2.5 KB




MacOS 10.12 及之前版本 系统ruby的版本为2.0.0,其中有一个依赖项的最新版本需要2.2.2以上。


gem install activesupport -v



pod setup --verbose


最终执行 tns doctor 检查是否安装成功。



├── app
│   ├── App_Resources
│   │   ├── Android
│   │   └── iOS
│   ├── app.css
│   ├── app.ts
│   └── package.json
├── hooks
├── package.json
├── references.d.ts
└── tsconfig.json


tns run android
tns livesync android

tns run命令参数:

* --watch - If set, when you save changes to the project, changes are automatically synchronized to the connected device.
* --device - Specifies a connected device on which to run the app.
* --emulator - If set, runs the app in a native emulator for the target platform, if configured. When set, you can also set any other valid combination of emulator options as listed by $ tns help emulate android.
* --release - If set, produces a release build. Otherwise, produces a debug build. When set, you must also specify the --key-store-* options.
* --key-store-path - Specifies the file path to the keystore file (P12) which you want to use to code sign your APK. You can use the --key-store-* options along with --release to produce a signed release build. You need to specify all --key-store-* options.
* --key-store-password - Provides the password for the keystore file specified with --key-store-path. You can use the --key-store-* options along with --release to produce a signed release build. You need to specify all --key-store-* options.
* --key-store-alias - Provides the alias for the keystore file specified with --key-store-path. You can use the --key-store-* options along with --release to produce a signed release build. You need to specify all --key-store-* options.
* --key-store-alias-password - Provides the password for the alias specified with --key-store-alias-password. You can use the --key-store-* options along with --release to produce a signed release build. You need to specify all --key-store-* options.
* --justlaunch - If set, does not print the application output in the console.