* @copyright walkor * @link http://www.workerman.net/ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ namespace Workerman\Protocols; use Workerman\Worker; use Workerman\Lib\Timer; use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection; /** * Websocket protocol for client. */ class Ws { /** * Websocket blob type. * * @var string */ const BINARY_TYPE_BLOB = "\x81"; /** * Websocket arraybuffer type. * * @var string */ const BINARY_TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = "\x82"; /** * Check the integrity of the package. * * @param string $buffer * @param ConnectionInterface $connection * @return int */ public static function input($buffer, $connection) { if (empty($connection->handshakeStep)) { echo "recv data before handshake. Buffer:" . bin2hex($buffer) . "\n"; return false; } // Recv handshake response if ($connection->handshakeStep === 1) { return self::dealHandshake($buffer, $connection); } $recv_len = strlen($buffer); if ($recv_len < 2) { return 0; } // Buffer websocket frame data. if ($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength) { // We need more frame data. if ($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength > $recv_len) { // Return 0, because it is not clear the full packet length, waiting for the frame of fin=1. return 0; } } else { $firstbyte = ord($buffer[0]); $secondbyte = ord($buffer[1]); $data_len = $secondbyte & 127; $is_fin_frame = $firstbyte >> 7; $masked = $secondbyte >> 7; $opcode = $firstbyte & 0xf; switch ($opcode) { case 0x0: break; // Blob type. case 0x1: break; // Arraybuffer type. case 0x2: break; // Close package. case 0x8: // Try to emit onWebSocketClose callback. if (isset($connection->onWebSocketClose)) { try { call_user_func($connection->onWebSocketClose, $connection); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } // Close connection. else { $connection->close(); } return 0; // Ping package. case 0x9: // Try to emit onWebSocketPing callback. if (isset($connection->onWebSocketPing)) { try { call_user_func($connection->onWebSocketPing, $connection); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } // Send pong package to client. else { $connection->send(pack('H*', '8a00'), true); } // Consume data from receive buffer. if (!$data_len) { $head_len = $masked ? 6 : 2; $connection->consumeRecvBuffer($head_len); if ($recv_len > $head_len) { return self::input(substr($buffer, $head_len), $connection); } return 0; } break; // Pong package. case 0xa: // Try to emit onWebSocketPong callback. if (isset($connection->onWebSocketPong)) { try { call_user_func($connection->onWebSocketPong, $connection); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } // Consume data from receive buffer. if (!$data_len) { $head_len = $masked ? 6 : 2; $connection->consumeRecvBuffer($head_len); if ($recv_len > $head_len) { return self::input(substr($buffer, $head_len), $connection); } return 0; } break; // Wrong opcode. default : echo "error opcode $opcode and close websocket connection. Buffer:" . $buffer . "\n"; $connection->close(); return 0; } // Calculate packet length. if ($data_len === 126) { if (strlen($buffer) < 6) { return 0; } $pack = unpack('nn/ntotal_len', $buffer); $current_frame_length = $pack['total_len'] + 4; } else if ($data_len === 127) { if (strlen($buffer) < 10) { return 0; } $arr = unpack('n/N2c', $buffer); $current_frame_length = $arr['c1']*4294967296 + $arr['c2'] + 10; } else { $current_frame_length = $data_len + 2; } $total_package_size = strlen($connection->websocketDataBuffer) + $current_frame_length; if ($total_package_size > TcpConnection::$maxPackageSize) { echo "error package. package_length=$total_package_size\n"; $connection->close(); return 0; } if ($is_fin_frame) { return $current_frame_length; } else { $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength = $current_frame_length; } } // Received just a frame length data. if ($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength === $recv_len) { self::decode($buffer, $connection); $connection->consumeRecvBuffer($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength); $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength = 0; return 0; } // The length of the received data is greater than the length of a frame. elseif ($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength < $recv_len) { self::decode(substr($buffer, 0, $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength), $connection); $connection->consumeRecvBuffer($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength); $current_frame_length = $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength; $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength = 0; // Continue to read next frame. return self::input(substr($buffer, $current_frame_length), $connection); } // The length of the received data is less than the length of a frame. else { return 0; } } /** * Websocket encode. * * @param string $buffer * @param ConnectionInterface $connection * @return string */ public static function encode($payload, $connection) { if (empty($connection->websocketType)) { $connection->websocketType = self::BINARY_TYPE_BLOB; } $payload = (string)$payload; if (empty($connection->handshakeStep)) { self::sendHandshake($connection); } $mask = 1; $mask_key = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; $pack = ''; $length = $length_flag = strlen($payload); if (65535 < $length) { $pack = pack('NN', ($length & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32, $length & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); $length_flag = 127; } else if (125 < $length) { $pack = pack('n*', $length); $length_flag = 126; } $head = ($mask << 7) | $length_flag; $head = $connection->websocketType . chr($head) . $pack; $frame = $head . $mask_key; // append payload to frame: for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $frame .= $payload[$i] ^ $mask_key[$i % 4]; } if ($connection->handshakeStep === 1) { // If buffer has already full then discard the current package. if (strlen($connection->tmpWebsocketData) > $connection->maxSendBufferSize) { if ($connection->onError) { try { call_user_func($connection->onError, $connection, WORKERMAN_SEND_FAIL, 'send buffer full and drop package'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } return ''; } $connection->tmpWebsocketData = $connection->tmpWebsocketData . $frame; // Check buffer is full. if ($connection->maxSendBufferSize <= strlen($connection->tmpWebsocketData)) { if ($connection->onBufferFull) { try { call_user_func($connection->onBufferFull, $connection); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } } return ''; } return $frame; } /** * Websocket decode. * * @param string $buffer * @param ConnectionInterface $connection * @return string */ public static function decode($bytes, $connection) { $masked = ord($bytes[1]) >> 7; $data_length = $masked ? ord($bytes[1]) & 127 : ord($bytes[1]); $decoded_data = ''; if ($masked === true) { if ($data_length === 126) { $mask = substr($bytes, 4, 4); $coded_data = substr($bytes, 8); } else if ($data_length === 127) { $mask = substr($bytes, 10, 4); $coded_data = substr($bytes, 14); } else { $mask = substr($bytes, 2, 4); $coded_data = substr($bytes, 6); } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($coded_data); $i++) { $decoded_data .= $coded_data[$i] ^ $mask[$i % 4]; } } else { if ($data_length === 126) { $decoded_data = substr($bytes, 4); } else if ($data_length === 127) { $decoded_data = substr($bytes, 10); } else { $decoded_data = substr($bytes, 2); } } if ($connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength) { $connection->websocketDataBuffer .= $decoded_data; return $connection->websocketDataBuffer; } else { if ($connection->websocketDataBuffer !== '') { $decoded_data = $connection->websocketDataBuffer . $decoded_data; $connection->websocketDataBuffer = ''; } return $decoded_data; } } /** * Send websocket handshake data. * * @return void */ public static function onConnect($connection) { self::sendHandshake($connection); } /** * Clean * * @param $connection */ public static function onClose($connection) { $connection->handshakeStep = null; $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength = 0; $connection->tmpWebsocketData = ''; $connection->websocketDataBuffer = ''; if (!empty($connection->websocketPingTimer)) { Timer::del($connection->websocketPingTimer); $connection->websocketPingTimer = null; } } /** * Send websocket handshake. * * @param \Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection $connection * @return void */ public static function sendHandshake($connection) { if (!empty($connection->handshakeStep)) { return; } // Get Host. $port = $connection->getRemotePort(); $host = $port === 80 ? $connection->getRemoteHost() : $connection->getRemoteHost() . ':' . $port; // Handshake header. $header = 'GET ' . $connection->getRemoteURI() . " HTTP/1.1\r\n". "Host: $host\r\n". "Connection: Upgrade\r\n". "Upgrade: websocket\r\n". "Origin: ". (isset($connection->websocketOrigin) ? $connection->websocketOrigin : '*') ."\r\n". (isset($connection->WSClientProtocol)?"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ".$connection->WSClientProtocol."\r\n":''). "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n". "Sec-WebSocket-Key: " . base64_encode(md5(mt_rand(), true)) . "\r\n\r\n"; $connection->send($header, true); $connection->handshakeStep = 1; $connection->websocketCurrentFrameLength = 0; $connection->websocketDataBuffer = ''; $connection->tmpWebsocketData = ''; } /** * Websocket handshake. * * @param string $buffer * @param \Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection $connection * @return int */ public static function dealHandshake($buffer, $connection) { $pos = strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if ($pos) { // handshake complete // Get WebSocket subprotocol (if specified by server) $header = explode("\r\n", substr($buffer, 0, $pos)); foreach ($header as $hrow) { if (preg_match("#^(.+?)\:(.+?)$#", $hrow, $m) && ($m[1] == "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")) { $connection->WSServerProtocol = trim($m[2]); } } $connection->handshakeStep = 2; $handshake_response_length = $pos + 4; // Try to emit onWebSocketConnect callback. if (isset($connection->onWebSocketConnect)) { try { call_user_func($connection->onWebSocketConnect, $connection, substr($buffer, 0, $handshake_response_length)); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } // Headbeat. if (!empty($connection->websocketPingInterval)) { $connection->websocketPingTimer = Timer::add($connection->websocketPingInterval, function() use ($connection){ if (false === $connection->send(pack('H*', '898000000000'), true)) { Timer::del($connection->websocketPingTimer); $connection->websocketPingTimer = null; } }); } $connection->consumeRecvBuffer($handshake_response_length); if (!empty($connection->tmpWebsocketData)) { $connection->send($connection->tmpWebsocketData, true); $connection->tmpWebsocketData = ''; } if (strlen($buffer) > $handshake_response_length) { return self::input(substr($buffer, $handshake_response_length), $connection); } } return 0; } public static function WSSetProtocol($connection, $params) { $connection->WSClientProtocol = $params[0]; } public static function WSGetServerProtocol($connection) { return (property_exists($connection, 'WSServerProtocol')?$connection->WSServerProtocol:null); } }