@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#扫雷游戏。 m*n 矩阵中,不规律分布有雷"*", 每个没雷的单元格有数字显示,该单元格周围8个单元格的雷的总和。
+1) 生成含雷,和数字标识的矩阵
+ 请用户输入坐标,以及行为(点开,标雷)
+ 动作如果是点开,返回坐标结果:是雷,则显示是雷,且已爆炸;不是雷,则返回数字结果。返回矩阵
+ 动作如果是标雷,则返回标雷后的矩阵
+ 动作如果是退出,则退出游戏
+在包含本文件的目录下,命令行输入: python3 mindsweeper.py
+import random
+def creat2D(row,line,value = 0):
+ assert isinstance(row,int),'row number must be int'
+ assert isinstance(line,int),'line number must be int'
+ array= []
+ array_line=[]
+ array = [None] * row
+ for index in range(row):
+ array[index] = [value]*line
+ return array
+class mine_matrix():
+ def __init__(self,m,n):
+ # print("------this is init-------")
+ self.matrix = creat2D(m,n)
+ self.m = int(m)
+ self.n = int(n)
+ self.mine_location = []
+ self.mine_number = 0
+ self.matrix_known = creat2D(m,n,value = 9)
+ self.mark_record = []
+ def create_new(self):
+ # print('------this is create_new-------')
+ # m,n = input('please input (line,row):').split(',')
+ mine_number = int(self.m*self.n/6)
+ self.mine_number = mine_number
+ location = [(x,y) for y in range(self.n)for x in range(self.m)]
+ location1 = location
+ for i in range(mine_number):
+ location_number = random.randrange(len(location1))
+ mine_location=location1[location_number]
+ self.matrix[mine_location[0]][mine_location[1]] = 'mine'
+ location1.pop(location_number)
+ self.mine_location.append(mine_location)
+ for i in range(self.m):
+ for j in range(self.n):
+ i1_list = [i-1,i,i+1 ] if (i>0 and i <self.m-1) else ([i,i+1] if i == 0 else [i-1,i])
+ j1_list = [j-1,j,j+1 ] if (j>0 and j <self.n-1) else ([j,j+1] if j == 0 else [j-1,j])
+ if self.matrix[i][j]!='mine':
+ for i1 in i1_list:
+ for j1 in j1_list:
+ if i1 == i and j1 == j:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.matrix[i][j] +=1 if self.matrix[i1][j1]=='mine' else 0
+ return self.matrix
+ def check(self,i,j):
+ # print('-------this is check--------')
+ if self.matrix[i][j] == 'mine':
+ for line in self.matrix:
+ print(line)
+ print('you got bombed!')
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def mark(self,i,j):
+ return 'm'
+ def win(self):
+ # print('--------this is win----------')
+ if len(self.mark_record) == self.mine_number:
+ self.mine_location.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])
+ self.mark_record.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])
+ if self.mine_location == self.mark_record:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def print_matrix(self):
+ # print('------this is print_matrix--------')
+ for line in self.matrix:
+ print(line)
+ def print_known(self):
+ # print('------this is print_known-------')
+ for line in self.matrix_known:
+ print(line)
+ def operation(self,m,n,i,j,operation):
+ # print('------operation-------')
+ if operation == 'c':
+ if not self.check(i,j):
+ if not self.choice(m,n):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.matrixknown(i,j)
+ return True
+ if operation == 'm':
+ self.matrix_known[i][j] = 'm'
+ self.mark_record.append((i,j))
+ return True
+ def matrixknown(self,i,j):
+ # print('-----matrixknown------')
+ self.matrix_known[i][j] =self.matrix[i][j]
+ # print('matrix_know[{0}][{1}] is {2}'.format(i,j,self.matrix_known[i][j]))
+ # print('matrix[{0}][{1}] is {2}'.format(i,j,self.matrix[i][j]))
+ def choice(self,m,n):
+ # print('-----choice------')
+ new_choice = input('would you want to start a new game(n) or to quit(q)?')
+ if new_choice == 'n':
+ print('start a new game with the same scale')
+ self.__init__(m,n)
+ self.create_new()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def new_choice(m,n):
+ new_choice = input('would you want to start a new game(n) or to quit(q)?')
+ if new_choice == 'n':
+ print('start a new game with the same scale')
+ mine1 = mine_matrix(m,n)
+ return mine1
+ else:
+ return False
+def main():
+ m = int(input('please input m:'))
+ n = int(input('please input n:'))
+ mine1 = mine_matrix(m,n)
+ mine1.create_new()
+ while True:
+ if mine1.win():
+ print('you win!')
+ for line in mine1.matrix:
+ print (line)
+ mine1 = new_choice(m,n)
+ mine1.create_new()
+ if not mine1:
+ break
+ mine1.print_known()
+ choice= input('please input(i,j,[c]heck/[m]ark),or input "q" to quit:')
+ if choice == 'q':
+ print('you chose to quit the game')
+ break
+ else:
+ i,j,operation = choice.split(',')
+ i = int(i)
+ j = int(j)
+ op_result = mine1.operation(m,n,i,j,operation)
+ # print('op_result is {0}'.format(op_result))
+ if not op_result:
+ break