProps() {
- this.setState({ step: 2 }, () => {
- // Tests that earlier setState callbacks are not dropped
- ops.push(`callback -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
- });
- // Treat like replaceState
- this.state = { step: 3 };
- }
- render() {
- ops.push(`render -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
- return null;
- }
- }
- // Mount
- const container = document.createElement("div");
- ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);
- // Update
- ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);
- expect(ops).toEqual(["render -- step: 1, extra: true", "render -- step: 2, extra: false", "callback -- step: 2, extra: false"]);
- /*
- expect(console.error.calls.count()).toEqual(1);
- expect(console.error.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(
- 'Warning: Test.componentWillReceiveProps(): Assigning directly to ' +
- "this.state is deprecated (except inside a component's constructor). " +
- 'Use setState instead.',
- );/**/
- });
- });