* @copyright walkor * @link http://www.workerman.net/ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ namespace Workerman\Connection; use Workerman\Events\EventInterface; use Workerman\Worker; use Exception; /** * TcpConnection. */ class TcpConnection extends ConnectionInterface { /** * Read buffer size. * * @var int */ const READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 65535; /** * Status initial. * * @var int */ const STATUS_INITIAL = 0; /** * Status connecting. * * @var int */ const STATUS_CONNECTING = 1; /** * Status connection established. * * @var int */ const STATUS_ESTABLISHED = 2; /** * Status closing. * * @var int */ const STATUS_CLOSING = 4; /** * Status closed. * * @var int */ const STATUS_CLOSED = 8; /** * Emitted when data is received. * * @var callback */ public $onMessage = null; /** * Emitted when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet. * * @var callback */ public $onClose = null; /** * Emitted when an error occurs with connection. * * @var callback */ public $onError = null; /** * Emitted when the send buffer becomes full. * * @var callback */ public $onBufferFull = null; /** * Emitted when the send buffer becomes empty. * * @var callback */ public $onBufferDrain = null; /** * Application layer protocol. * The format is like this Workerman\\Protocols\\Http. * * @var \Workerman\Protocols\ProtocolInterface */ public $protocol = null; /** * Transport (tcp/udp/unix/ssl). * * @var string */ public $transport = 'tcp'; /** * Which worker belong to. * * @var Worker */ public $worker = null; /** * Bytes read. * * @var int */ public $bytesRead = 0; /** * Bytes written. * * @var int */ public $bytesWritten = 0; /** * Connection->id. * * @var int */ public $id = 0; /** * A copy of $worker->id which used to clean up the connection in worker->connections * * @var int */ protected $_id = 0; /** * Sets the maximum send buffer size for the current connection. * OnBufferFull callback will be emited When the send buffer is full. * * @var int */ public $maxSendBufferSize = 1048576; /** * Default send buffer size. * * @var int */ public static $defaultMaxSendBufferSize = 1048576; /** * Maximum acceptable packet size. * * @var int */ public static $maxPackageSize = 10485760; /** * Id recorder. * * @var int */ protected static $_idRecorder = 1; /** * Socket * * @var resource */ protected $_socket = null; /** * Send buffer. * * @var string */ protected $_sendBuffer = ''; /** * Receive buffer. * * @var string */ protected $_recvBuffer = ''; /** * Current package length. * * @var int */ protected $_currentPackageLength = 0; /** * Connection status. * * @var int */ protected $_status = self::STATUS_ESTABLISHED; /** * Remote address. * * @var string */ protected $_remoteAddress = ''; /** * Is paused. * * @var bool */ protected $_isPaused = false; /** * SSL handshake completed or not. * * @var bool */ protected $_sslHandshakeCompleted = false; /** * All connection instances. * * @var array */ public static $connections = array(); /** * Status to string. * * @var array */ public static $_statusToString = array( self::STATUS_INITIAL => 'INITIAL', self::STATUS_CONNECTING => 'CONNECTING', self::STATUS_ESTABLISHED => 'ESTABLISHED', self::STATUS_CLOSING => 'CLOSING', self::STATUS_CLOSED => 'CLOSED', ); /** * Adding support of custom functions within protocols * * @param string $name * @param array $arguments */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { // Try to emit custom function within protocol if (method_exists($this->protocol, $name)) { try { return call_user_func(array($this->protocol, $name), $this, $arguments); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } else { trigger_error('Call to undefined method '.__CLASS__.'::'.$name.'()', E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Construct. * * @param resource $socket * @param string $remote_address */ public function __construct($socket, $remote_address = '') { self::$statistics['connection_count']++; $this->id = $this->_id = self::$_idRecorder++; if(self::$_idRecorder === PHP_INT_MAX){ self::$_idRecorder = 0; } $this->_socket = $socket; stream_set_blocking($this->_socket, 0); // Compatible with hhvm if (function_exists('stream_set_read_buffer')) { stream_set_read_buffer($this->_socket, 0); } Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_READ, array($this, 'baseRead')); $this->maxSendBufferSize = self::$defaultMaxSendBufferSize; $this->_remoteAddress = $remote_address; static::$connections[$this->id] = $this; } /** * Get status. * * @param bool $raw_output * * @return int */ public function getStatus($raw_output = true) { if ($raw_output) { return $this->_status; } return self::$_statusToString[$this->_status]; } /** * Sends data on the connection. * * @param string $send_buffer * @param bool $raw * @return void|bool|null */ public function send($send_buffer, $raw = false) { if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSING || $this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) { return false; } // Try to call protocol::encode($send_buffer) before sending. if (false === $raw && $this->protocol !== null) { $parser = $this->protocol; $send_buffer = $parser::encode($send_buffer, $this); if ($send_buffer === '') { return null; } } if ($this->_status !== self::STATUS_ESTABLISHED || ($this->transport === 'ssl' && $this->_sslHandshakeCompleted !== true) ) { if ($this->_sendBuffer) { if ($this->bufferIsFull()) { self::$statistics['send_fail']++; return false; } } $this->_sendBuffer .= $send_buffer; $this->checkBufferWillFull(); return null; } // Attempt to send data directly. if ($this->_sendBuffer === '') { $len = @fwrite($this->_socket, $send_buffer, 8192); // send successful. if ($len === strlen($send_buffer)) { $this->bytesWritten += $len; return true; } // Send only part of the data. if ($len > 0) { $this->_sendBuffer = substr($send_buffer, $len); $this->bytesWritten += $len; } else { // Connection closed? if (!is_resource($this->_socket) || feof($this->_socket)) { self::$statistics['send_fail']++; if ($this->onError) { try { call_user_func($this->onError, $this, WORKERMAN_SEND_FAIL, 'client closed'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } $this->destroy(); return false; } $this->_sendBuffer = $send_buffer; } Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'baseWrite')); // Check if the send buffer will be full. $this->checkBufferWillFull(); return null; } else { if ($this->bufferIsFull()) { self::$statistics['send_fail']++; return false; } $this->_sendBuffer .= $send_buffer; // Check if the send buffer is full. $this->checkBufferWillFull(); } } /** * Get remote IP. * * @return string */ public function getRemoteIp() { $pos = strrpos($this->_remoteAddress, ':'); if ($pos) { return substr($this->_remoteAddress, 0, $pos); } return ''; } /** * Get remote port. * * @return int */ public function getRemotePort() { if ($this->_remoteAddress) { return (int)substr(strrchr($this->_remoteAddress, ':'), 1); } return 0; } /** * Get remote address. * * @return string */ public function getRemoteAddress() { return $this->_remoteAddress; } /** * Get local IP. * * @return string */ public function getLocalIp() { $address = $this->getLocalAddress(); $pos = strrpos($address, ':'); if (!$pos) { return ''; } return substr($address, 0, $pos); } /** * Get local port. * * @return int */ public function getLocalPort() { $address = $this->getLocalAddress(); $pos = strrpos($address, ':'); if (!$pos) { return 0; } return (int)substr(strrchr($address, ':'), 1); } /** * Get local address. * * @return string */ public function getLocalAddress() { return (string)@stream_socket_get_name($this->_socket, false); } /** * Get send buffer queue size. * * @return integer */ public function getSendBufferQueueSize() { return strlen($this->_sendBuffer); } /** * Get recv buffer queue size. * * @return integer */ public function getRecvBufferQueueSize() { return strlen($this->_recvBuffer); } /** * Is ipv4. * * return bool. */ public function isIpV4() { if ($this->transport === 'unix') { return false; } return strpos($this->getRemoteIp(), ':') === false; } /** * Is ipv6. * * return bool. */ public function isIpV6() { if ($this->transport === 'unix') { return false; } return strpos($this->getRemoteIp(), ':') !== false; } /** * Pauses the reading of data. That is onMessage will not be emitted. Useful to throttle back an upload. * * @return void */ public function pauseRecv() { Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_READ); $this->_isPaused = true; } /** * Resumes reading after a call to pauseRecv. * * @return void */ public function resumeRecv() { if ($this->_isPaused === true) { Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_READ, array($this, 'baseRead')); $this->_isPaused = false; $this->baseRead($this->_socket, false); } } /** * Base read handler. * * @param resource $socket * @param bool $check_eof * @return void */ public function baseRead($socket, $check_eof = true) { // SSL handshake. if ($this->transport === 'ssl' && $this->_sslHandshakeCompleted !== true) { $ret = stream_socket_enable_crypto($socket, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_SERVER | STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER); // Negotiation has failed. if(false === $ret) { if (!feof($socket)) { echo "\nSSL Handshake fail. \nBuffer:".bin2hex(fread($socket, 8182))."\n"; } return $this->destroy(); } elseif(0 === $ret) { // There isn't enough data and should try again. return; } if (isset($this->onSslHandshake)) { try { call_user_func($this->onSslHandshake, $this); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } $this->_sslHandshakeCompleted = true; if ($this->_sendBuffer) { Worker::$globalEvent->add($socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'baseWrite')); } return; } $buffer = @fread($socket, self::READ_BUFFER_SIZE); // Check connection closed. if ($buffer === '' || $buffer === false) { if ($check_eof && (feof($socket) || !is_resource($socket) || $buffer === false)) { $this->destroy(); return; } } else { $this->bytesRead += strlen($buffer); $this->_recvBuffer .= $buffer; } // If the application layer protocol has been set up. if ($this->protocol !== null) { $parser = $this->protocol; while ($this->_recvBuffer !== '' && !$this->_isPaused) { // The current packet length is known. if ($this->_currentPackageLength) { // Data is not enough for a package. if ($this->_currentPackageLength > strlen($this->_recvBuffer)) { break; } } else { // Get current package length. $this->_currentPackageLength = $parser::input($this->_recvBuffer, $this); // The packet length is unknown. if ($this->_currentPackageLength === 0) { break; } elseif ($this->_currentPackageLength > 0 && $this->_currentPackageLength <= self::$maxPackageSize) { // Data is not enough for a package. if ($this->_currentPackageLength > strlen($this->_recvBuffer)) { break; } } // Wrong package. else { echo 'error package. package_length=' . var_export($this->_currentPackageLength, true); $this->destroy(); return; } } // The data is enough for a packet. self::$statistics['total_request']++; // The current packet length is equal to the length of the buffer. if (strlen($this->_recvBuffer) === $this->_currentPackageLength) { $one_request_buffer = $this->_recvBuffer; $this->_recvBuffer = ''; } else { // Get a full package from the buffer. $one_request_buffer = substr($this->_recvBuffer, 0, $this->_currentPackageLength); // Remove the current package from the receive buffer. $this->_recvBuffer = substr($this->_recvBuffer, $this->_currentPackageLength); } // Reset the current packet length to 0. $this->_currentPackageLength = 0; if (!$this->onMessage) { continue; } try { // Decode request buffer before Emitting onMessage callback. call_user_func($this->onMessage, $this, $parser::decode($one_request_buffer, $this)); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } return; } if ($this->_recvBuffer === '' || $this->_isPaused) { return; } // Applications protocol is not set. self::$statistics['total_request']++; if (!$this->onMessage) { $this->_recvBuffer = ''; return; } try { call_user_func($this->onMessage, $this, $this->_recvBuffer); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } // Clean receive buffer. $this->_recvBuffer = ''; } /** * Base write handler. * * @return void|bool */ public function baseWrite() { $len = @fwrite($this->_socket, $this->_sendBuffer, 8192); if ($len === strlen($this->_sendBuffer)) { $this->bytesWritten += $len; Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE); $this->_sendBuffer = ''; // Try to emit onBufferDrain callback when the send buffer becomes empty. if ($this->onBufferDrain) { try { call_user_func($this->onBufferDrain, $this); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSING) { $this->destroy(); } return true; } if ($len > 0) { $this->bytesWritten += $len; $this->_sendBuffer = substr($this->_sendBuffer, $len); } else { self::$statistics['send_fail']++; $this->destroy(); } } /** * This method pulls all the data out of a readable stream, and writes it to the supplied destination. * * @param TcpConnection $dest * @return void */ public function pipe($dest) { $source = $this; $this->onMessage = function ($source, $data) use ($dest) { $dest->send($data); }; $this->onClose = function ($source) use ($dest) { $dest->destroy(); }; $dest->onBufferFull = function ($dest) use ($source) { $source->pauseRecv(); }; $dest->onBufferDrain = function ($dest) use ($source) { $source->resumeRecv(); }; } /** * Remove $length of data from receive buffer. * * @param int $length * @return void */ public function consumeRecvBuffer($length) { $this->_recvBuffer = substr($this->_recvBuffer, $length); } /** * Close connection. * * @param mixed $data * @param bool $raw * @return void */ public function close($data = null, $raw = false) { if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSING || $this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) { return; } else { if ($data !== null) { $this->send($data, $raw); } $this->_status = self::STATUS_CLOSING; } if ($this->_sendBuffer === '') { $this->destroy(); } } /** * Get the real socket. * * @return resource */ public function getSocket() { return $this->_socket; } /** * Check whether the send buffer will be full. * * @return void */ protected function checkBufferWillFull() { if ($this->maxSendBufferSize <= strlen($this->_sendBuffer)) { if ($this->onBufferFull) { try { call_user_func($this->onBufferFull, $this); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } } } /** * Whether send buffer is full. * * @return bool */ protected function bufferIsFull() { // Buffer has been marked as full but still has data to send then the packet is discarded. if ($this->maxSendBufferSize <= strlen($this->_sendBuffer)) { if ($this->onError) { try { call_user_func($this->onError, $this, WORKERMAN_SEND_FAIL, 'send buffer full and drop package'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Destroy connection. * * @return void */ public function destroy() { // Avoid repeated calls. if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) { return; } // Remove event listener. Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_READ); Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE); // Close socket. @fclose($this->_socket); // Remove from worker->connections. if ($this->worker) { unset($this->worker->connections[$this->_id]); } unset(static::$connections[$this->_id]); $this->_status = self::STATUS_CLOSED; // Try to emit onClose callback. if ($this->onClose) { try { call_user_func($this->onClose, $this); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } // Try to emit protocol::onClose if (method_exists($this->protocol, 'onClose')) { try { call_user_func(array($this->protocol, 'onClose'), $this); } catch (\Exception $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } catch (\Error $e) { Worker::log($e); exit(250); } } if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) { // Cleaning up the callback to avoid memory leaks. $this->onMessage = $this->onClose = $this->onError = $this->onBufferFull = $this->onBufferDrain = null; } } /** * Destruct. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { static $mod; self::$statistics['connection_count']--; if (Worker::getGracefulStop()) { if (!isset($mod)) { $mod = ceil((self::$statistics['connection_count'] + 1) / 3); } if (0 === self::$statistics['connection_count'] % $mod) { Worker::log('worker[' . posix_getpid() . '] remains ' . self::$statistics['connection_count'] . ' connection(s)'); } if(0 === self::$statistics['connection_count']) { Worker::$globalEvent->destroy(); exit(0); } } } }